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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. Mint Punch

    1/2 cup water

    1/3 cup sugar

    1/2 cup fresh mint leaves

    1 cup white grape juice

    1 cup orange juice

    1/2 cup lime juice


    Warm the water until it just boils, remove from heat, add the sugar and most of the mint leaves (save a few for garnish). Stir the mixture until the sugar is dissolved. When the mixture cools, strain out the mint, add the grape, orange and lime juices, and place in the refrigerator to chill. Serve over ice with a mint leaf on top. Makes six 4-oz. servings.

  2. One of my favorites - Scarborough Fair Salad

    1 tart green apple, chopped

    1 tbsp. lemon juice

    12 oz. cooked chicken breast (I like to get a roasted chicken from the market and take the meat off)

    2 oz. slivered almonds, toasted

    2 stalks celery, chopped

    2 green onions, sliced

    1 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley

    1/3 cup mayonnaise

    1/4 tsp. ground thyme

    1/8 tsp. garlic powder

    1/8 tsp. ground sage

    1/8 tsp. dried oregano leaves

    1/8 tsp. dried rosemary leaves

    1/8 tsp. black pepper


    Toss apples with lemon juice in large bowl. Stir in chicken, almonds, celery, green onions, and parsley till combined. Mix remaining ingredients until well blended. Add to chicken mixture and toss thoroughly until evenly coated. Chill before serving.

    (From kraftfoods.com)

  3. I lean toward believing the teen - he was with his mom, and he wasn't old enough to be driving, so not like he could take the girl off in a car somewhere. I think he just wasn't mature enough to handle the situation correctly. I'm wondering if the fact that he is black is a strike against him. I'd hate to see him vilified if he really was trying to help the little girl.

  4. bluemongoose did a good job of explaining the system. Just a couple more points for future reference. You must list at least 10 books in order to open your account and receive your 2 free credits. You might want to do a search first on the books you are thinking of listing and see if they are wishlisted or not (meaning there are members waiting to order them as soon as they become available). If you list 10 (or 20 or 30) books that happen to all be wishlisted you will get a ton of requests right away - which could be good or bad :) Good because you will get lots of credits for sending them, but bad if you don't want to spend $20 or $30 in postage right off the bat. Just something to think about before you get carried away. Doing a search first will let you know how many people are wishing or conversely how many copies are already in they system.


    Have fun swapping!

  5. If yes, have you noticed people getting more demanding?


    I had a very unpleasant transaction earlier this year that really upset me. Yesterday I thought of a book I wanted so I logged on last night to request it. Just before going to bed, I saw that I had a request for a book. Since I like to make sure I actually have the book before responding, I didn't reply. This morning I went to church and just got on the computer when I got home. I saw that I had a PM at PBS. It's from the person who requested the book, saying this:




    I got the request at 10:23 PM last night and the PM at 11:27 AM this morning. 13 hours?!?! Am I supposed to sit around on the Internet in case a perfect stranger requests one of my books? Or am I being oversensitive? Now I just feel like telling this person to cancel the order and find someone else.


    I'd be royally pissed if someone PM'ed me about a book request that soon. However, I believe if they cancel it, your book will go right back to the top of the FIFO list and they will just end up requesting it from you again.


    I've been happy overall with PBS. I've had a few problems here and there but mostly only good swaps. I was able to get a lot of our school reading books for next year from there so that saved me a lot of time and money.


    Also, there is a way to put your bookshelf on hold, but not your wishlist. Go to your bookshelf, do NOT click the vacation hold - that puts EVERYTHING on hold. Just check all the boxes on your bookshelf books and then check the box on the upper right that says HOLD. That will hold your bookshelf books until you unhold them.


    And the posting rules say that yellowing pages are acceptable (unless the person has requestor conditions about that). A lot of older books do have yellow pages and I expect most people would be aware of that when requesting an old book.

  6. One of the things I do is *pick up* the food for our church's food locker. You need a pretty big van or truck to do this though probably. I go to the supermarket that donates their day-old baked goods and pick them up and deliver to the food locker. My kids come with me sometimes and help load and unload - it's a big help. We've also packed boxes of food to give out.


    My older kids also volunteer at the meals to feed the hungry. Usually they wash dishes and help clean up.


    Another thing you might do is collect toiletries and washcloths for the homeless. I like to crochet washcloths and donate them.

  7. Maybe I've just been really fortunate, but I've only encountered one or two homeschooling families with poorly behaved children. Almost all the hs families I know have very well behaved kids. Even the kids at my church, whom I like and are decent kids, have a lot more behavior problems than the homeschoolers I know. I do think parental or teacher involvement and supervision though is a must for young kids though when they're in a public situation like a field trip.

  8. Iced coffee (and reading a news article that says drinking lots of coffee is *good* for you - hallelujah!)

    Fresh corn on the cob with butter and salt and pepper

    Beautiful mosaics in a church

    Sitting on the grass, reading a book, and watching my kids play at the park

    Taking walks in the neighborhood in the summer evenings

    Pine trees under a blue blue sky

    Getting books on my wishlist at paperbackswap.com

    Getting a great deal on curriculum

    Air conditioning

    Pepperoni pizza

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