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Julie in CA

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Everything posted by Julie in CA

  1. I still need to figure out how to incorporate Biblical history and perspective into History Odyssey, which is a secular program. We need Ancients level 2, but I'm hesitant to try it because I know I'd have to add extra to it somehow. What would be the most trouble-free way to supplement with a Christian perspective? Is it worth even trying? Thanks, Julie
  2. We had 7 of us in 1000 sq.ft. that amounts to about 142' per person. Waaay too small. Now we have 7 of us in 2900 sq.ft. that amounts to about 414' per person. This house has *plenty* of room for us, and we could pretty easily fit another 1-2 people without much fuss. I'd guess that about 360' per person would be just right.
  3. Our 5 kids all work to varying degrees. They have farm work for which they don't get formal payment, but my dh occasionally drops them $100 or so. The oldest one babysits, the next oldest operates heavy equipment for a trucking company, the 14yo doesn't earn much, the 12yo babysits for relatives, and the 10yo doesn't earn much yet. We decided in the beginning that it would be a good idea to set a routine for dealing with money. The kids give 10% to the church, and they are truly delighted to do so. We've set the example for that, and they really like having their own money to put in the plate. Another 10-20% is money that they can "blow" or save, whichever they prefer, and the rest goes into their savings account at the bank. Our oldest son has a car (a $1000 car that he bought himself), and now when he earns money he's welcome to take a portion of what he'd ordinarily put in savings and put it towards fixing/maintaining his car. So far, so good. They all seem to have a relatively healthy attitude regarding money, and find joy in all of the various components involved: giving, saving, and using the rest wisely while still having a bit of fun.
  4. Yep, Penny, I figured you just must have forgotten. Isn't it nice to have the extra features on this board? :-)
  5. My kid would be out of there *today*. I want my children to value themselves as created by God and deserving of common decency and respect. If he has asked for help from management, and received none, I would feel absolutely no responsibility to struggle along with it for 2 weeks more. Management may feel the "sting" a bit more if he leaves them with a bigger impression of why he left. I'd also do as others have suggested and write the owner or parent company. In my opinion, there is a difference between behaving responsibly and morally, and allowing yourself to be mistreated. There are times in life when we all have to sit back and "take it." I just don't think this is one of those times. If your ds were a grown man, and leaving a job abruptly would cause damage to his family and reputation, he might have to suck it up as one of the necessities of life. A teen job just doesn't seem like one of those times, to me.
  6. I feel your pain! My in-laws are very dear to me, but they just don't have the same sense of boundaries that I was raised with. I'm so glad they're bringing you good stuff! Chocolate does ease any kind of discomfort, I think :D. Can you really *gush* over how much you appreciate your fil's method, when they are both around? That might help (?). Maybe not, but it's worth a try. Oh, and happy anniversary! :party:
  7. Penny...I'm sure you didn't mean this to sound rude, just wanted to mention that it might be more polite (if you feel you absolutely must comment on someone's grammar in an open forum) to send a private message. You probably sounded harsher than you meant to...I didn't pm you about this because I want the poster you were quoting to feel supported. Thanks, Julie :001_smile:
  8. My two middle boys (14 & 15 1/2) are with my dh's family for 2-3 weeks. The older one calls me every day, and the younger one has only called me once in the last week. It's all ok with me. Their personalities are just different. One of them really wants the...reassurance maybe, that things are the same between us as they've always been, even though he's far away. The other is "trying on some big boy clothes" so to speak. He's not being rebellious or mean, he just doesn't need the reassurance of talking to me often. Both ways are GREAT! I'm excited that one of them still wants to talk to me for a minute daily, and equally excited that the other has grown towards adulthood to the extent that he doesn't *need* to talk to me as often. Now, I've got to say that I'd come down *hard* on anything I perceived as rudeness, and that kid would hear it from me. Perhaps he needs the idea that he will have to come home if he's not mature enough to treat family well.....including his Mom. Otherwise, can you look at the bright side? 'Cause there *is* one :) Blessings, Julie
  9. If there's a Craigslist in your area, or if there's a small-town newspaper with inexpensive classified ads, post an ad: "Growing family looking for unpicked fruit. We will pick your tree for you if you don't mind sharing just a bit of the harvest with us." (or something like that). Then, make sure you learn how to properly preserve (either by canning or freezing) what you've picked. If no one responds to your ad, the next place to try would be a local senior center or local churches. Definitely make it clear that you will pick fruit for the owner of the tree, in return for just a fraction of the harvest, and that it will be to feed your own family, not to sell. Leave a half-size hand-printed flyer at each place you visit, so that they have your number, but realize you're not a slick professional looking to take advantage of them. There is wasted fruit on trees in every town, you just have to find it. Once you've "cultivated" a few sources, keep their names/numbers on your calendar in the right season, so that next year in June you call the person with an apricot tree, next year in July you call the person with a peach tree, etc. It sounds like a bit of work in the beginning, and it is, but has financial benefits that will start immediately and last many years. As a happy side effect, you can often meet some REALLY nice folks this way!
  10. I {heart} Dave Ramsey! Really, it's ok...my dh knows all about my feelings for Dave.......actually, he loves him too, or at least what he's done for our personal finances! :D You could check out one of his books from the library, or look up where to listen to his radio show (or do both). There really is hope, and a way out of this, and he's really good imo at helping you find peace while you work on it. Don't stress--you'll feel *so* much better when you have a plan! Blessings, Julie
  11. It's pretty much the same thing, I think, but with FOOD! It's cooking, rather than clothing design. :)
  12. My prayers are with you and your daughter. I hope the doctors can figure out the problem soon. Have they checked for West Nile Virus? My dear friend had similar symptoms to your dd, and it turned out to be WNV. Obviously I'm as far from an expert as can be, but I'm throwing the idea out, just in case.
  13. Even though reality tv shows just aren't my "thing", my dc and I really love The Next Food Network Star! If you watch it, who do you like the best?
  14. Walch Publishing has quite a few resources for the situation you're describing. They have lots of sample pages on their website, too.
  15. My favorites are the balance games: table tilt, ski jump, and the bubble game (which you probably haven't unlocked yet). I also love the hula hooping and the jogging. Have fun!
  16. You could do what my mil did--wait until her sons (7 of them) became teenagers and discovered girls! She says that after that, even the least mannerly of them all because angels at the table. :D:lol::D Okay, okay...I realize that wasn't very helpful, but still.....:D
  17. I haven't looked at it yet, but Dave Ramsey recommends it, so I'll probably look in to it in the near future.
  18. No, and no. (For *all* the reasons others have already mentioned.)
  19. I'm a cheese addict :D but I've been trying to limit fat/calories. One thing I've done is switch to 2% sharp cheddar. It's lower fat, still melts, and because it's sharp cheddar over mild or medium, a little bit has a lot of flavor.
  20. I guess maybe it's because I'm very close to the stereotypical image, sans the denim jumper. I have 5 children (definitely sets me apart from my neighbors, right from the start), my boys wear their hair short, my girls love homemade dresses, they do follow me through the store (mostly without fighting, and with good manners, oh...and nice shoes:D), and I have been told many, many times that my facial expression is one of peace, except when I'm under *extreme* stress. I am homeschooling for pretty much the reasons he describes, and while I don't feel critical of those who send their kids to public school, I do completely reject the values that are taught there. Yep, by my throwback to a "Little House on the Dairy" lifestyle (get it, see my sig. line :D) I'm alternately considered either a completely naive hick, or an anti-government whack-o. That's ok with me. I understand that people who don't fit in with the stereotype he describes may feel uncomfortable with being classified that way, but overall I think his tone towards homeschoolers was very positive.
  21. I'm just really sorry that's going on for you! I'd probably call the doc about it.
  22. I have soap scum that just will not come off *no matter what* I try. I've tried: Dow Scrubbing Bubbles Kaboom Tilex Soap Scum Toilet bowl cleaner (it wasn't me, it really wasn't! :D) bleach Nothing is taking this off. I have a cultured marble shower. I'm ready to try sandpaper....or a jackhammer :cursing: Is there something else I should try?
  23. I do catering, but usually business lunches for adults, so the amounts would go up if you're talking about a very social event with family/kids. For 60-70 people, I'd probably do 5 gallons of iced tea, unlimited water (from tap if it tastes ok, but I'd add a twist of lemon in the pitcher/container), and about 80 sodas (ratio of 3 diet/1 reg). I was surprised, at first, that I need 3 times as much diet soda as regular, but again, I'm figuring it for mostly adults. If there's kids, that'll obviously tip the soda consumption away from diet and towards reg.) Honestly, I usually try to steer people away from sodas at all, and offer water, iced tea, and lemonade, all in large decorative glass jugs with dispensers. If you decide to go with the soda, I don't think those numbers are necessarily out of line, and as someone else mentioned, you can return any unopened cases later. Have fun! :)
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