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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. Yes. I am generally happy.


    But, my hormones fight me on this constantly. So, though I am generally happy, I have frequent bouts of hormone-induced intrusive thoughts that invade my blue skies.



    This is me too. Hormones can make me very blue/depressed at times.


    I have a great dh and awesome kids. I think I struggle with my expectations of myself. I get overwhelmed easily, although not as much as I used to. If I'm unhappy, it's usually because I am dissatisfied with myself. Overall, I'm a pretty positive person (hee...I like that acronym...PPP). I try hard not to let my blue moods show through, and I try not to complain, except occasionally to dh. I will say I am really looking forward to having a transfigured body in heaven!

  2. My ds would like to get a GI Joe and when we searched on the internet at Walmart and Toys R Us we only found guys with plastic clothes. We are looking for cloth clothes, boots you can take off and on, etc. Do they only come in plastic now???



    I am pretty clueless about GI Joe, but this one appears to have cloth clothes and looks pretty cool, although it's kind of pricey.

  3. This recipe is from Penzey's magazine. I love it! Although we usually bake it rather than grill it.


    Grilled Pecan-Crusted Salmon


    2 8 oz. salmon fillets (sockeye salmon, if available)

    2 tbsp. butter

    1/2 tsp. Trinidad Lemon-Garlic Marinade or lemon pepper

    1 tsp. Herbes de Provence, Tuscan Sunset or Italian Herb

    1/4 cup brown sugar

    1/4 cup crushed pecans


    aluminum foil

    cooking spray


    Heat your grill to medium-high heat (or preheat oven to 400 degrees). Spray a large piece of aluminum foil with cooking spray. Place the salmon on the foil, skin side down. Melt the butter. Remove from heat and mix in the Lemon Pepper and Italian Herb seasonings. Brush on the fillets. Seal the aluminum foil, do not wrap tightly, leave a bit of "breathing" room. Place on the grill and cook for 6-10 minutes (or bake for 20 min), until salmon is flaky but not dry. Remember, the fish will continue to cook after it is removed from the heat. When cooked, remove from heat and open packet. Sprinkle with the brown sugar. Close the packet and the heat from the fish will melt it. Pat on the pecans and serve.

  4. I'm right there with ya. DH initially had a 5% pay cut, then it went to 10%, now it's 15%, and 20% is looming on the horizon. I was very fortunate to pick up a babysitting job for the summer, so that is bringing in a few extra dollars. Also, DH has been doing some manual labor for his dad, and getting some extra cash there.


    Things we have done so far:

    No TV

    Only one cell phone that costs $20/mo

    Shopping thrift stores for clothes, etc.

    No eating out

    Using the library for CDs/DVDs/books other than curriculum

    Buying most of my curriculum used or swapped

    Cancelling newspaper and magazine subscriptions

    Switched to front-loading washer/dryer, supposedly more energy-efficient :001_huh:

    We also consolidated all our debt into one low interest rate loan.


    Things we're looking at cutting back:

    Food budget - more beans, rice, pasta, veggies (we eat very little meat as it is right now)

    Cheaper internet and phone

    Dropping one car

    Using a solar cooker instead of the oven

    No more hair coloring for me :eek:

    Dropping other cell phone

    Also, if our income drops much lower, we will be eligible for discounted utility rates - you might check into that.



    I'd really encourage your dh to use his musical talents - either teaching or playing for pay, if possible. My dh is a part-time musician - self-taught, doesn't really read music either, but he earns decent money playing at church once a week. :grouphug: Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming :001_smile:


    I enjoy taking pictures of nature and have been trying to get some nice photos now that I am in a completely new and different surrounding. While I have yet to get a great shot of a deer or bear or any other larger animal, I have managed to get some interesting pictures of some smaller animals. This is one of my newer and most favorite shots. I've read some other posts here by people who live in areas with abundant natural surroundings. Anyone else have some nature shots to share?


    I love it!

  6. Dude. 6 weeks? :001_huh: If we could wait 6 weeks for chocolate, we'd be eating apples. And we'd be skinny. :lol:


    LOL :D I've actually gotten my coupons in about 2 weeks. I'm not sure I even dare eat chocolate. My dh is the calorie police these days, trying to get us both to lose weight. Pass the apples?

  7. Very Last Time by Alan Parsons Project

    Every Minute That I Breathe by Jana Alayra

    Somebody's Me by Enrique Iglesias

    If I Should Love Again by Barry Manilow

    Against All Odds by Phil Collins

    One More Night by Phil Collins

    In Too Deep by Genesis

    If He's Ever Near by Karla Bonoff

    This Land is Mine by Dido

    My Lover's Gone by Dido

  8. ***I'm posting this here and not on curriculum board because someone on this board mentioned it yesterday.


    Has anyone used La Clase Divertida to teach Spanish?


    I just looked at the website and watched a sample and I really like it a lot. Plus I think my 9 year old will really enjoy it.


    I am not sure what the teachers manual and student books include and whether or not it would be appropriate for a 7/8th grader.




    We are using it here. It is a very nice curriculum, IMO. The lessons are entertaining and the kids learn the words through songs and chants. There is a bit of history thrown in, and the crafts are fun too. It is aimed at younger children. I think most older kids would feel a bit silly doing the hand movements. My 6, 9, and 12 year olds all enjoy it though. The workbooks are mainly for reinforcing learning the words and having the kids practice writing them. Sometimes there are question that refer back to the history lessons. The teacher's manual has the answer key and also lists any supplies or ingredients you need for the craft or recipe. Most of the craft supplies are included in the kit. HTH.

  9. Oh, Denise, major hugs for you. I know that sense of relief and devastation. Take good care and be extra gentle with yourself for a while.


    Here's a poem for your mom:


    Gone from My Sight by Henry van Dyke


    I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side

    spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and

    starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty

    and strength. I stand and watch her until at length

    she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where

    the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.


    Then someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!"


    "Gone where?"


    Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in

    mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and

    she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her

    destined port.


    Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the

    moment when someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!"

    there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices

    ready to take up the glad shout: "Here she comes!"


    And that is dying.

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