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Everything posted by Ghee

  1. Here's the thing though. If people always discuss this privately, then many ways of handling an ADHD child or a child's learning disability or personality disorder might go unheard. My son has MERLD. It is a language disorder. There are precious few resources for me to get information to help him, I scour any blog entry I can find that deals with it. I have found some helpful ideas, things I wouldn't have thought of. Yes, obviously, it is a bit of an invasion of privacy. It is showing a weak part of your child. I, for one, however, am glad that some people choose to do so as it does help others. I could talk to friends, family, and even many drs all day long and get no ideas or understanding about my son's special needs. ETA - it should be said, however, that I would view a matter of fact, yet loving, and honest post in a better light than one that whines or reflects on the child negatively (my son has many issues, but I try to present him in a positive way and allow that he has hurdles....because he IS a wonderful kid. I wouldn't want anyone to think I thought he was stupid or has no potential, and the posts have to be carefully written to not sound that way because he DOES struggle so mightily in some areas.)
  2. The item that didn't ship from Amazon didn't state it required any additional processing time. In fact, I had two other items, not prime items and estimated arrival was a week or more, that have shipped already. That prime item is still "not shipped". Ugh.
  3. FedEx delivered my Amazon at 9 this morning. They are also the carrier bringing my phones. I found it odd that they got my 2 day package here, but not my overnight one. I know that is on the merchant, though.
  4. I sautéed shrimp with a handful of garlic and red onion, tossed it with quinoa. I washed that down with an unsweet tea :)
  5. I don't need exact. Thank you for the approximate measurements. I was just worried that they might be tiny and realized, belatedly, that I hadn't verified their size.
  6. Title says it all. I have some ordered, but I don't have them in hand yet. They appear to be about the size of a 3.5x5 index card?
  7. Ordered a bunch of Prime items on Amazon on Thursday evening. They all, except ONE, came today. The one still hasn't shipped. Irritated. I know, I know ... it is 2 day shipping "from the time it ships", but, if I wanted to wait a week for it I wouldn't bother with searching out a Prime item. Upgraded 2 phones with AT&T Thursday evening. It said I got "FREE overnight shipping". Fabulous. They shipped out at something like 7 am Friday morning...so far so good....except that my tracking page now says they will be delivered by Monday night. WTHeck? Uh, that is NOT overnight LOL Overnight would have me getting them TODAY, since they shipped eeeeaaaarly yesterday morning. Sigh. I'm not too fussed about it, since it is free to me either way, but why ON EARTH promise a specialized shipping method that you won't deliver on? Just say it is Priority shipping or standard shipping or whatEVER and I'll know that getting it in less time than a "standard/ground mail" package will be a "nice suprise".
  8. "Oh, no, dear. That isn't despair....that's supper!" ;) I'm seizing the weekend. I cleaned out (and by cleaned out, I mean - washed curtains, dusted all furniture, washed window sills, moved furniture to sweep and mop the whole room) one of my mother's bedrooms. I was going to do another one today, but it's Saturday :p I went to the tanning bed, made a side trip off to Dollar General (I'm redoing my deck and I've been finding cute stuff there, but you have to hit several stores so I went to the one a town over today), and I'm going to a movie later (I think). I may give myself a pedicure. I figure the funk in that bedroom will still be there tomorrow.......
  9. One of my friends just did some kind of wrap. It might have even been this kind, I'm not sure. It was done at some kind of party. She swore she lost eight inches off her waist, basically in an hour. She said the results were supposed to last for a week, and she was planning to buy several of them at $45 a pop.
  10. Oh, Joann! What a day! I hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend. You deserve it!
  11. Ours, in our condo, is burgandy. Unfortunately, per HOA rules (barf) everyone's door must look the same on the outside. However, I'm about to paint the inside portion. Not sure what color, though. I'd kind of like to bring avocado "back" ;) My mom's is brick red with these little framed out portions that are light blue. It. looks. horrendous! The paint has finally gotten so old that it is starting to peel off in strips. I'm going to redo hers, as well. I'll have to keep it brick red, as her house is painted the same color, but I will try to find something less offensive for the framed areas... I may go with a nice glossy cream.
  12. I don't do well with being "read to". I just tend to lose focus (not really in an ADD way, I don't think, but maybe :p ) Also, someone keeping up a steady stream of information doesn't give me time to digest. 18 paragraphs would leave me clueless. Can she do a) fewer paragraphs at a time (even if you do all 18 in a day, can she do maybe 6 sets of 3 or 3 sets of 6? Read, summarize, read, summarize...) and/or B) can SHE try reading them to you? I say this because I retain best when I'm OUTPUTTING the information. If I read aloud MYSELF or write it down as I read/hear it, I will almost always have a good recall of the information. I wouldn't do well with reading 18 paragraphs silently, either.
  13. Oh, I do that, too, Joann. I had a hysterectomy 4 years ago, but just a partial. It took me for.ev.er to figure out that I was having PMS weeks (and they are actually far WORSE than I'd ever had prior to surgery).
  14. Me!! Not so much a full fledged tackle, perhaps, as a feeble attempt at it :p I was hit hard by insomnia last night (4 am is about when I finally was able to nod off), so we got off to a late, and sluggish, start. Otoh, I used my insomnia to be productive - well, except that hour of BBT lol - so at least some of my "I need to"s aren't running circles in my head :) Today is a light day anyway. Spelling tests, dd finished her book and will work on a project for it, ODS will continue his. YDS will do phonics and some math, then I'm calling it a day and cleaning. It is gorgeous, though terribly muddy, outside so they can all go soak up some vitamin D!
  15. Prayers. That must be so hard for the mom. Every time I have my child tested, I wonder if I will get back results that will destroy me.
  16. Oh dear! I might need therapy (which would be another expense lol) That is so sweet. Hang on to him! My husband lives in LaLa land. Apparently, I *should* be able to clothe, feed, and educate our kids for little to nothing. He doesn't have any clue how to do that, but I'm just "not really trying" ;) Unfortunately a bunch of what I bought IS consumable. However, the teaching textbooks isn't (and that was a wad o' money right there), and I can reuse flash cards, games, and answer keys. My kids vary so much in learning style and needs that I'm not sure i could reuse everything anyway :p I do think I can reuse a bunch of the text that I bought for my high schooler, and I can reuse literature materials (but may not get through them all with the youngest). Say What!?! That is awesome :)
  17. Thanks, we've only been homeschooling for a bit over a year now. When I pulled the kids out of PS, I knew we had a lot of gap filling to do and I wasn't sure what curriculums to look at for them. I ended up only buying a few genuine curriculums and winging the rest, which has been fine, but is tiresome. I'm hoping the "already pulled together" will be so awesome that it outweighs the price. I'm SOOOO tired of building my own. It was fun, now I'm done :) ETA: I will say we were at the dr's and taking medicine once a month while in school (at least 2 of the 4 of us at any time). The kids have each been once for illness, I've been twice. ALL. YEAR. LONG. *knock wood knock wood knock wood* So that is a significant savings. Of course, they are wanting to do a bunch of extra curricular stuff next year, so that will probably mean GeRmS! Le Sigh ;)
  18. I'm almost done stocking up for next year. I just hit the payment button for Rainbow Resource (first time I've ever ordered from them, can I get my laminated homeschool mom card now? LOL) I think this is when most people start getting excited and antsy to get their hands on the BOX.... I just feel a little queasy. Good gosh I have spent some money over the last few weeks. I *am* excited to use the new stuff, I just don't want to BUY it *knees feeling shaky* I tell myself this is the same as me buying three kids worth of school supplies (that they don't use) at the beginning of the year, paying "workbook" fees, paying for supplies for classes they don't want to take/don't study or practice for (I'm looking at YOU, Miss "Let's make all the 5th graders learn to play recorder"), all of the times I paid $15 for my ONE kid to see a movie on a field trip, in a cheaply made class shirt, all of the copays to the dr and for meds for the bugs they picked up at school....... it isn't really working LOL I won't feel so :ack2: when I open up all the boxes I have coming, right?..........RIGHT?!
  19. I'm pretty sure that if my life suddenly got "un-crazy", I would have to assume that I was living in an alternate reality. It doesn't happen here unless it is something that will turn my hair gray or give me a wrinkle...
  20. Book 3 (grade 6), specifically.... I was so excited to see the OLD Wordly Wise workbooks on RR :p I have such :001_wub: memories of them from school. I don't really like the look of the 3000 program. Of course, I could find the test packets for most any OTHER level in the old program, but NOT 3. *sigh* Google has failed me, all it turns up is 3000. Surely, somewhere out there, exists a test packet for this level? If you know how to find one, please lead me to it!
  21. Ooooohh.....multiple choice is a big consideration. I don't know how I feel about that for algebra.......hmmmm.
  22. Can you explain that? Do you mean THEY show how to correct the problem vs just saying the practice problem is incorrect?
  23. There are cats in the house? We once called DTF in because we thought a child's backpack smelled like Meth. One whiff and he said, "That's not Meth. It's close to the smell, but that is CAT P***!" He said it's a common mistake in schools (ewww). When we asked the little girl if she had cats in the house, she said "Oh yes, a bunch of 'em." She said that they "Played" all over her clothes and stuff in her room (read - peed on). I would bet dollars to donuts that smell is cat urine, either actually absorbed into the clothing or just acting as an "air freshner" and attaching itself to everything/one in the house.
  24. I can verify this. My dd had these same tantrums over homework, projects, etc while in ps.. Even extra curricular (oh my word - the piano practices that went down in flames). She doesn't like to "correct" herself, she wants it right the first time, she wants to know it all without being told. She isn't interested in LEARNING to be something - she just wants to be it. It's a difficult personality.
  25. I tackled it, Jean. I brought that #$%@& to the ground....but I'm happy it's over :p It's been a long day and I'm just about ready to pack it in. I hope Thursday is a "float through" and not a "fight to the death" day ;)
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