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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I like raptor_dad's idea (either of them) quite a bit but I'd also incorporate some algebra review. If you do decide to go with algebra, I'd recommend against TT or MUS as those are not as strong as Jacobs -- a second runthrough ought to be with a more rigorous program rather than a less unless the first runthrough resulted in an utter failure.
  2. The placebo effect is really good at curing people as well. Challenging the assertion is not a specific attack on you nor your doctor. Rather, when things which are not medically accurate are allowed to stand unchallenged, people start to believe them because they read it on the internet. If it were the vibration, we would not observe a similar rate of heart attacks from shoveling snow or other strenuous activities which do not involve vibration, and we WOULD observe a high rate of heart attacks after riding over poorly maintained roads, in poorly maintained cars, riding on the train, mowing the lawn with a riding mower, or in other non-strenuous activities which involve vibration.
  3. There are a lot of very clever people who make plausible-sounding statements that have no connection to reality.
  4. Now I know why my European friends always like my recipes better than my American friends :D
  5. regarding sugar in recipes: In most cake recipes you can cut the sugar by a third. You will know if you cut it too much because the cake will fall -- so if it falls, add a little more sugar in the next time you make it. You really need to experiment a little with each recipe -- but start at a third. Some modern recipes (the ones in old cookbooks are a lot less sweet) can be cut by 50% or even more.
  6. Which is a really important thing to learn before there are really high-stakes tests coming along!
  7. Oh, if it's easy, convenient, and cheap enough I'd go ahead and do it. Check the library for recent prep books so you can make sure there isn't anything she's missing.
  8. Biggest thing that would help would be subsidies to make it easier, cheaper, and more convenient to eat plenty of vegetables wherever you live.
  9. If she finds a specific topic unbearably boring because it is so easy for her I would totally skip it.
  10. Did you give her the MM placement test or just choose grade 2 because she was in second grade? If you didn't give the placement test there's a very real possibility she's misplaced and a higher grade would have been better. If you did and she placed into 2, I'd skim through the chapter, let her tell you whether she knows it or not -- and if she thinks she knows it, work the chapter review. If she doesn't do well on the chapter review, she has to go back and do the chapter lessons, because clearly she does NOT know it.
  11. OP, you might want to update your first post so people know it's resolved.
  12. Because there is too much seriousness on the chat board at the moment for this close to Christmastime: Heisenberg goes to a marriage counselor. He says "I'm having trouble pleasing my wife. Every time I get up any momentum, she says the position is wrong. Any time I get the position correct, I can't get up any momentum!"
  13. They want to make people too afraid to send their kids to school, and however they do it is ok by them. It is because they recognize that education is the enemy of fanaticism. Heartbreaking.
  14. Yes. And send them a video of your darling child doing his song that they don't want him to do at the Christmas concert.
  15. ?!?!?!?! Why on earth would the music teacher being an inconsiderate rude and nasty jerk make you feel like a crappy mom? She's a crappy teacher! You're doing the best you can! :( I seriously would be making noises about filing for ADA violations, especially in a public school.
  16. Yes yes yes. Honestly I would bet this is a violation of the ADA.
  17. Engineering is one of the worst, as is academia if you want research-intensive (adjuncting works fine)
  18. I think that rather than a complete break I'd try very hard to do something like a regularly scheduled every-other-weekend or one weekend a month.
  19. Many health care careers such as nursing, dental hygienist. Teaching careers, especially if they have a high-demand specialty such as elementary math education or something similar.
  20. Rubbish, chocolate chips are repulsive. They smell bad and taste worse. :)
  21. Except the youngest, his kids were all at least 7 when their mother died and he started doing this. She had been homeschooling them for some time. I can absolutely see a family pulling around dad after mom dies to try and hold it together, especially if the oldest kids (who were 12, 10, and 9) were basically good kids (which they seem to be) and worked very hard to do so. I don't think that his claim that it's a good idea for every child or that it's the best way to homeschool stands up at all. I could absolutely see it working as a least-bad option for a single parent.
  22. I have never heard of kiffles, but they look *extremely* like rugelach (the first recipe I found on google had identical dough recipes), which I have made with great success. You may have already tried this, but here is what I have done. 1) The dough *must* be thoroughly chilled. You cannot roll out a lot at once or they will stick and they will never come off. 2) Trying to roll out the dough from the start is a recipe for disaster. I wad the dough into a flattened ball shape before I stick it in the fridge so that it will be sorta close to the shape I want. That way it can stay out of the fridge as little as possible. 3) I see that you're supposed to cut the dough into squares. This works best if the knife is ALSO chilled in the fridge. I cut my dough, then I put the knife back in the fridge to wait for the next batch. I have had best luck with a carbon steel knife but this may just be psychosomatic. 4) If they *do* start sticking (occasionally mine do), you can frequently get them to come off the counter with a metal scraper spatula. 5) If the last couple stick, just wad them up with your fingers and toss them in for baking anyway. Those get to be taste-tests. 6) Wash the counter with cold water and then dry it between each batch that you roll out. This again keeps the dough as cold as possible.
  23. I sure hope this isn't a JAWM, because I think that any cookie can be a Christmas cookie if you eat it at Christmas. :)
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