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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. She has started a blog to keep everyone informed.




    She is a friend of mine and many others on this board. I have had the chance to spend many Monday evenings sharing coffee with her and other homeschoolers. I know you would love getting to know her as well!


    So, please take some time to meet her on her blog and send her your well-wishes and prayers.


    Thank you for sharing the news, Dawn. Colleen is in my prayers.

  2. They are remodeling the Target near us, too. It has been pretty chaotic for a few weeks, but today when I went in it was much better. I think it has another week to go before it's finished. It will take me some time to get used to the new changes though. On the plus side, they seem to have a lot of extra employees wandering around and asking people if they need help finding things. Give it a few weeks and hopefully everything will be stocked up again!

  3. Our church charges $30/child, and it includes the t-shirt. I've sent my kids a couple of times, but it was really stretching my budget to do it, and the last two years I just said forget it. I don't think it necessarily has to be free, but I think $10 would be a lot more reasonable. I don't know if other churches in the area charge (ours is a Catholic church).

  4. I take Lexapro (for anxiety, though, not depression). I've been on it for 7 years and I don't regret it one bit. Quite the opposite, in fact. It has been a complete lifesaver for me.


    I have fibro, too, and the Lexapro does not seem to help with that...although I guess it's possible I would be more depressed if I wasn't on it. Anyway, I have an appt next week with the dr to see if there's something else I can try for the fibro. The pain has been really bad lately.

  5. That is a tricky situation to be in. Generally speaking, if it's not a serious matter, I will bite my tongue, and limit my time around the offending people. If it's a borderline or dangerous situation, I would say something and to heck with the friendship. I would probably try couching it first in a non-judgmental but concerned way, "You know, some people might view your child's behavior as abusive...are you concerned with the way he's acting?" or "I've noticed Johnny's behavior is escalating and he doesn't seem to be outgrowing these tendencies...have you asked your pediatrician about it?" Or "My friend had a child who used to do that and she did XYZ with him and it helped so much." Sometimes parents really do want advice or help and just don't know how to ask for it. If I thought something potentially dangerous was going on, I would say something.

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