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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. (((Shalynn))), I'm sorry. That is a lot to deal with, so please give yourself some grace to take it easy for a while. I've been reading a wonderful book called Being Well When We're Ill by Marva J. Dawn, that deals with all the emotional and spiritual issues that go along with physical illness. It is a very positive, anti-guilt book, that has let me know that all these feelings are very normal. I just thought I'd recommend it if you're looking for something uplifting.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Hey, it is as close to Yosemite as I can find! But I am from Southern Calif., and know nothing about Stockton or this college.


    I'm not super familiar with UOP, but I know it is a good school, and it's one that we'll probably consider for my oldest ds when it gets time for him to apply to college. I've spoken to UOP representatives a couple of times at college fairs and they assure me that they have lots of financial aid available, so we'll see. Stockton itself is not that exciting of a city, but I think the river/port areas are beautiful. Of course, it is hot and dry there, like all of central California. And some fog in the winter. The nice thing is that it is not too far of a drive to the Bay Area, Monterey, the mountains, etc.


    Also, have you considered UC Merced? It's more of a boonie town than Stockton, but it's also quite close to Yosemite. Smaller student body since it's a fairly new school, and less expensive since it's public not private. Just a thought.

  3. on these 3 spelling programs: Core Skills, Spectrum Spelling and Spellwell. If you have anything to say about any of these (good and bad) please share.





    I've used Spellwell with my 2nd ds for several years now. He has always been a poor, reluctant speller, but he has done well with this program. He doesn't complain about having to do spelling, and it's a good program for him because it's entertaining and doesn't have lots of busywork. It's not the most rigorous program out there, but it's a good choice for a kid who is spelling-challenged.

  4. It reminded me of a time I needed prayer a few years back. I was going in for major surgery and asked people here for prayer. I can't tell you how effectual that prayer was. All around me at the hospital (in a different city) the days I was there I felt God's grace and comfort in tangible ways.


    Anyway, I just wanted to encourage people to ask for prayer because it does work. And I wanted to encourage people that praying for others isn't a waste of time.


    Just sharing my experience and my gratefulness to this community here.



    :iagree: Yes, it is a wonderful feeling to know others are praying for you.

  5. Parents

    Better Homes and Gardens

    Good Housekeeping



    I have $200 worth of birthday, christmas, and back to school clothes in my cart and I could really use a 20% off coupon. These are one-time use though, so please only PM me if you don't plan to use it yourself.


    Thank you!!




    Barb, are you a member of paperbackswap.com? If so, or if you sign up, there is a member named Debbie B. (orchid7) who is offering that Gymboree coupon on the September RAOK thread in the Club Members' Thoughts forum.

  6. Have you read Alfie Kohn's book The Homework Myth: Why Our children Get Too Much of a Bad Thing? It's very enlightening! When I taught Spanish in a charter school a couple of years ago, I read it and then I stopped giving my students homework.



    I just read this book a couple of weeks ago - it is eye-opening to say the least.

    Heather, I would recommend you read this book if you can, and maybe you can use it to make some changes at your school. Homework is an evil invention :D

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