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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. Thanks. Many of you say Portofino. Sparkle....interesting idea with the kid suite....can you explain what that is?


    Has anyone ever heard of the Wyndham Resorts? Bonnetcreek or others? Good or bad?




    Marriott Courtyard -the kid suite has a living room with a foldout sofabed that sleeps two, and it also has a TV and dining table/chairs. There is a bedroom with a king-size bed and its own bathroom and a TV, then another smaller bedroom with bunkbeds and an adjoining bathroom. And then a kitchenette w/fridge, sink, dishwasher, microwave, etc. It sleeps six altogether. I liked having the separate bedroom for me and dh - more privacy. The kids liked the bunkbeds and they traded off between them and the sleeper sofa. It's not a really huge suite, but we were basically only there to sleep and eat breakfast, so we didn't need a ton of room. I think Portofino has similar suites.

  2. I've used a mix of Catholic/Christian/secular sources over the years. The first few years we homeschooled we used Sonlight and replaced the Bible and missionary stories with Catholic materials. I've also used several Winter Promise programs with a few modifications. Nowadays I mainly pick and choose from a lot of various things.


    Some Catholic materials I've used and liked:

    The old (Lepanto) Voyages in English (for grammar)

    CHC's Little Stories for Little Folks

    CHC's Spellers (not my favorite but they're OK)

    Our Pioneers and Patriots (for history)

    The Old World and America (for history)

    American History (OLVS text by Goebel)

    My World of Neighbors (for geography - dated but still interesting)

    The old Faith and Freedom readers w/color pictures

    All Ye Lands (history)

    Seton 1st & 2nd grade History FYC

    Seton 5th grade Art FYC

    Seton 5th grade Health FYC

    Seton 1st grade Science FYC

    CHC's Science 2 (Science for Little Folks)

    Catholic Mosaic

    CHC's Little Latin readers and workbooks

    God Gave Me the Gift of Language (OLVS English)

    Catholic Children's Treasure Box books

    Seton Phonics 1 & 2 FYC


    and, obviously lots of saint biographies/Fr. Lovasik books/Bible/sacrament prep/catechism, etc.

  3. Traditional anti-perspirants - I like either Mitchum for Women or Suave (Suave is a lot cheaper).


    Natural deodorant - I like Weleda (it's a spray). I've tried several natural brands and this is the only one that works for me at all. It comes in several different scents. I think the rose works better than the sage, I have not tried the citrus.

  4. Introducing the Orthodox Church by Anthony M. Coniaris is a very good overview of Orthodox beliefs and practices.


    Orthodoxy and Catholicism: What are the Differences? by Fr. Theodore Pulcini is the little booklet that introduced me to the Orthodox Church and got me started on the road to conversion.


    I will also second all the books mentioned above (except the Gallatin book which I haven't read yet). They are all worthwhile reads.

  5. Stacey, this year for my 9th grader I used Notgrass World History and Holt Earth Science. The Holt is a secular text book. Notgrass is OK, but it is written by a Protestant and there are a few places that it is definitely anti-Catholic. I had to go through and edit it a bit. That said, we will continue to use it next year (American History), but I will definitely read through it first and edit as necessary. For science next year we are using SOS Biology.


    I've used All Ye Lands from the Catholic Text Books Project with my 7th grader this year. It's a good book and we enjoyed it but I feel like it is too light by itself. We used it more as a supplement, and used K12's Human Odyssey Vol. 1 for the main text. This is secular but very well done, colorful, and engaging. We are going to used Vol. 2 next year for 8th grade, along with the second half of All Ye Lands and The Old World and America (an older Catholic text). There is also a Volume 3 of Human Odyssey and I don't know yet whether I will use that for this ds when he gets to 9th or use Notgrass. I have to say at this point, HO is my favorite of the books we have used.


    I know that most Catholic programs use Apologia for HS Science. I'm not sold on it, but that's probably just me. I don't think there's a perfect science curriculum for Catholic/Orthodox homeschoolers yet, but if I find it I'll let you know :)



  6. How exciting, milovany and happygrrl! Congratulations to you both! My conversion was very quick. I started attending Divine Liturgy in Sept of '07 and was Chrismated at Pascha of '08. I came from the Catholic church, though, so not a ton of theological differences. I had some catechesis with the priest and did a lot of reading on my own, but overall it was a quick process. I knew right away it was the right move for me.

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