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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. I'm almost 44 and I get them done every 2 years at this point but will probably get them more frequently in the future. Since mammograms seem to be the best method of detection at this point, I'm choosing to get them. I will say it gives me peace of mind when I get the results saying "all clear".

  2. We made an "addition" to ours - we converted our garage to a bedroom, bath and hall. We took out the fireplace/chimney that was in the living room and made that the entrance to the garage (now hall). There are folding doors that separate the new rooms from the living room. It's not ideal, but in practicality it works just fine, and it doesn't scream "addition!". We'd like to add on another bedroom/bath to the back of our house but that will definitely be more problematic.

  3. Is there such a thing?

    I have such a problem just getting it fit into our week with my 2nd grader. Should I just try reading from a bunch of Usborne books? Or should I order an Abeka? I am so bad about this. I even made tons of lapbooks, ready to go, just fill in the blank for Animals, and haven't touched it. I'm terrible, I know!


    What do you use for Science that covers different subjects through out the year but is interesting and not too textbook-y?


    One idea is Rod and Staff's Patterns of Nature. It covers many different nature topics, and is really easy to use. There is a teacher's guide but you don't need it. This would be a Christian resource obviously, but it's not preachy.


    Another idea is The Complete Book of Science which is also a pick up and go curriculum, and covers a wide variety of topics. This is secular and quite inexpensive as well. I'd probably add in a library book or two for each section, just to fill in a bit more, but this is probably as simple as it gets :)

  4. Can you go to a homeschooling conference and check out some different curricula first-hand? I've found it to be helpful (although not essential), because sometimes I hear a thing recommended and think, "Oh, that sounds great", but when I actually see it, I know it just won't work for us.


    I also like to pick and choose from different curricula. I don't think I've ever found a single company whose curricula I loved in every subject. More likely that I choose spelling from one company, math from another, and science from a third. Even my kids use different things - for example I have 2 kids using My Catholic Speller and one using SpellWell. All four of them use different math programs. Sometimes it's a matter of trial and error. Best wishes! :)

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