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Everything posted by Diannab

  1. Well, I have to say I understand. I honestly, don't think N.O is ready for this type / size of hit. No way. I don't care if they say they are. I just. don't.say.it. UGH! I feel badly for the people in the affected areas. I couldn't imagine the dread and panic that would be welling up inside of me. I have seen the damage from Katrina. They are afraid, no terrified, that it will happen again. :(
  2. :nodyes: :) Kay is completely right, but I thought GA was the capital??? LOL!
  3. Alana, this is what we currently do and have been doing. My eldest is doing great with reading and wants to be able to follow along. I am also hoping this will help her with her narrations! :) I found great deals on them at Rainbow Resource!
  4. I completely understand your frustration. Maybe, instead you can offer to photocopy the needed pages? :D
  5. Thanks! I just ordered three copies!
  6. I have to ask (in my complete ignorance and probably shameful stupidity), why isn't there a link to it on the Duggar's site? I understand letting them announce it themselves, but after the site was up why not link it (at least?)????? BTW~ I think it is totally awesome. I am in awe of how organized she is...
  7. We are fixing to order Volume II. I have two girls, ages 6 & 8. They are wanting their own books to read. How would you handle this? We have always enjoyed History as family reading time, so it was a bonus. Now I am at a cross road. Do I purchase three books? One for each of us. What would you do? We currently allow everyone to take turns reading History and during the passing of the book, I take advantage of the silence and ask questions. :D
  8. :( I have been having this problem as well.
  9. I want to be left alone. A better ran DMV would be so nice, wouldn't it JennyinAtl? :) I want to not pay school taxes, but will happily pay them if they will just LEAVE ME ALONE.
  10. Another thespian here as well! WoooooooooooooT! We love all live theater shows..................We have been to ballet, Shakespearean, comedy, drama and of course the kiddos plays. :D
  11. I am an oddball out I suppose. I sleep in my bday suit. :) I can't stand sleeping in clothes. They get all tangled. I have been this way since I was 6.
  12. Thank you! I thought I was the only one who felt this way! :D WOooT for Chill pills!!! :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill:
  13. This is absolutely absurd! Honestly!?!? A 12 yo or younger needs a bikini wax?!?! What are the parents thinking? My girls are 6 and 8 yo, but have never used a razor. When my eldest dd was in school, 2nd graders were shaving!!! Again, what are they thinking?!?!?!
  14. I think she is trying to say they say Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhzzzzzzzzzies. LOL Does that help? Is that right? Uhzborn? LOL
  15. Here is what I don't think is right: When I was in high school for 9th grade we were told to be very selective about any private/homestudy programs we decided to change to because if the institution we pick isn't SACS accredited you won't be able to apply for colleges. Supposedly the children will be accepted at colleges and still eligible for Hope Grants. I am not saying the children deserve the punishment (they don't) but I am saying that this same right should be extended to homeschoolers since we aren't accredited. KWIM?
  16. I was a homeschooling trainwreck. My Mother did everything the 'wrong' way (IMHO). She pulled me out of 9th grade because I was a disobedient heathen turning juvenile delinquent. She decided to homeschool me.... She enrolled me in a mail in program, something in Illinois I believe... :) She did this so she could still work FT. So I, the juvenile delinquent, was left at home teaching myself. With a shiny new car in the driveway. Yep, you guessed it. School work done in an hour. :) After that I was off in my car! I would normally drive 5-6 hours away to visit friends and got in even more trouble. I was so anti~homeschooling it was not even funny. Then I received my ADN and became an RN after having my oldest daughter. The schools just could not meet my daughters needs for many reasons. LOL. So, my best friend convinced me to try homeschooling her way. Here we are. :D
  17. ^^^BTW~ That is meant as a light hearted joke. No flames please. :D I was hs though. :)
  18. :tongue_smilie: I was homeschooled. I must be advanced for my age. LMBO!
  19. For people that don't want to click through. The decision was just handed down. :( The board members should be ashamed of themselves.
  20. http://tinyurl.com/5jafxt Leave it to the adults to ruin everything for the kids... Sigh..
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