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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. Use some sewing chalk or marking pen for the stripes on a dark suit if you have to! :) You can make it work!


    We allowed our 6yo to watch certain episodes. Watching Weeping Angels was a mistake, though..as he still has occasional nightmares about things staring at him LOL We usually pre-watched the episodes or had friends in the UK do a quick synopsis to let us make a decision ahead of time. For the most part, most Dr. Who's are fine.


    OMG, the Weeping Angels episode freaked me out!! My SIL made me watch it, and I'll never look at an angel statue the same way again :eek:


    I just got tired of the constant changes to the privacy rules, and just how complicated it became to keep up with those changes. No matter what they tell you, it is NOT 100% private. You may think it is, but it's not. There is always a loophole...somewhere.



    :iagree: This. I've seen firsthand what people can snoop out on Facebook, even with supposedly private accounts.


    I had an account for a short time but I deleted it. It just wasn't something I could keep up with, and truly, most of the people I care about aren't active on it, so it wasn't keeping me in touch with anyone I am close to.

  3. I've been in a similar situation before (with a guy, not a gal). Just do your best to avoid ANY kind of contact. I know it's hard when you run in the same circles and have mutual friends...but DON'T answer the phone, DON'T reply to emails, sit as far as possible away from her in church. If she tries to speak to you in public, just walk away. If you engage with her it only gets worse. You can tell her ONCE - "Please stay away from me, I will not talk to you." Then, be done with her.


    It's fine to give a private heads-up to friends or your new pastor - just that you're having personal issues with this particular person and you're doing your best to have no contact with her.


    I feel your pain, truly. The guy I mentioned above has "stalked" me on and off for over 20 years. The first few months were hell...now he mainly stays on the "fringes". Just keep your cool and avoid, avoid, avoid.

  4. Hi, you sound like my long-lost twin :) I have had anxiety issues since I was a teen. I went on Lexapro 7 years ago and it has been a life-saver. I did have some side effects at first but they went away after a few weeks.


    Just recently I switched to Cymbalta because I also have fibromyalgia and it is supposed to help with the pain. It seems to be doing a good job keeping the anxiety under control as well.


    Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you. I know a lot of people besides myself who have been helped with anti-anxiety meds.

  5. I'd be frustrated too. Our library is really quick most of the time, although once in a while I'll submit a request and it just sits in the system for months and nothing happens. That's rare though.


    Do you do paperbackswap? I've gotten lots of school books through them. It's nice cause we can take our time reading them, keep the ones we like, and repost the ones we won't use again. It's pretty economical too.

  6. I would still call up the store and explain, and ask what they can do. They don't want an unhappy customer, and hopefully they will value your future business, and the fact that you can share your experience with others who might be in the market for a new mattress.


    If that doesn't work, I'd consider listing the mattress on Craigslist or a local newspaper and see if you can sell it for a decent price. If you end up buying a new mattress, there are models that have different firmnesses on each side - my dh and I have one - mine has a memory foam layer and his has a latex foam layer.

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