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Everything posted by hands-on-mama

  1. See! I just need the push! I know CLE is sound, but we need some peace in this house!
  2. Is your thread the one about Miss Priss? If so, I was just reading it? We'll start with 1B if we do Singapore. I think she is ready for it as opposed to when she was 6 1/2. When I had her take the placement tests, she said she loved it. As of now, I am planning to use the US edition.
  3. We dabbled with Singapore, but we started it too young. My daughter did 1A when she was 6 but wasn't ready for the conceptual thinking in 1B. We jumped over to CLE for 1st grade. It was great for helping her retain facts and to move forward so to speak. It is becoming painful with the 2nd grade books. We have tried to salvage it, break it up and all kinds of things, but it's just not going to work. We may only need a 6 month break from CLE but I am willing to give her a break from it at this point. My thought (after giving her the placement tests) is to start her in 1B. She got all the problems in 1B but needed manipulatives for some of the larger problems since they were written horizontally. I would much rather take our time and go slow to make sure she has a strong foundation. She is currently in the 2nd half of 2nd grade. The lessons for CLE are just too long for her. It's too much busywork for my poor ADHD child. Lol! Please talk this through with me and tell me I'm not going to screw my kid up. I wasn't planning to change math again but we have been trying to push through this for 6 months now. I am giving in. The other options I have considered are MUS and TT. I would prefer to not use TT.
  4. You may be on to something here. She was in OT for a while for speech and occupational therapy. She had core weakness and some other issues. She is way better than before but her motor skills still lag behind some. We may schedule an appointment to speak with her per about it all and see what she thinks. So I would see an OT first?
  5. We have kind of a crazy schedule. I work three more rings a week from home from 8-12. I try to have her work on math beside me those day. Today, we worked on it after I got through working and I feel like it was worse than average.
  6. I am already sitting with her and it's just not working. That's the issue. She tries to focus. Of course, I get frustrated when she can't and it spirals from there. I understand about knowing when to quit, but at the same time, we have to move forward at a steady pace. We only do math 4 days a week as it is with co-op in the mix.
  7. She has been diagnosed since she was 6. We were told it was it was pretty severe at that point. It hasn't caused a huge issue (until this year) since we homeschool. I try to always have her do something active before school. It's currently super wet outside though. Being active beforehand doesn't really help her all that much unfortunately. Sometimes it actually makes it harder for her to focus.
  8. We need help. My 2nd grader that will be 8 next mont is very bright. She just can't focus to save her life. We haven't tried mess. As of now, my husband is against them. Since I'm the one doing the schooling, my mind is opening up to them. ;) We are currently doing CLE Grade 2. She is halfway through the level. It is seriously torture for us though. Problem is, she needs the review or she doesn't remember anything. We are comin off a 2 week break and for some reason 8+2 was even hard to remember. She knows it but just can't recall it. She feels defeated when that happens. It should not take 2 hours to do a math lesson. We have tried breaking it up into 4 sections with activity in between. We have tried different times of day. We have tried taking everything away. We have also tried MUS and Singapore. Mastery just isn't the best fit for her. Sometimes I wonder, though, if we should try Singapore over again and back up some. I just don't know really. I don't want to bail on CLE unless I have to. It's been a fight for months now. Suggestions please! I am desperate! Just give some knowledge if you have been there done that.
  9. I think we might be starting this come January. It looks perfect-in theory! We'll see if it actually is. Our current grammar lessons are short and sweet with GWG. Does this include spelling? She is kind of a natural speller.
  10. I will look into Bible Road Trip. We might just go back to Bible Study Guide for all Ages. I didn't even think about letting you 6year old do the intermediate sheets as well!
  11. Okay, I completely understand now. Wow! Can not believe how much of a mind block I was having. For some reason, I was thinking that each numbered lesson was supposed to be split up over three days. I'm not sure how my mind got that in itself.
  12. Yeah, I'm wanting to know if EACH DAY's work is laid out. I went through the samples and did not see a section that pointed out what to do each day. I'm wanting as open and go as I can get right now unfortunately.
  13. Hmm, I need to look over the samples some more I guess. I didn't see a clear schedule as to what to do each day. I'll look over it some more.
  14. I looked at the samples. Do you pretty much choose what you do each day? Or do you read a chapter from the book one day, the fable one day and the poetry one day? I think I'm confused on how it flows during the week.
  15. Hi all! I am looking into using ELTL. We are currently using GWG so this will be totally different. I would love to give it a shot though. Can you tell me what you think of this? Also, are there samples of the workbook anywhere??
  16. Hi! I'm looking for something to help us study through the entire Bible. It doesn't have to happen over 1 year. We tried Foundations, but I think it would work better when they are older. I want something fun that engages both of them. They are fine with coloring. My oldest reads really well. My youngest is an emerging reader. What am I looking for? Should I just retry BSGFAA??
  17. I have a 2nd grader that will be 8 in January. Because of her age and her reading having been advanced since the beginning, she is closer to the 3rd grade level. -How strong of a reader are they? (Eldest is not a great reader. He can read, but we are talking Cat in the Hat level. He would drown if I handed him Magic Tree House.) I'll tell you how she was last year and how she is now this year. Last year she was reading some of the Level 2 DITHOR recommended books and some of the later Emerging Readers Set from HOD. She was pas Cat in the Hat by far. She still wasn't ready for independent work at 6 1/2 or newly 7. The maturity just wasn't there. This year, she started 2nd grade at 7 1/2. I don't base her curriculum choices on grade level though, so it doesn't really matter what grade I call her. :laugh: Currently she is reading the rest of DITHOR level 2 readers. We have jumped around on the level 2 list some, but she is about to read Pioneer Cat. She does this independently and narrates what she reads. http://www.heartofdakota.com/drawn-into-optional.php -What are you using? and could you label what level of independence (teacher intensive the whole time, quick lesson but work done independently, can read the lesson and does it all by themselves, etc) each one is? Our current curriculum line up is as follows: Math: CLE 200 semi-indpendent: I help her through the initial memory work type stuff and demonstrate the new concepts. Once I am confident she can proceed and she has finished her speed drill, she can move on to complete the lesson. I have to stay next to her to motivate her to stay on task. Reading: CLE 200 independent: She can do the lessons completely by herself. I sit next to her and she can ask me questions as needed. She loves CLE reading. She also reads aloud to me as scheduled in the guide. She also reads through the DITHOR readers as mentioned above. You could look into their 1st grade reading to see if that reading level would work. Grammar: Growing with Grammar 2- semi-independent: I read and teach the lesson and example exercises, go over directions with her and let her do the exercises. I then check them and she corrects any problems. Spelling: Soaring with Spelling 1 & 2- semi-indpendent: She does the exercises on her own. I'm there to call out words and answer questions. All that's listed above is what she does while I work from home. I initially used very teacher intensive items and it became too much. She responds better to these programs though, so it al works out. I will also add that she likely wasn't ready for this much independence last year since it sounds like you may have a very young 2nd grader. My girl is likely a full year older than yours. I hope any of this helps. History/Science/Bible: MFW Adventures-not independent at all. That's how I want it though. :hurray: -And if they had two hours to do whatever they wanted what would they do? (Mine would play video games: Minecraft or Wii U. If I make screen time not an option he'd build something probably with Legos or draw something. Um, my girls are still very much into playing together. If they had the option, this would be split between computer time, random make believe play, or outside play. They really like all of them equally.
  18. We haven't really changed much of anything-or added anything. We did quit adding in extra units to Adventures and are just doing it as written now. My youngest will switch from the doing the math in MFW 1st to CLE math 100 soon. Other than that, we are status quo and happy.
  19. Thank you! This helps a lot. My 2nd grader is the one in level 2! It just seems so easy that I worry. She does seem to be retaining most of the information though. :)
  20. Hi! We are using GWG level 2 this year. We originally planned to do Saxon but I knew the writing would be a bit much for her daughter. I thought about doing it orally, but my daughter retains better when she has to write. Can anyone tell me what they think of GWG once you get in higher levels? I just want to make sure this program is going to get us ready for middle and high school. If you decided it wasn't enough, what did you use?
  21. Do you think it would work okay for a bright 2nd grader? Also, do you just get your books from the library?
  22. Has anyone used Elemental's Adventures in America? I would be using it with a K and 2nd grader. I, sadly, might need to sell MFW Adventures so I am exploring cheaper options.
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