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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. We tend to bind them in their entirety or Part A, Part B, if they're really too big for the combs we have or can get. I'm not the biggest fan of 3-ring binders for things like that; the earlier pages always seem to get pulled out as they flip through for weeks/months. TBH, as much as I love my Arc notebook, I don't think that would work as well as proper binding in this case, either.
  2. I appreciate the irony of photographing the "in" side table (which can be stationed in front of the couch/sofa/divan/settee instead of the "out" coffee table... Because that's so different) in front of the futon... Which, of course, is out a few pics in. And, out though they may be, the webbed lawn chair is making a comeback. One of the moms at lacrosse has one and just about the time I decided she was an awesome throwback, who takes great care of her vintage chair, I saw them for sale. I'm pretty sure it was at Walmart.
  3. A friend of mine still has her Strawberry Shortcake dolls. They still smell. :ack2:
  4. That may be redundant. :tongue_smilie: OMG. Carol Burnett! I LOVE the Carol Burnett Show. Oh! The Gone With the Wind skit! :rofl: And the Tim Conway Show! Must.search.Netflix!
  5. I didn't have dolls. Well, that's not true; my mother had an unnatural need for me to love Holly Hobby. I hated Holly Hobby, but I was up to my neck in the things. :glare:
  6. LBS or JN? (I can't type it again with this dearth of accents.)
  7. I used to make cold cheese tortellini with fresh mozzarella balls, grape tomatoes, and torn basil, dressed with olive oil and black pepper. (Alas, I am now gluten free) Salad with grilled chicken or skirt steak, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and cubed, roasted potatoes instead of croutons.
  8. Excellent! Then they should definitely stay home. And, of course, you will need to stay home with them...;)
  9. Oooooh, Love's Baby Soft. It was like training wheels for Jean Nate! (That would be "Nate" w/ an e, accent aigu for the babies)
  10. I remembered them all, too! Glass, rollerball lip gloss, check! Toe socks, check! Donny and Marie, check! (SO much better than Sonny and Cher) Dorothy Hamill cut, check! I'm trying to find a sound for a telecopier. The kind that jhoop! sucked the paper in around the roller, then went chka, chka, chka as it went around. I beg your pardon. If you were a REAL fan, you would know that he loved his purple SOCKS. Not just random purple. For pete's sake. :glare:
  11. Or: (French accent) zee leftovEURS (American) in bread.
  12. :smilielol5: Ok this just made me spit on the screen. And it's a touch screen so now I have to wipe it off before it starts randomly closing stuff. (and, yeah, my mother does these things. She is not normal. ) No kidding. Just pretend to know the ages of the people you're buying for. And then ask someone at the store.
  13. I think it was actually Jiffy pie crust mix... I'd say "the little blue box" but they're ALL the little blue box, so that doesn't really narrow it down. I imagine you're probably right. I never liked pie very much, until I moved out. :D Nah. You don't have to do a full-on bread rise. Mix it, roll it, fill it. It will rise enough in the oven.
  14. snort. Slumming. :rofl: I grew up on Jiffy, as my mother cannot make a pie crust to save her life. Calzones are yeast bread, not pie crust.
  15. Ours are 150 year old pine stained walnut. They were refinished long before we moved in 13 years ago and, aside from general dulling of the finish, bear no evidence of abuse/wear.
  16. Mazda 5? No a minivan, more seats than a wagon, respectable mileage. We don't have one but, when we get to a place where we need to replace a vehicle, it will be high on our list of possibilities. I do like our Odyssey, though. My husband is probably going to roll over the 100k mark on his way home this evening, or I get to do it tomorrow :) The only non-maintenance item we've encountered was a wheel bearing that went bad recently. Not surprising approaching 100k. Our MPG is the same as Amy mentioned, though we've gotten as good as 28 highway. (good to know it stays that way!)
  17. Dear God! Pizza dough! Jiffy mix...:001_rolleyes::blink:... Tsk, tsk...Oh my...
  18. I had 3 in carseats in a Suburban with the flip-down bench. It.was.awful. We got the Odyssey. Love it still, 6 years later, as my husband is probably rolling over 100k while I type. Seriously. And I'm a car girl. If you must buy a Suburban, do NOT get a 97. It was the only year that I know that it had substandard marks in every category. Ghastly, insane things went wrong in 97.
  19. In my house, the evil, sock-stealing gnomes either need ALL the Phillips or the flathead, but whichever, they're working on the same project I am. And they like lip balm. :glare:
  20. This was the case with my childhood, as well, though we did have a few alcoholics in the bunch. The rest of the family (my dad's side, my parents, my maternal aunts and uncles, save one of the spouses) would have a drink here and there on occasions, no big deal. We went out to eat crabs when I was pregnant with the now 11yo, and I had a non-alcoholic beer with them, as did my then teen eldest daughter. It's just part of the ritual. I suspect, in the OP's context, it's also part of the ritual of the men sitting aside together at the gathering. I understand the concern, but I don't share it.
  21. :iagree: And I hate the reductionist parenting/life catch lines. If you can reduce it to one line, you've probably gone very wrong somewhere. I think my least favorite is "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!" but that's probably because my mother is a huge narcissist so, of course, it is her favorite saying / justification for getting her own way all.the.time. :glare:
  22. Hmmmm... I think pants, but that's only because I mostly live in sports bras (not jog bras) and rarely wear shoes at all. Really, though, I get that "ahhhhh... I'm off duty" feeling when I put ON my nightgown.
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