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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Not a clue, sorry. Haven't seen the Brown book although I've seen other places use it.
  2. I think Foerster sounds like a pretty good fit for that.
  3. Man, I wonder if I am the only woman ever who doesn't notice holes in underwear. Every time I visit home my mother ends up throwing most of the ones I brought with me away because of the holes. :P
  4. I used to do this all the time, but somehow I started reacting to something in the cheerios :(
  5. I do this -- and I'm never full for the good stuff.
  6. I still like raisin bread and bologna and swiss cheese sandwiches
  7. Yes, but read the GE for yourself -- many universities call themselves liberal arts but really aren't.
  8. You also might get some lube to help her learn to put one in.
  9. You might actually want to link all of the AIMath textbooks -- http://aimath.org/textbooks/approved-textbooks/ The liberal arts math one would also give great enrichment units for a talented student who is more interested in the humanities or social sciences (for example, the units on voting theory look awesome), and there are free precalculus/calculus/linear algebra/statistics ebooks as well as more advanced topics.
  10. I wouldn't get an animal without both people being on board, at least in a "as long as I don't have to smell its poop" manner. I'd have no problem spending my "me money" on an inanimate object that he didn't like, such as a giant metal chicken, but not on a living being that requires care.
  11. Yep. And it hasn't been the one-room for a long time, either. Even in my grandmother's day (born during the first world war) the cities were shifting away from it. Her family took her to the country for a year when she had just finished 3rd grade, and the country school put her in 5th. When she came back and they found out, the city school made her go back to 4th grade because she "might have missed" something.
  12. not really -- it's a rational number, which means it MUST terminate or repeat -- it's just that the period is 42 (although as far as practicality goes I agree with you 100%)
  13. If they're able to finish VT in 8th grade, yes. If not, can easily slow down. High school -- geometry, precalc, calc, stats, number theory, probability, logic, set theory, programming, multivariable calc, math for liberal arts, etc.
  14. Oh yeah, that's why I thought whoever shared it had gotten what was supposed to be divided into what reversed. Where was the unit-less answer? I didn't see that? Or did you also see it on fb? I was guessing that whoever shared it just didn't realize there were more units involved.
  15. For me, I participated because it was fun. I didn't expect to win but I was happy with a non-zero score on the Putnam. :D
  16. Well, I could see a problem such as "Jenny sold some stuff at $78.40 per kilo, and she made $2234.40, how many kilos did she sell?" or something like that. (although that would be some expensive stuff! better be made of gold or something!)
  17. What they said. There's no reason you can't perform the calculation, but it's not a reasonable calculation to do by hand. If you do 2234.40/78.40, you get 28.5 exactly. It seems that it's been swapped somehow and probably an estimation problem.
  18. I am so glad my mother has finally stopped doing this when I am driving.
  19. I like the idea of My Side of the Mountain. I do think he eats meat in there, but as I recall, there aren't animals that you grow attached to going off and dying, or scenes of gratuitous cruelty towards them.
  20. Is there a specific country you're looking for, or are you just looking for integrated? Saxon is actually integrated if you go with the classic edition. Mathematics Enhancement Programme is integrated through GCSE. The A level topics are pretty modular. It is British but based on a Hungarian program (the Hungarians are exceptionally strong in mathematics). It is free. NCERT is integrated and goes through grade 12. It is Indian. It is free. Singapore's series are generally integrated and follow the British model.
  21. I agree with yvonne 100%. Spend extra time on the chapters where she needs it and don't plan to slow down on chapters where she doesn't need it. You may find yourself wanting to be able to take some extra time on high school courses as well, and planning to not start algebra until 9th grade means that you really must complete one course per year.
  22. Somehow I missed this post, but YES. YES. YES. It's like the guy I knew in college who REFUSED to walk to the bar because that would imply he was planning to get fitshaced. So he always ended up with people having to argue him out of driving home (and once with a DUI) because he just wouldn't admit that he needed to plan alternate transportation. Would the alternative of not getting drunk have been better? Sure. Absolutely. Was he going to do that? No.
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