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Everything posted by susankhan

  1. I honestly think we ALL learn in different ways! When I use to teach I would teach to ALL styles such as visual, auditory, etc. An example would be when I taught earth science I would first introduce the topic such as layers of the earth and show the class the layers and have them repeat. I would then use songs, games, readings, diagrams, videos etc. to extend. I would also add lots of hands on projects and continue to explore the topic . When testing I had students who would totally FREEZE and get most answers WRONG. For these students I would take them aside and talk to them about what was on the test. 99 percent of the time they would verbally PASS with an A. By doing this the students were able to eventually take a written test and PASS. Teaching ONE way does not work in my experience as a teacher :) Now if we are talking about teaching STYLES then that is a whole different thing :) I think again all teachers can have a so called different STYLE :)
  2. http://www.layers-of-learning.com/ can use it for all ages if need be.
  3. We like videos as well to go along. We use some of Mr Parrs Science Songs https://www.youtube.com/user/ParrMr/videos http://www.neok12.com/ has some and as well as http://www.mrdonn.org/videoclips.html. I try to teach to all learning styles :) These are all FREE
  4. multiplication.com and they have free drills as well as games
  5. No I have not read it but I will do so :) Thank you for this information...
  6. I had my 9 year old take the CLE math placement test. She is currently studying MM level 3. I had her take levels 3 and 4. Surprisingly she got all the materials that we covered with MM correct and those that we did not cover wrong. How come then when we do the review for MM or tests she does not do well but she got the material correct with CLE??? MM questions seemed way more advanced or is this just me seeing it this way??? Thank you all again...
  7. I like MM, but my kids do not care for it. They say it is too hard. When my 9 year old comes to something challenging she pouts and becomes so frustrated. I must state though this is how she is with ANYTHING difficult. My 11 year old says his brain hurts after doing a lesson lol... Sometimes in level 6 I also become lost and pull my hair out trying to figure out the problems. I would say math is my weakness.
  8. My children are doing level 3 and 6 in MM. It seems as if they need review in almost everything. My 9 year old is still working on basic math facts and memorization. We do it daily and SLOWLY she is getting her multiplication facts memorized (3 years later). My 11 year old had all his facts solid and now he is just forgetting them :( As far as the other concepts learned they will understand at the time of instruction but a few weeks later poof it is gone. Thank you for the suggestions above I will try to make my own spiral review :)
  9. Ok, so I thought my kids needed a mastery program with math and now I am finding out how WRONG I was. I really thought that it was a great fit. Now when I go to review topics with my kids they don't remember !!!!!!!!!! What should I do ??? We are using MM as our spine for both and for my 11 year old we are using grade 6 ck12 book and other sources here and there. Should I switch to a spiral program ? It is mid year so is it a bad thing to switch over now?
  10. I honestly have no idea how they operate :( I should probably look into that. I thought it was kind of like a netflix idea memership with books etc... Now that I search through the site the downloads are endless such as singapore math, tons of other curriculum... I don't know .. Maybe others can chime in and let us know.
  11. They also have Math mammoth !!!!!!! Cool.... lol
  12. I signed up for the trial membership and I am in LOVE. It is 8.99 per month for unlimited books. Not only is this great for reading but they offer a TON of workbooks and educational books as well such as Evan moor and other publishers !!! You can use on tablets, computer, phone, ipads etc..... I spend more on this per week on gas getting back and forth to the library :) scribd.com Would love to hear if others have tried this. Susan Khan
  13. Hunter, you amaze me more and more each day! I love the fact that these texts have "try me exercises" they seem like they could work well with MANY different learning styles. Feeling so blessed to have you contributing to this homeschool community.... Huge thank you Susan Khan
  14. Do these texts follow the same grade U.S levels ( I is grade 1, II is grade 2, III is grade 3 ??? ) Thank you for the review.
  15. Thank you EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be getting my money back at some point lol.. In the mean time all these suggestions are great and will be of use.
  16. I got a box in shrink wrap looking brand new. Inside was everything even the activation code. Crazy how good these people can make these knock offs. When activation code did not work I called Rosetta stone and they said it was from an unauthorized seller and was not the real thing.
  17. No I can not return it . I was dumb and bought it online not from Rosetta Stone. I am trying to get my money back .
  18. I just bought a Rosetta Stone spanish Latin America 1-5 set and got SCAMMED !!!!!!!!! I am feeling so stupid this happened :( Does anyone have any advice on ANOTHER program that is not so much money or free as we just put a lot into a program we can not use
  19. How is this going with everyone ? We are still in unit 1-2 as kids are loving Egypt and Astronomy. We started this over one month ago lol. Just wondering how others are doing and if they are enjoying it as much as we are :)
  20. Are you going to use any of the ck12.org books?
  21. The good old orange line :) I was born and raised in MA. The bitter cold Boston gets I can TOTALLY relate to. Love the pic...
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