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Everything posted by Needleroozer

  1. I just have to share this story with you. I was 19, and spending the summer with my brother's family, while his wife was having their 4th child in as many years. They were at the hospital, and I was in the middle of cleaning up breakfast, trying to get the 3 kids dressed, etc. when the doorbell rang. I opened the door, my hair in a messy pony-tail, the house a mess, with my nephew in hand, who was wearing only a tshirt- no diaper. The other two toddlers came a running, both messy and only partially dressed- like little ragamuffins. The pair, a man and a woman pushed their way into the entryway, and were not hearing my "not interested" protestations. So, when one of them asked if my husband were home, I internally lost it. How I lost it has become a family story, and is now how my brothers and sisters always tell folks to get rid of over-zealous door to door-ers of any kind. I thrust the baby with no diaper at the man, who dropped his pamphlets in trying to catch the baby, and yelled towards the back of the house, "Hey Bruno, get your sorry, drunken arse out here! Some good folks here ready for some good Jesus talk with ya'!!". The woman, who had stooped to pick up the flyers, and was being "helped" by the toddlers, turned white. At this point, my sweet little nephew decided to pee- right on the man's nice white shirt. You have never seen two folks turn and run so fast!!! I was left giggling and laughing, with a wet baby and a handful of pamphlets, while the toddlers stood on the couch, looking out the window, waving and calling Bye Bye. I do not condone these behaviours on a normal basis and have never done anything like this after this. I now just say thank you but no thank you and gently shut the door- but I was young and frazzled and these happened to be the 4th group of door to door-ers I had dealt with in as many days- and they never seemed to come when it was convenient- they either rang the bell when kids were napping, or came during meal times. But it is a good story, so I hope you enjoy.
  2. IF it were me, at this point, I would add more yeast, and a bit more sugar. If it then gets about half and half bubbles, I'd use it, otherwise, I'd chuck it and get fresher yeast. WHatcha making?
  3. Thanks! And I have been meaning to call you *all* summer, and it just keeps being so very busy here- I am not really calling anyone, or being good about answering emails. Let's you and I try to catch up by phone really soon, ok? :grouphug: back at ya'.
  4. All y'all are motivating me! I haven't worked out regularly since March, and really need to get back on it asap! LB
  5. I posted this on Friday, and am going in to the Dr. today at 11:30. Please think good thoughts or say a little prayer that I will be able to advocate for myself (never feel like I do a good job at this- usually take the Dude with me but he's traveling today), the dr. will listen, and that it isn't serious. The bruise has faded, but I have photos on my cell phone, as suggested here. Thanks- just knowing all y'all are rooting for me will boost my confidence. LB
  6. I do love this poem. I love all his poems, honestly. Thanks for posting the link.
  7. I used the same rule my sister had for her kids (and me) when they were little- "You can only go into Mama and Papa's room if you have been requested or invited to enter." Both my sister and I had little houses, but even if we lived in mansions, I am sure we would have had the same rule. I just needed someplace that I didn't have to babyproof, or keep super clean, etc. Where I could go to hide away and breathe, etc. Sounds, as others have suggested, that there are other issues with this particular friend. If it were me, I would heavily "tomato stake" while he was visiting, or have son take a break from him for awhile, until he gets that he is responsible for his actions even when friends want him to do something wrong.
  8. OK! Photos taken on cell phone- the light was funny and made it look even worse than it already does, lol. But you can see the little purple pin prick shapes well, so that's good that it looks bad. Thanks so much for that- I never would have thought of that.
  9. No I didn't- that is a good idea. I lost my good camera, but I may try to take one on my cell phone camera. It isn't as ugly as it was this morning, but I will take one anyhow. Great idea for next time.
  10. Worked, after which I got reprimanded for something I wasn't responsible for, had to call the dr, and research yucky medical conditions that start with my symptoms, have had to supervise ds in the washing of his walls (getting ready to paint), which he is making take ALL DAY, and took a nap from which I awoke feeling even more groggy and headachy. So not a great day, but I haven't killed any back-sassing teens yet, and the Dude is coming home tonight after being gone all week, and I am really looking forward to that. All in all, about average.
  11. It is a great idea. I would use the markers after- you can use markers, fabric paint, stencils, etc. just fine after the shirts are dyed, washed, and dried. Have fun, and let me know if you have any other questions- we tie dye at least once a year.
  12. Just wanted to say an extra thanks for the trust your instincts advice. I usually ignore those little voices, and I feel a bit more powerful knowing that I am listening today. The bruise is already fading, but man it looks ugly! I am glad it isn't in a noticable spot!
  13. We all eat roasted beets here, and we all have the pink pee deal. Scared dh so bad he called the dr. himself the first time. Felt really silly in the dr. office when the dr asked if he had eaten beets, lol. Have never heard it expressed as a warning sign before.
  14. Thanks for all your advice ladies. My sister is a nurse and called me today for canning advice, so after I told her how to make a syrup for canning peaches, she listened to me describe the bruise. She said it could go either way- call the doc, or not. I called the Dude, and of course, he said to call *RIGHT NOW*, lol. I did, and have an appt. for Wed at 11:30 with my regular Dr. I also got a recommendation for a naturopath from Jean in Newcastle. Have to research my insurance a bit, but will be calling for an appt there probably on Monday. I am still a bit bugged by it, but will chill for the weekend, and focus instead on eating really healthy, taking B-12 and folic acid, and drinking water, and sleeping. Thanks again for listening, LB (Any new comments/thoughts/insights definitely welcome.)
  15. I do bruise easily, but this bruise has come up in a place that is not likely to be from bumping anything. Also, my diet hasn't been very good this last 2 months- the site I read said that can cause it too. I think I will call, just to make sure- it just doesn't look or feel right. Will also go buy some B-12 (I have a deficiency and it said this could cause it too- along the lines of a healthy diet.) And I do want to be healthy and able to fly in a month. I am done teaching at noon- will call then. All y'all are freaking me out just a touch, lol.
  16. I found this link that talks about bruising. The talked about Petechiae, which sounds kinda like what this bruise looks like. Still trying to determine if this is serious enough to call my doc today. Anyone? Bueller?
  17. Hi folks! LB here, checking in from the library where I am working with my ECE student. I have a medical question: If you woke up with a funny new bruise on your arm 3 times in the last 8 weeks, would you call the dr? It is about an inch to an inch and a half in size, dark purply blue, and mottled, like little pin pricks. It does not hurt, is not painful to the touch at all. The three thimes it has happened, have all been in basically the same spot, the inside of my upper arm. I do bruise easily, and they take forever to heal, but this is different. What could this be? Clotting? Is it serious? I hate dr.s, but will be flying soon, and don't want to explode or anything, lol.
  18. That all it ever does in the northwest is rain, rain, rain. I have lived in NJ (and Karen, I don't know why it gets such a bad rap either- I thought it a beautiful and interesting state to live in- though a bit flat with no mountains to orient myself with like I have here, lol.), and (at the time- I looked it up) NJ gets more rain that WA does. And the drops are fatter, and meaner than here. We just have gentle mists and rains for the most part- I rarely need an umbrella. They also get more violent storms than we do here. Not a huge thing, but it has bothered me a bit in the past, since you asked.... all the rain and yucky weather stories there are about the NW, when I think it is absolutely wonderful to live in a temperate rain forest.
  19. Too funny. I know, it isn't to you, but I guess it is humorous as I so remember that phase. THe wetting of the brush, etc. I wish I could tell you it gets better, but I am still having to watch my teens to make sure they actually brush their teeth!
  20. I had to have B-12 shots anywhere from once a month down to once a week through both pregnancies, but because my babies sucked it right out of me, not for morning sickness, though I do believe it helped with that. I also took folic acid drops, and think they helped a bit, too. Good luck, I am sorry you are suffering.
  21. Love these Fairy Books! Mine are teens and I still find these books in their beds.
  22. We have two going. Our breakfast read is To Kill A Mockingbird. The teens are loving this, but it takes us a long time to get through it, because there are a lot of words the kids don't know and they interrupt me to look them up, lol. The Dude is reading The Conch Bearer by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni to us at night (on the few nights he is not away for work). His traveling 5 days out of 7 really gets in the way of our nightly read a loud time.
  23. I was four- I remember thinking how weird it was that my entire family was in front of the tv at the same time- there were 6 kids at the time. four of them older teens, and having them all home was something! My baby sis was born July 12th, so she has no memory of it either, but yes, my Dad made sure she was with us ,lol, so she could say the same thing!
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