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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Oh, if you don't need credit for it MIT's opencourseware is free. Here's a link to their single-variable calculus for fall 2010. http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-01sc-single-variable-calculus-fall-2010/ Note, this class does start from the beginning with differentiation, but the problems are challenging enough that it's probably worth looking over them anyway.
  2. I can understand that viewpoint although I disagree with it. If you compare the relative cognitive ability and ability to feel pain of an early-stage fetus vs. an adult pig, I would bet the pig would win. It is an easy logical leap from there.
  3. Regardless, calling them 'lowlifes' is really a tad extreme.
  4. I think the best way is to have them try a practice test on each and score it yourself. I bet you can get test prep books at the library. There may be quicker and easier ways, but I would be concerned about accuracy as well -- and I think this is the most accurate way.
  5. OP, can he solve the problems if he thinks of them additively rather than multiplicatively? For example on Ex. 2, where he's earning 3 dollars a week, have you tried leading him through it along the lines of 'ok, so how much would he earn in a week?' and assuming he gets that, saying 'ok, how about two weeks? if he earned 3 dollars the first week, and 3 dollars the second week, how much did he earn together?' If he can solve them this way (obviously with single-digit numbers), I would bet that the multiplication way would start to make sense after a bit. Also, how did he do on Lesson 49? Have you gone back to Lesson 49 and related it to this?
  6. I've done this years ago and wind was definitely a potential issue. You might try it again on a still day ... I doubt your kids will complain about returning to an old science lab if that means they get to set something on fire.
  7. Yep. This is why our family was homeschooled. My mother was very pro-PS and spent quite a bit of time advocating. After several years of banging her head against the brick wall and being told 'Look, Mrs. Kiana, you don't understand. You put them on the bus, we take it from there.' she gave up and pulled us all out.
  8. I really wouldn't change it if he loves learning from it and is doing well with it.
  9. Yes it is. I do have to say, though, that I consider the police response in this case to be absolutely appropriate. They placed him on leave immediately, investigated the allegations, including searching for all the women he had stopped in traffic stops, then arrested him. They don't seem to have closed ranks or tried to cover it up or transfer him elsewhere.
  10. Starting again after a break in the middle of the curriculum can be problematic and you might need to back up a few lessons and review in order to fill him in on what he's forgotten.
  11. I'd suspect that the higher the admission standards, the less of this attitude you'd see. I have no proof. But when there are more students applying than there are places and they are generally well-prepared for college, there is less emphasis on trying to retain every student whether they have the executive functioning skills necessary or not. ETA: Frankly, I would like to run my classes more like this. However, I would also like to remain employed, and that isn't going to happen with the astronomical failure rates that being this far outside of the norm would bring. So I can either run my classes as I would like and then pass people who haven't learned the course material, or I can provide the scaffolding necessary to bring them up to my standards for a pass.
  12. I'd start out in the high school calc, and then if it's not going well drop it after the first semester and take pre-calc at the CC.
  13. A lot are also talked into choosing sterilization, or in the old days had their family choose it for them. About half of the children of people with DS will have the condition as well.
  14. I do not but I got it at Target. It's NOT this one but it's kinda similar: http://www.target.com/p/mr-bar-b-q-remote-digital-meat-temperature-gauge/-/A-14700952#prodSlot=medium_1_6&term=meat+thermometer
  15. I bake them but they do take a long time. Do you use a meat thermometer? I got this super amazingly awesome kitchen timer/thermometer. I set it to go off at a certain temperature and it goes beepbeepbeepbeep when the meat is done. I love it to bits -- it's saved me so much overdone meat because I simply forgot to check. It wasn't even that expensive.
  16. How did she do on the CC placement test? If she placed into calculus at the CC, I'd probably go with the full-year calculus class over the semester-long precalculus class. But if she didn't place into calculus at the CC, I don't think high school calculus would be a good fit.
  17. Gosh, I got told I was adopted, but they brought me back, and a bunch of other things. Off to sue my parents for traumatizing me.
  18. I don't really think that beginning LaTeX is that difficult, especially if someone else helps you with the first document -- getting the packages you want in and the formatting the way you want. I like TeXnicCenter for beginners, because of the way you can use little clicky boxes like you do in word if you forget what something you want to type is called.
  19. He's said a lot of really repulsive rubbish (although not specifically on the ethics of abortion before, iirc) over the years. It's actually sort of ridiculous, he damages his own cause as much as the WBC and similar extremist groups damage Christianity. I think a lot of people who are inclined towards atheism look at him and people like him and say "ugh, if that's an atheist, I'm not one".
  20. One big con is that it's a lot more difficult to re-sell a loose-leaf version, or keep it for future reference.
  21. It covers everything required and gits r dun. It is designed for PS students with below-average reading levels, but they are awarded a semester credit for it. It seems reasonable to me to also award a semester credit for it.
  22. It is a great way to study things you need to memorize.
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