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Everything posted by Needleroozer

  1. Funny, I knew that's what you were going to say. I read the post title, and before I scrolled over it, finished your sentence, lol. Of course it is! Have a piece for me- being allergic to chocolate is hard when all y'all keep posting about chocolate, lol.
  2. Jessica, it is good hear an update! You sound as busy as I am! You know, I haven't read the other posts in this thread, but I am sure I will not be the only one to tell you you don't per se have to be homeschooling to post here, especially if you are one of the old guard. Folks want to know what is up with you, and you can still contribute and glean here........................ At least I hope that is the way folks here feel, cuz I am no longer homeschooling (though we still live the hsing lifestyle and do afterschool a bit), and I still like to pop in once a week or so, and make sure everyone is good, check for prayer/good thought requests, and just see what folks are talking about. As for how busy you are, and the new directions you are off in, congrats and may I acknowledge your commitment, motivation, and hard work? You go girl. As for me, I am still trying to keep the house from falling down while the Dude continues to travel 5/7 of the week, work in the garden and put up all the harvests, deal with teens, and a blind, cranky Mama, work 2 part time teaching and respite-care job, and still make time to make art daily. Whew! See? You have company in the taking it all on category! Sending you hugs, and thanking you again for checking in- you are in my thoughts often.
  3. Our hosts always cook tons of meats and main dishes, so I will be making a flower salad with fresh veggies from both mine and the host's gardens, as well as flowers from the Dude's cottage cutting garden. We will also be bringing the makings and our crank mixer to make coconut milk ice cream. I may also make a zuchinni cake or bread.
  4. I add flax seed oil, aloe vera gel or juice, and rice protein powder. Sometimes I throw in a spoonful of almond butter.
  5. We'll be there- I have a car full of bubbles and kid toys I forgot to set out at the party last weekend. I probably won't be there right at noon for lunch after all- I need to save my pennies so we can eat at Folklife Festival this weekend. Thanks for ordering the nice weather, Jean!:001_smile:
  6. We should call WTM Cassandra, and schedule a weekend of decluttering party. You know I can donate several hours to the cause this summer too.
  7. I think we will do a week of Gramma camp here too, but as mine are teens and Gramma is blind and has serious memory issues, it may not be quite as fun for mine, lol. Our Gramma camp will be more service related- scraping the moss off her roof, etc.
  8. Mine have both auditioned for a free 3 hour a day, 7 week long Shakespeare camp. I so hope they get in! Piano Girl will be working on 2 to 3 hours of piano a day, in addition. Not sure what the Boy will be doing- maybe summer school if his grades don't get better really soon,sigh. We are planning on doing several field trips, just not sure what they are yet, and we will be taking our annual group camping trip, as well as a weekend trip for the Dude's bday. Other than that, they will be helping to paint their rooms.
  9. Not much more I can offer that hasn't been said already. I grew up with a sister with polio, who used a chair, walker, or crutches to get around most of her life. She has a very exaggerated limp when she walks without aid. She unfortunately is dealing with post-polio syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis, so is in a chair much of the time again as she ages (she is 67). Stares have always been a part of our lives. I think CactusPair had some good thoughts about fear being a driving force, and as others have said, not enough time is given to answer children's questions, etc. All you can really do to cope is to remember to have grace, and to not make the stares mean anything- yes, folks stare at others who are different from them, but it only means something derogatory about the stare-ee if we say or think it does. Hang in there, and hugs and kudos to all who are parents of different kids. Your strength and grace radiate and spread to all of us.
  10. Trust your instincts! You are by no means soft in the mothering dept ever! You are one of my best role models for how amazing you are with your kids. I really mean that! If it were me, I would let it go, but take him with me when I bought the replacement, just so he can see the cost, etc. If it happened again in the future, yes, have him replace it, but the first time, yes, I would let it go too. He is just 11, and neither of mine would have known not to cut on our silpat at that age either. Learning through our mistakes is what it is all about!
  11. Honestly, having been to Alabama twice in the last year, I would worry much much more about the heat than the possibility of prejudice. On several occasions (shopping trips, a theatre visit, and in parks) I saw mixed race families, and folks of all races. It seemed to me a very friendly and accepting area. I won't even begin to address the northern abrubtness issue- haven't enough experience with that one. I wish you luck in this!!
  12. :iagree::lol: Yes I would and I have (my old car, not yours). At first I felt a little naked and unprotected, but it was okay. I do prefer to have my phone with me, but if I don't have it I will still drive my car. Makes me think I should at least have AAA though..........
  13. Well, I have tons of fabrics, enough to fill a whole wall of my studio, but some of the things I have done are similar to the photos at Sew Mama. I have it all folded the same way and put on open shelves (I do this for my most used and fave fabrics.). I also have many of those three-drawed plastic units. They stack well and hold lots of fabric, and you can sorta see through the plastic enough to tell what colors you have. I also have two buckets that are for scraps. They are kept under the tables, and my students or I add to them as we sew, and they are the first places stduents go to look for fabric when starting a new project. Hope that helps a bit- if you have the wall space (I don't), I like the idea of framing pieces of fabric (you could get those cheap ikea frames if you didn't have the hoops). Good luck!
  14. I am finalizing my Baker's Creek seed order right now. FIrst year ordering from them, I will let you know what I think.
  15. I, too have been here long enough to remember when Quiver was Quiver of 7. I used to go by LB in Seattle.
  16. I'd cook for you and those sweet-looking muffins of yours (I love your avatar pic!) any old time. I do love to cook for folks. That was something fun about being at Dy's these past two weeks- she and Zorak are such good cooks, they kept me well-fed for sure, so I only had to cook if I wanted to. I made an eggplant dish for them, and it was so enjoyable, cuz they ate it all up. Ok, gotta run- Piano Girl has adjudications today, and I need to get into the tub!
  17. What sweet things to say, that brought a tear to my eye. I have to say, the pleasure was all mine. Aubrey, your little house is so cute, and already has such a welcome feel. I think your little family will be quite happy there. I absolutely LOVED that chunky little monkey and his sweet snuggliness. Aubrey's babies are so sweet and well-mannered, and very cherubic. I enjoyed conversations with them, and have a new picture to hang on my fridge. Aubrey's dh is so very warm and welcoming. We talked about history a bit, and he made the best sweet tea- I had 3 glasses! Thanks again for being willing to drive to and from the airport so many times. I am so honored to have been able to meet you. PS. I am working on a juvy fiction book list for you.
  18. Looks like it is just you and me, Aubrey! It will be so much fun to spend time with you. LB
  19. I am sorry I forgot to send out a reminder, but I fly out tomorrow! If anyone still wants to meet up and take me to lunch, let me know. I get in to DFW at 2:30, and fly out again at 8:30 pm, so we would definitely have time for a nice visit. I will go PM all y'all again now.
  20. I am so sorry. You will be in my thoughts today, as well as their families. :grouphug:
  21. Sigh. It was that kind of birthday for me too- at least from my family. Not one of them wished me happy birthday, and I ended up spending my birthday having to be the mean parent after my kids lied to me today, and then kept lying to cover their tracks. It was a rough day. We finally got through it, but not without tears, arguments, and way too much stress for me. Thank goodness I was here with Dy's family- they really did their best to help me feel loved and special. I also want to send out a special shout-out to Amy in Orlando for talking me down and listening to me swear like a sailor when I was really angry. You have no idea how much you helped. Thanks again for the birthday wishes, all, and glad you got through the day Colleen.
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