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Everything posted by beckster

  1. They often have specials on groupon or amazon local. I get those when I see them. With the special, it is $39 for 350 negatives.
  2. We have used photobin.com and been very happy. You box up the negatives, send them off, and they scan them onto a disc for you. Then I import them into iPhoto. I have one last box to send off and then we are a negative-free house!
  3. I enjoy her books! The King's Ransom is out in paperback in a couple weeks!!
  4. I am also reading Death Comes for the Archbishop, but not because of the talk of Willa Cather (LOVE My Antonia!!!). It is the next book for ds in English. I fear I am going to enjoy it more than he will! finished this year: Treasure in the Hills The Quilting Bible Complete Guide to Quilting Genesis in Space and Time A World Without Cancer Confessions of an Organized Homemaker Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness What's Best Next The Granny Square Book Kids Knitting Homespun Bride Make Over: Revitalizing the Many Roles You Fill Seven-Minute Marriage Solution Invisibles: The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self-Promotion Pollyanna currently reading: The History of the Medieval World Trusting God How to be a High School Superstar East of Eden You're Already Amazing Christmas with Anne Death Comes for the Archbishop The Hope Chest (by Rebekah Wilson)
  5. Nope. I am considering a Jane Eyre re-read. Read it in high school. Read it again... a long time ago. Loved it both times. But can I really justify a re-read with so many new books in my TBR stacks (and I mean many, many stacks!!)?!
  6. Uh-oh. I will have to tell ds that Mortdecai is based on books. He hates watching movies if he hasn't read them first! finished this year: Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness What's Best Next The Granny Square Book Kids Knitting Homespun Bride Make Over: Revitalizing the Many Roles You Fill Seven-Minute Marriage Solution Invisibles: The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self-Promotion Pollyanna currently reading: The History of the Medieval World Confessions of an Organized Homemaker Trusting God How to be a High School Superstar A World Without Cancer
  7. Been loving reading along with you all!! Here is a rundown of last week: finished: Make Over: Revitalizing the Many Roles You Fill Seven-Minute Marriage Solution Invisibles: The Power of Anonymous Work in an Age of Relentless Self-Promotion Pollyanna currently reading: The History of the Medieval World Shyness: How Normal Behavior Became a Sickness What's Best Next
  8. That is how I read, too. I have tried to read only one book at time, but it just doesn't seem to work!
  9. Thank you for posting this!! I thought I was the only one with weird "endings". What is up with that?!
  10. Some thoughts as I have been reading this thread... I need to not "follow" the thread. Reading all the posts in email, I get lazy. I don't click through so I can like the posts. Shame on me!!! I need to post more. I have lovely conversations with you all in my head. Beginning to realized I should write them out and have them for real!! Regarding the weather... I feel guilty. It was in the 70s here today. Now, we did have some unusual snowfall last week. (The last time that happened was in 2004, and was only the third time in my life.) Typically, we hang out in the 60s during the day, and get down into the 30s overnight. Barely jacket weather. I agree about the "stillness", though. It is magical.
  11. I would also be interested! I have one doing Physics now, but also have one more to go!
  12. We have started back today... May need a second pot of coffee to make it through! Later this afternoon, we take the cats in for their yearly check up at the vet, so they are not happy, either!
  13. Hi, everyone! I joined in 2013, but fizzled out halfway through the year, and have been lurking ever since. I think it is time to jump back in again, if I may!! I have really enjoyed listening in, and my TBR pile has grown thanks to you all! I definitely want to read along in SWB's HoMW, and have a few books that are in process. Need to mull over challenge options! Currently reading... Invisibles What's Best Next Inside Deaf Culture
  14. I've lived in southern California my whole life (I'm 42). It has snowed 3 times, and this is the first time it has stuck on the ground. Two days later and we still have snow. Power was out in some areas until last night. It's been crazy, but so much fun!! Stay safe, everyone! Here's to the start of a wonderful new year!
  15. Thank you! I was thinking along the same lines... why purchase discs when Khan is free? I was just wondering if anyone thought the discs explained concepts better? Thanks for the reminder about education portal. I had forgotten about that site!!
  16. DS will be tackling Geometry next year, using Jacobs' Geometry. I am trying to decide which videos to use to supplement - Dr. Callahan, Derek Owens, or Khan Academy? Any advice?! Thank you!
  17. Add another vote for the popcorn - so good!! I may have to try the brownies. I really LOVE the brownies we make, but they take a cup of butter. I always feel so guilty! Another favorite here is to cube up a butternut squash, toss it with coconut oil and cinnamon, then roast. Yummy!
  18. I will be interested to see what others say. We used Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox in middle school. DD did Traditional Logic in high school, but I am considering Art of Argument instead for DS. We would use it next year in 9th.
  19. We have visited, and adopted a wolf at, the California Wolf Center. They are great. If you adopt a wolf, they send you pictures and updates.
  20. I have a fitbit, and you can track your nutritional stats on their website. I plan out what I will eat at the beginning of each day. 1100 - 1200 calories. 85 - 95 grams of carbs. A 40/30/30 breakdown of protein/carbs/fat. A general rule of thumb is half your weight in grams of protein. So, if you are 140 pounds, you would aim for 70 grams of protein. Just one suggestion! It will take tweaking to find what works for you!
  21. That is what we will try tonight! Thank you!!
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