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Kathy in MD

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Everything posted by Kathy in MD

  1. That looks like a good magazine, but we're studying bio next year so I wanted something that would include more bio topics. Thanks for the reminder though. If ds decides on chem for 10th, I'll be getting it then.
  2. :D My ds keeps running off with my makeup to hide his acne, but he just uses it for spot coverage. And my wrinkle remover and skin toner! He swears it helps reduce his acne breakouts :lol:
  3. What are your favorite science or biology/ecology magazines for teens? I'd love one similar to Learning Through History where each issue focuses on a particular topic and is fairly basic.
  4. My dh was a research analyst working primarily in simulations and mathamaticians and physists were in high demand. Economists and finacial analysts also need a strong math background. And of course, computer scientists need good math skills
  5. An alternative place to get your tickets or get your voucher's exchanged is the Secretary's office next to the Capitol building. I believe you can also get them at the lumber building at the other end of the Palace Green. If you do go to the visitor's center, they have a good film telling the story of a fictional colonist and how he changes from a loyal Englishman to a supporter of the revolution. Occasionally hotels will also carry this. For us oldies, the film stars a young Jack Lord of Hawaii 5-O fame. ETA At one time there was a fee for parking at the visitor center but was dropped. I don't know if it's been reinstated during the past two years. If you park at the visitor's center, walk to the historic district at least once. There's a bridge that slowly walks you back in time to the colonial period, but even better is the colonial farmstead that's usually missed if you take the buses. Check with AAA for discounts on the tickets. Make reservations for tours about 3-5 days ahead of time to get the best times and selections. Also check for free concerts at Brunton Church and Williams and Mary. Get to the Brunton Church events whe the doors open to get a seat. ETA If you have the time and inclination, it's fun to bike along the Colonial Parkway. There are plenty of pull offs to park and unload the bikes near the rivers. It's basically flat near the rivers, a bit hilly close to Williamsburg. We had a tag-a-long bike (a detachable bike that turns your bike into a bike for two - child and adult) for ds at the time so I didn't need to worry about him and traffic, which wasn't bad in spring. Watch for birds (ospreys ad Great Blue Herons) along the rivers and at Jamestown.
  6. I've gotten the impression that the male of the species can relate to the humor better than the females. Some of my senior classmates went to a play version as part of the senior lit class. The guys were rolling on the floor, while the teacher and the girls couldn't figure out what was going on. My second experience was with my ds just this month. We just finished the Geraldine McCaughrean retelling and my ds thought it was hilarious from the first tale. I didn't see it's humor until ds told me he's seen other teen boys acting just like the characters in the first tale. So even in the cleaned up version, I think the experiences and humor tend to appeal to the male experience and ego more than the female. Maybe you should check with your dh to see if he sees any value for the boys in the class. If he does, it won't hurt the girls to get a glimpse of how strange males can be :lol:
  7. This is still at the anecdotal level. It's worth further investigation, but the sample of one may have been "polluted" by having an earlier conversation about death that was forgotten by the investigators or a conversation that Koko overheard. Have you heard of any follow-up research?
  8. I'm not an expert on DNA by any means, so I'll be overgeneralizing the data. (Maybe I need to do a bit more research :D ) Hopefully someone else with more knowledge will jump in. DNA is said to support evolution because of all the commonalities between the DNA of the species. By observing the frequency of genetic variations of short lived species and changes in the fossil record, scientists have estimated when various groups have separated from a common anscestor. This by and of it's self is not enough to support evolution, but it is a major peice of evidece to support other evidence. And I'm so tired, I'm not sure I'm making sense. I'm bowing out for the moment.
  9. But Scripture has been interpreted to support the flat earth theory and it's been interpreted to support the theory that the Sun and universe circled the Earth. I won't even start to go into the moral evils it's been interpreted to support. So why do you think it's not been misinterpreted in regards to the creation story? We are only human, and we are often wrong in our interpretations of even the most obvious of worldly things. We err. Why shouldn't we reexamine our interpretation of the creation story in the Bible just as we demand our scientists reexamine their interpretation of the data. Especially since there are 2 separate creation stories in Genesis. Sorry, but the Bible may or may not be inerrent. It may or may not be literally true. BUT I am human and I err. Therefore I am very likely to misinterpret parts of the Bible, just as you are likely to.
  10. The only reliable studies of consiousness I'm aware of is for humans. Animal studies are still focused mainly on intellegence and behavior to the best of my knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some very early studies looking for animal consiousness. The closest things I've heard on evolution and consiousness may be the books on why humans are predisposed to believe in a superior being. I haven't read these because they aren't of particular interest to me. And I'm not sure that they aren't still more philosophical than scientific.
  11. My point was that scientists have used DNA to settle a long running dispute about the closest relatives of the panda. Only indirectly does this deal with evolution debate. OK, maybe it does deal a lot with that debate, but I don't hear an outcry about it. With humans, we can often track relationships with genological charts, although we are starting to do it with DNA as well. I haven't heard creationists denying the plausability of using DNA to settle paternity disputes, or even tracking down very, very, very distant relatives. So why is DNA's scientific reliability discounted as soon as the word evolution is mentioned? Scientist have discovered that specific discoveries frequently have general applications. Gravity is another principal that was first discovered in a specific place (Earth, or more specifically the apple tree Newton was sitting under) It's very accepted here on Earth. And scientists have decided that it also exists on other planets ad solar bodies. I haven't heard a genral outcry against applying the principal of gravity to other objects. So why is there a automatic outcry against applying DNA studies to evolutionary studies? I haven't seen any scientific reason to doubt it's applicability.
  12. Our current minister met with small, independent groups to discuss what activities they would like the church do. This gave the shy ones a bit of cover and a subject to discuss. It also shortened the amount of time the minister needed to meet almost everyone. His also appeared fairly frequently at first with the youth groups. He was also a lot of fun and interacted well with the youth. I think one early activity was an ice cream eating contest. Well, it was supposed to be a social, except they had ice cream troughs instead of individual dishes. It quickly turned into a competition. Ds loved it. I forget if he won or our minister, but they were going head to head. I do think the minister started it,though :001_tt2: Because of the culture change, be open and look for different groups ask them to show or tell you something of their background and views. Participate in some of their activities. Push to find out your congregation's background. It may be more diverse than you think. an off topic question. When did the Methodists start refering to their ministers as pastors? Why? I admit, I hate to use the term pastor because of some bad associations whe I was young. I'm not stubborn or anything ;)
  13. But this can be a great teaching lesson on how NOT to be ugly. But it takes a lot of courage on the part of the parent and cooperation from the coach. It's also best doe when they're young. a young relative once showed unsportsmanlike behavior on the field. His father immediately grounded him from playing for a game BUT required him to suit up and sit on the bench so the young man remembered WHY he wasn't playing. It paid off in spades. A opposing team member recently mentioned to his mom how nice the youg man was to his opponents now. Of course, there will be slow learners. My ds would have required several applications of this training before he decided to use his competitiveness in acceptable ways.
  14. I have't read all the other posts yet, so I may be repeating someone. If team sports are important to you, check into things that can help him with his hand-eye coordination. Vision therapy has anacdotal evidence that it can help even professional athletes improve their hand-eye coordination. This may also help with the gross motor skills. If not, there are other things that will help with gross motor skills. My personal experience was with severe problems, so our solutions were initially with therapy, but our OT recommended horseback riding, martial arts and swimming to continue building on ds's therapies. Your ds may have different underlying problems, so he might beifit from different sports. Re: team sports. My dh and I were not for team sports, especially at an early age. We didn't see the need for them and thought individual sports was the better way to go. finally ds dragged us kicking and screaming into the team sport scene. We should have done it earlier. There is still much that can be learned in this setting that isn't in individual types of sports. Even if you are on a swim team or a tennis team, there is still a higher level of team integration in a traditional team sport. So I now would back you in pushing for a team sport (I never would have said that a year and a half ago). But your ds is on a team sport, baseball, and loves it. Keep that up, help him improve his underlying physical skills and let him go with his team sport love. Do encourage him to try other individual sports that can be a lifetime activity, though he can develop those later, when he decides gymnastics is too difficult :)
  15. I would add that Susan said that the spell check and grammar check should be turned off so your dc had excersise his grammar and spelling muscles. (I need a Sidely Whiplash smiley with him twirling his mustache here :D) I believe she also said that if there were physical problems, typing should be introduce even earlier. But no matter, my ds's SPD OT told me to get him on a computer ASAP (ds was 7or 8) so that his physical limitations didn't limit his intellectual development. He also had fine motor problems. That doesn't mean that ds doesn't practice handwriting, ad he may find that handwriting becomes a bigger part of his day if he doesn't start writing to the level he's capable of.:glare:
  16. :iagree: :iagree: :iagree: (Even though I was one who participated in the off topic discussion.) The only thing I can't concur with in your post is that I haven't actually seen retaliation, but I have seen some really cold relationships develop. OTOH, maybe I have seen some retaliation on a subtle level.
  17. How old is he? In other words, did he practice medicine much prior to the measles vaccine? If he has a lot of pre-vaccine medicine experience, I'd tend to listen to him more. But how can you tell you're around a cancer patient? These days they can be found just about anywhere, including participating in sports, and you'd never know they were being actively treated for cancer. Or how do you know you're around someone who's never had CP? They don't wear signs around their necks. So you do need to avoid people in general.
  18. I was on the the old boards as Kathy in MD. I know, no originality! I've on them since late 2000 or 2001, espeicially o the special needs boards. Old age, and time, has made me forgetful. ETA And old age has made my "n" key cranky and difficult.
  19. We've always had plastic, because that's what we've needed to fly our dogs. Until our current dog, the crate was only needed for flying. Our current dog is rarely locked in his crate now that he's an adult. He is sent to his crate for misbehavior or when we have guests that don't like dogs, or, more often, the dog won't leave the guest alone. Because he normally can leave his crate, the excess warmth issue isn't a problem for us. So I would go with a plastic crate because it's quieter and you can fly your dog in it if needed. The big drawback is when we need to travel by car. A large crate just doesn't fit in a normal car. Or a heavily packed minivan. So we have a harness to restrain him in the car when needed. And when we get to the hotel, he has total freedom of the room. Not ideal if we needed to leave him in the room.
  20. I grew up in a moderate state, normally it's red, but moderately red. And the blue aspects were also moderates. Maybe it should be labeled purple, though the pundits persists in calling it red. It also helped that we attended a particular denomiation that had no problems with theistic evolution. More to the point, it didn't believe it was the church's job to teach science. The church's job was to teach how to live as a Christian.
  21. I'll throw in another scenario to confuse and confound you. :D Survivial also depends on blind, dumb luck at times. A species may be doing it's annual migration through a narrow check point when the nearby volcano blows big time. No more species! They were perfectly adapted for their enviroment, just not for the once in 500 years occurance.
  22. And I was shocked to find out that there were people who believed that the two views were contradictory! :D
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