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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. Well, you know, "higher" education -like literacy and cultural awareness - is elitist, Audrey. I would send my kids to school if Obama was teaching their classes. Then, I suspect, there would be an expectation of thought. But, of course, I do aim to change society, so I'm probably not her audience. Speaking of which, did she sound like she was speaking to an empty room, or was that just me?
  2. So... Canadians recognize that freedom of speech does not mean your can scream whatever spew is running around in your brain onion passersby without intervention? What a concept.
  3. We've had similar issues on occasion and Roku customer service has been very helpful in walking us through fixing them. I'm pretty sure it's a firmware update issue. Definitely call.
  4. I'm in the "no specific age, but when there's a need" camp. (Not that I think a cell phone is ever an actual need) My oldest daughter got one when she was 16, in preparation for her having a driver's license. My younger three don't have activities where they would need to be able to contact us (we're there, or they're with other trusted adults). If they had such activities, they would have cell phones, but it's not necessary now.
  5. I'm not one to dress my small children in advertising, either. They've all had graphic tees, they just said things or have a generic image on them, though, not the latest movie or toy characters. (Ok, we have a couple vintage Star Wars t-shirts) That said, if my children want to wear fan shirts, meh. As long as they're not trying to wear something that is vulgar (e.g. "Juicy" typed across Inez's posterior) or hateful (Nazi symbology), they may wear whatever they like. Eta: I don't know who Inez is, but iPad apparently does not like the vague "one's" that I typed, and I would change it, but I'm rather tickled by the thing's preferences. So just read that as "one's", ok?
  6. I haven't read them - and I can't stand to read Twain because of the vernacular, so I can see where that would be annoying - but we've listened to all of them as audiobooks and they were great. Maybe that would be a better way to share the stories?
  7. People are so crazy pushy about whether or not you like broccoli (or, in my case, salmon... Just don't like it, despite eating it cooked in every conceivable way, and no, it's not a "strong fish" thing. I like oily fishes. I just don't like salmon) ... and that really has no bearing on their worldview. I can't imagine what it's like to grow into yourself with that kind of pressure, I'll be happy to have my children go forth as ethical and thinking people. The rest of the details are theirs to define. (And, yeah, that's a "no" on the axe-murderer ;) )
  8. Ours is around 2500 sf, but that includes the finished attic that we use as, well, an attic. So, our living area is probably somewhere around 1600. It's fine. There is room for everyone to have personal space - the boys share a bedroom, I'm talking about just being able just have space around you when you need it - and it's not so much to clean. Other than some design oddities, I think it works well with 3 kids, homeschooling, animals, and the rest of life in general. When we're empty nesters, though, I'll be looking to major downsizing.
  9. Oh! If you can find it (I'm almost positive they cross the state line) Linganore Cellars "Spicy Regatta" is a sweet red that we warm a bit, per the tasting at my local liquor store/gas station (which has an amazing selection of wines, craft beers and ciders, in addition to the standard crap-in-a-can).
  10. Yes. Pandora told me just this morning - ironically while I was working out - that Sensa will give me six-pack abs. :lol:
  11. This is me. I've decided my 40s will be my best decade ever, and I've taken the steps to make that happen. That doesn't mean anti-aging, though. It means aging well. I could get on board for new ink, though.
  12. As an American, I agree. It's embarrassing and frustrating. The expectation that one abides by the laws of one's country (state, local jurisdiction) is not persecution. It's citizenship. If you can't abide them, you change your citizenship or work to change the laws. You do not claim. You are a refugee. That's absurd, and offensive to those who are actually fleeing for their lives.
  13. I don't think my 12 year old is doomed because she read Rainbow Fairy books when she was 5. I just think they're awful on the own merits: insipid, 4.3 seconds of reading, and there are a BAZILLION of them. I baited her out of those with Spiderwick and A Series of Unfortunate Events. She's an avid reader and doesn't read complete drivel, but we were up to our necks in those $@&! fairy books for about a year. :ack2:
  14. "God doesn't speak to educated, rational thinking people..." Well, neither does the local news so that actually may make sense. Or, at least, fall in line with "the way things are done".
  15. . Tuna Beans (black beans or garbanzo, when I don't have time to cook from dry) Tomatoes of varying type: diced, crushed, sauce Black olives Pumpkin Coconut milk I buy canned things that (generally speaking) just come that way. IOW, there really isn't a viable alternative to coconut milk in a can, olives don't come "fresh", etc.
  16. Honeyville blanched almond flour is $125 for a 25# box. $5/lb. If you hold out for a coupon from Honeyville, that price will drop to $106.25 or $4.25 / lb Eat: their natural almond flour is $110 /25lbs, regular price.
  17. It seems to work like that. At least, that's what I think when I find myself with knowledge I don't want so I have to share it with someone else so I'm not alone in the knowledge... But, then, no. The curse is still there. Alas.
  18. I agree. I would think, given the geography, that she would call your mom and let the news spread from there. I don't think it's self centered so much as efficient.
  19. Hugs to you DR. It can't be easy to watch your friend giving up her will. I am very much of the camp grownups-can-make-their-own-decisions-about-relationships, but the problem with that is, when you give over control so completely, you can't get it back without getting extreme. I wonder if these patriarchal movements are the product of some seeing the secularization of our society and, looking for a reason came up with the (always clever and effective) "it's the women". Because, really, when you're looking for someone to subjugate, it has to be the women or the foreigners, doesn't it, and the foreigners have probably been ruled out in this case. Delaney, I like nag champa (in fact your inquiry inspired me to light some off) and Shisheido sticks (no wood, pure incense). I like the jewel series: not too perfumey, leaves a nice scent.
  20. Shut. Up. Soooooooo wish I was caught up. That's awesome! :D
  21. Stupid. My husband - not a girl - also thinks it's stupid, if I recall correctly, but appreciates that stupid is the point of it.
  22. I've had good success with adults with asthma using turmeric and ginger (which is more specific to leukotrienes), and following an anti-inflammatory diet. I've never tried it with a child, though.
  23. Super like! (And apologies if clicking the checkmark on the post - I'm on my phone - is actually not a "like" but some sort of board panic button or something)
  24. Yes, it does. When I click on an item, it will say "order by x time to get it <day after tomorrow>, or select next day ($3.99) to get it <tomorrow>" or along those lines. I've had, perhaps, one issue with not getting my stuff in the 2-day timeframe since Prime came about. I can't remember what customer service did about it (obviously not refund shipping, like they did the single time I did the next day and it came 3 days later), but they did do something*. *UPS does not guarantee delivery times, including overnight, from some point in November, until January. No, they don't publicize it. I discovered this when trying to track a business shipment that was holding up a customer's production line years ago.
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