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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. Well, phooey, I'm sorry you can't be together to celebrate. Congratulations, anyhow!


    I will tell you my funny story from earlier this week. DH and I hardly ever go out together since we are on a tight budget, but every once in a while we'll go out someplace inexpensive to eat. Anyway, I talked him in to taking me out to eat on Tuesday, and we're sitting there enjoying a nice dinner and talking, when all of a sudden he says, "What day is this? Is this Tuesday?" I'm like, yeah, it's Tuesday, so what? Turns out his music director had moved practice to Tuesday night this week and DH had forgotten all about it - so we had to run off so he could try to make it. Thankfully, I had just about finished eating, LOL. I'm glad he didn't remember a half-hour sooner, I wouldn't have had time to eat my dinner! So much for a nice relaxing evening out :tongue_smilie:

  2. The version I have is several years old, so I'm not sure if it's the same or not. Ours came with DVDs to watch, an audio CD to listen to for practice, a teacher's manual, a student workbook and craft supplies. I'm pretty sure you can order the student workbook and craft supplies separately from the vendor.

  3. I was wondering if it matters if a spelling test is done orally. My son prefers to do his spelling test orally rather than writing the words out. He usually does very well either way but I was wondering if it mattered. He is in 7th grade.


    I don't think it really matters. Whatever works for you. Spelling bees are usually oral, so why not tests?

  4. I have to go to the dentist this morning, and yes, I admit, I am a big fat chicken. I had a root canal a couple of weeks ago and now I need to go back and have a stainless steel post inserted and the crown repaired. I will shamelessly accept any hugs and sympathy :crying:

  5. My biggest issue is fibromyalgia. I believe I've had it for a long time but it's been the last couple of years that it has been more severe. I am not taking any medications for it other than Advil right now. My doctor put me on a trial of Cymbalta, but it didn't seem to help with the pain, and the side effects were bothersome, so I stopped it. I have daily pain, sometimes severe, sometimes mild. Affects all parts of me, especially my upper arms, chest and back.


    Anxiety - I have had generalized anxiety disorder since I was a teen. I am on Lexapro for this (7 years now). Doing fine in terms of day-to-day functioning.


    Sleep apnea - I use a CPAP. I still have some issues with sleep - I'm tired frequently and need naps, and then have trouble sleeping at night.


    Psoriasis - was born with this. Not so much a problem now. I treat my scalp with a prescription topical medicine.


    Plantar fasciitis (sp?) - causes some foot and heel pain. I can't do brisk walking. I need to do stretching exercises but I'm lazy.


    I used to have severe GERD too, but since I've lost some weight, that has pretty much gone away :D


    Did I forget anything? :lol: I find life very challenging at times, I admit. My motto is "Excelsior!" and I pray a lot. I would love to not be in so much pain. I feel badly that I can't do as much with home & school stuff that I would like to do.

  6. That is so awesome that you and your church are providing these services and especially helping out that woman and her dc. Yeah, I'd want to kick that guy's behind too. My SIL just went through something similar (although she at least is able to work and provide for her kids) because her so-not-dear H absolutely refused to work. I have no patience for men who act this way. Anyway, GREAT JOB - it warmed my heart to hear about all the wonderful things your church provides to needy folks.

  7. Ugh, I'm sorry, that is a lot of money to lose. Hope the Post Office can track it down - maybe it was misdelivered. I had a similar problem once. I sold some homeschool items and shipped the package via media mail w/delivery confirmation. It was marked as delivered, too, but the woman claimed she didn't get it. A week later the package comes back to me because the PO decided it didn't meet media mail restrictions. It would have been nice if they had bothered to notify the receiver before sending it back :tongue_smilie: Hope you get your money or your books back!

  8. I want to share this post that I copied off another board several years ago. It has helped me a few times when dealing with my super active, headstrong child.


    25 Good Things about ADHD


    1. Lots of energy

    2. Willing to try new things - take risks

    3. Ready to talk - can talk a lot

    4. Gets along well with adults

    5. Can do several things at one time

    6. Smart

    7. Needs less sleep

    8. Good sense of humor

    9. Very good at taking care of younger children

    10. Spontaneous

    11. Sees details that others miss

    12. Understands what it's like to be teased or to be in trouble, so is understanding of other kids

    13. Can think of different and new ways to do things

    14. Volunteers to help others

    15. Happy and enthusiastic

    16. Imaginative and creative

    17. Articulate

    18. Sensitive and compassionate

    19. Eager to make new friends

    20. Great memory

    21. Courageous

    22. More fun to be with than most children or adults

    23. Charming

    24. Warm and loving

    25. Cares a lot about family life

    (posted by Brenda/I'mabeliever)

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