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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. I did Hammered Leaf Printing with my 4-H kids a couple of weeks ago.

    You need:


    Wax paper

    Fresh leaves

    Scotch tape


    100% cotton fabric in white or light color - i.e. t-shirt, floursack dishtowel, handkerchief, bandana

    2 tubs or buckets of warm water



    Gather your leaves* - the fresher the better. Each child needs 10 or 12.

    Lay down several sheets of newspaper**. Cover with a sheet of wax paper. Lay your fabric down, right side up. Arrange your leaves, right side down, on the fabric how you want them, then tape in place with Scotch tape. Cover with another sheet of wax paper. Take your hammer and hammer over all the leaves. The color will transfer from the leaves to your fabric. Remove the wax paper, leaves, and tape.


    Mix 1/2 cup of salt in 2 gallons warm water. Soak the fabric for 10 minutes in the salt water bath to set the color. Rinse in clear water. Wring and allow to dry.


    *I looked for leaves with interesting shapes, such as ginkgo, maple, violet, coleus, etc.


    **Make sure you have enough newspaper under your fabric, particularly if you are hammering on concrete, so your fabric doesn't tear.

  2. Yvette, did you order the Intellego high school Health? Has anyone? Any input would be appreciated. I liked the very abbreviated sample on CurrClick, and the Intellego site has no samples....so I e-mailed them asking for more info esp about things that could be an issue like gender roles, sexual orientation, unplanned pregnancies. We'll see what reply I get. I would like to spend a little time each year, on health issues, and the list is pretty comprehensive, from first glance. I just can't like Total Health, and found almost no reviews that recommended it in a way that appealed to what I want, although some folks really love it, and review it quite highly. Walch has a Science Literacy:Health that I like better, and it is secular, but its middle school and I'm looking more for high school. Anybody have any good ideas on Health? It would be nice to have something interesting and creative to work from, NOT a textbook.

    Thanks for any reply,



    I haven't ordered this yet, since I was thinking of using it for 12th grade. I may pick and choose among the topics, or at least give an alternate (Christian) viewpoint for some of the issues discussed. If you hear back from them, I'd love if you'd post it.

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