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Robin in Tx

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Everything posted by Robin in Tx

  1. I've deleted my comments in this thread. I don't wish my for suggestions to Jenne to be painful to anyone else, or to be perceived as insensitive, unsolicited advice. I don't know why I was moved to respond to her in the first place and now wish I hadn't. I sincerely apologize for the way this has been distracting from the original post and the uplifting, encouraging nature of the thread. I don't wish to distract from it any further, so I'll just withdraw my comments as best as I can, and say I am truly sorry for any pain they might have unintentionally caused anyone. To all reading... I wish you much peace on Sunday, and that you do whatever brings you rest and joy, both physically and emotionally. Robin
  2. Mother's Day will always be the day my mom died. Getting over that has been the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But I'm getting there, and it's better every year. Thanks for the big group hug... hugs always help! Robin
  3. This has been going on for a week now. I've even tried logging out and logging back on. I have emailed them. Don't know if the problem is on my end or theirs... Thanks for the idea, though. I'm stumped!
  4. At the book fair in Arlington, Tx., they do not allow discounters. But I believe the Farm Counry General Store was grandfathered before that rule was created, so they were the only discounter allowed - think they still exhibit there (not sure). Arlington wouldn't let them have a booth if they weren't a reliable vendor.
  5. I am definitely signed into my account. I get an error every time I try to download a sample page. It's a little orange triangle on the bottom left of my screen with an exclamation box. It says "Done, with errors on page" and the page is blank. Any hints as to what could be wrong?
  6. Yet again!!! I go to the library to request one of the five copies of Keller's book that is sitting on the shelf and there are 15 (count em... fifteen!) requests ahead of me. I'm tellin' ya... if you live in the greater Houston area, and someone mentions a book on these boards, you better be QUICK with placing that hold request! LOL
  7. Another question about this... does it contain any discussion questions or commentary on the text? (I'm talking about the History of US Syllabus.. I think that's the one y'all are talking about, right? The one that goes with the Hakim books?). Thanks for asking this. I've seen it on the website but there is very little information about it online and there are no sample pages. Thanks for any responses! Robin
  8. Oh, Amy... we know you better than that! One of the things I love about these boards is that it's a place I can come and say (vent) the things I *really* feel and think that I could never say to my dd without hurting her feelings, and that there are no less than 20 women who know EXACTLY how I feel! It's all in good fun and everyone knows it. You're a sweetie...
  9. I bought a pretty nice one, rather expensive, and I couldn't figure out how to use it. I never knew if what I was looking at looked okay or looked infected. Every time we went to the doctor, what I thought I saw and what he said it was were two different things. Good luck if you give it a try. Maybe it was my scope, but I don't think so. And I think I'm pretty smart about this sorta thing... all I can say is it confounded me.
  10. Chris, it's just a way to ward off spammers and the like. They are "hit and run" abusers who won't go to the trouble to make a prerequisite number of posts. That was a huge problem on the old swap boards, especially with porn.
  11. Colleen, I am getting more freaked out all the time by how much of this stuff I've forgotten. I took all sorts of college math (had a partial scholarship for math/engineering!), and I *still* feel like I have to learn this stuff all over again! I've slept WAY too may times since doing this last! LOL Likely, they didn't expect two variables at this point. They probably intended Chris's age to be X, and Josh's age to be X+10. I had to stop and think about this one. Isn't that pitiful? Note to self: order solutions manuals from here on out! :) ETA: Okay, now I see that I'm repeating what Cathy already said... sorry I didn't read the whole thread first!
  12. Thanks to both you and Rebecca... I have reserved these books at the library (the Queen Bees book and the American Girl books). I appreciate the responses! Robin
  13. Congratulations, Janie! I agree with Jane... your students are very fortunate. Best wishes for your continued success. Miss you around here :). Robin
  14. What are the must reads for either me or my dd (soon 13) that will help her navigate "popularity" (or lack thereof) issues, developing a healthy self image, making good friend choices, dealing with peer pressure, dealing with her wanting to buck our guidelines/standards so she can be "cool" :)? I'm also interested if there is a "resource" book out there that covers all the basic social skills/life skills. You know, the basic stuff that most of us take for granted... basic conduct guidelines that can make the difference between fitting in or not. Yes, we are navigating these treacherous waters even as I speak :). Thanks for title recommendations! Robin
  15. I'll be the odd man out and say I didn't care for HSTP. I returned it for a refund. I wanted to be able to print a report for the day that lists the times that I've designated for each assignment (Spelling at 8, Math at 10:30, that sort of thing), along with all appointments for the day and other to do's that need to be checked off chores, etc.). In other words, something that would give me all the information that I would have seen on a Franklin Covey day planner page if I had planned my day with pencil. It's been about a year, so I'm foggy on the details, but I remember that lesson assignments and chores/appointments are entered and printed via different "layers" of the program... layers that were added on when upgrades were made... and these layers don't interface with each other. I also ran into problems when using categories and levels within subject areas, because things printed out inconsistently when you set up one subject (language arts) with several courses underneath it, and another subject (math) wthout subcourses. Katie was nice about it, sent me a refund, and explained that they did not anticipate making the features I needed available. The majority of their customers need help with tracking hours, attendance days, etc. I am not required to keep records in my state, so that was not something I needed out of the program. I wanted something that would allow me to set up all lessons for every subject, assign them to specific days, and allow me to schedule chores and appointments, *AND* merge ALL that data into ONE printable calendar (instead of two - one for lessons and one for appointments). Just thought I'd throw this out here for anyone who might find it useful. Robin
  16. The two branches that I use are the one in Tomball and the one on Barker Cypress. Both of them are on the campus of the community college - Tomball's is nice because it has a drive through :), and Barker Cypress is nice because it's open on Sunday afternoons. Very convenient! I agree, Barbara Bush branch is very nicely done.
  17. Well, when you look up a book, you can see its status which is either checked in, checked out, in transit (when someone from another branch has requested the book), or on hold. When you request a book, the book is usually pulled from the shelf within a day or so by a library employee and placed in the hold section (or sent to the requesting branch). If you request a book that has copies on the shelf (status is checked in), yet find that others are ahead of you in the que line, you know that those requests are recent. If reuqests outnumber the available copies of the books, and if the requests were old, then there would be no copies of the book on the shelf - available copies would have been pulled to fulfill the hold requests. Am I making any sense? Hey, good luck getting to your 50 posts. I'd be happy to discuss something with you to help out! :) How do you like the Barbara Bush library? Our violin teacher lives in that area and we go to it occassionally... I really like the Meyer park area and I love the Centrum. I saw Joshua Bell perform there! Awesome!! Welcome to the boards! Robin
  18. I'm telling you - every time a book or video is recommended on these boards, if I don't get to the library website RIGHT AWAY and request it, I get stuck behind a line of people who have recently submited holds. Every. Single. Time. I find it hard to believe this is a coincidence! LOL Just curious... this trend is growing... titles recommended on these boards are getting harder and harder to obtain at the library because of the wait list. Are there really that many people reading these boards who use the same library as me? LOL P.S. I'm not complaining... I think it's kind of funny. :) When you get your title depends on how you stay on top of the boards and how fast you can type! LOL
  19. Thank you!! Have you used the IG for a reading schedule or anything else of value?
  20. Drew, I'm sorry you're going through this. I understand how you feel. My mom died on Mother's Day five years ago, and I am just now getting to the point where I can handle my dh and dd wanting to celebrate that day in my honor. I haven't been able to visit her grave ever. Too painful for me. I think maybe this year I am strong enough to do so. I might go and take some flowers in hopes that it brings a little peace and closure to my grief process. I think it's going to take a physical act like that to symbolize my letting go. Would doing something like that help in some way? How old was your dad when he died? My dad died in 87, and I grieved terribly for him for some time. Then one day, I thought about what his age would be if he were still alive, and I realized that it was an unrealistic age to expect him to still be alive. For some reason, once I realized that, the pain immediately lightened. It wasn't like I could think in terms of, "if he were alive today, he would be doing this and doing that." I don't know if I'm explaining this very well or not. My mom's age is getting very close to having the same effect on me. She would be 88 if she were alive today. In a few years, when we're talking the 90s, I probably won't be grieving her absence as much. If this applies to you in any way, then maybe there will be some relief for you when you get to that point. I hope that helps you know that there is a time when this will be easier. Take care and take it easy on yourself, Robin
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