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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. That sounds lovely. I think teaching is a wonderful profession, but I could never do it as a career (sounds like the reverse of what most people say about homeschooling!). You should go where your heart is and do what you think will give your life the most value. It's wonderful that your dh supports you and that you have this opportunity. What a blessing!

  2. Dh's main job is with the state government, so he is pretty secure. His second job is a bit more iffy - he is a part-time church musician and it's possible his job could get axed, in which case we would lose several hundred dollars a month in income. So far we are doing OK, but we don't have much in the way of extras. Christmas is going to be very tight this year. But I know it could be so much worse, so I am very thankful for what we have.

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