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Robin in Tx

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Everything posted by Robin in Tx

  1. Wow, y'all are fast! Thanks for the replies. I've tried the multiquote button before, but couldn't figure out how to clean it all up andmake it work. I"ll try again, and maybe go look for that thread in the How To Forum. Thanks again! Robin
  2. Yes, you responded to Sola Michelle... not that it's any big deal (no mea culpa necessary :))... I was just wondering how you did that since you don't have a quick reply button in linear mode. Okay, now I'm confused about everything in the title... when does that happen? Right now, I have not been given the option of composing a title... just the message... but when you view it in threaded mode, it all shows up in the title. The only way to type a separate title from message body is to hit the "go advanced" button. I'm wondering if people aren't just using the quick reply feature, not realizing what it does to the title vs. body thing. Okay, one more question... how do you do those multiquotes? The only reason I haven't done it so far is I can't figure out how! LOL Thanks so much for your posts. I will try to post in a way that is more considerate of linear viewers in the future :). I really had no idea how certain features effected each other.
  3. Moira - how do you see the new posts all at once? By going to the last page? Or some other way? That is interesting about the email notification. I never thought of that. The reason the whole text ends up in the subject line is because that's what the quick reply does for some reason. There's not a separate place for the subject line in quick reply mode. As a matter of fact, it distinctly says "Message:" as the header for the box to enter your text. That's how I'm responding to you now... quick reply... so all of this will show up in the subject line. Somehow, though, you managed to "reply" to another poster, and not to the original poster. Was that intentional? How did you do that?
  4. Amy, I agree with you 100%. How can tsk tsk those people for their actions at the same time we gawk over live film of their unfolding horror?
  5. I hear the art teacher there is fabulous. Mrs. Celsor is a friend of ours. I hear her classes are excellent! Bobby Frazier is awesome. He and Becky are the main reasons I wanted to do HIS classes, but the latin at Tomball is more to my dd's liking, and that's where her best friend attends, so there you are. Farther for me, though (we live in Fairfield). Mrs. Bell and family are very good friends of ours. It's a fantastic group. Wow, it's great to meet a "neighbor" on line! I bet we have a lot of mutual friends!
  6. Actually, I'm glad you asked this because a while back, admin suggested to me to read in linear mode to more easily see what the new posts are. I was completely confounded by that suggestion... I had a hard time trying to imagine how linear would be better... I can see from all these responses, though, that there are some perceived advantages. For a while there, I thought admin was nuts! I'm glad to hear otherwise :). Hey, now I'm just trying to figure out how a thread about display modes could end up needing posts deleted! LOL I stay so far behind the loop that it scares me sometimes :).
  7. I'm sorry! I didn't see your post, or I would have put mine under yours. My dd is not going there, but I do know most the teachers and students. I think next year we'll be taking from Tomball Classes, not HIS... dd has decided she'd rather be with a certain set of friends. What classes do your kids take? I was really glad to hear about the homeschooling, too. Thank goodness. The folks at Boys and Girls Country are compassionate, loving people.
  8. ETA: Hovering. The helicopters are hovering. This is so sad. Disgusting. The buses are delivering the children to a couple of children's facilities in our area and the news media is all over it... following the buses by helicopter, filming their arrival and the children getting off the bus. My goodness. It is so bad that they sent out one decoy bus. The people at one facility have formed a line into the building, holding up sheets so the kids can walk under and not be filmed. There are reports that the children were so distraught when separated this morning, and are so fearful and so unaccustomed to the long bus ride that they have had to pull over several times because kids are sick... one even had to be taken to the hospital. Unbelievable. Do y'all remember my posting about choosing between homeschool classes... one at a church that didn't have any outdoor facilities for the kids, and the other one with lots of space for the kids to play between classes and eat outside at picnic tables? Well, the one with lots of space outside is actually one of the facilities taking in these kids. I wonder if that facilitiy will still be available for the homeschool group to rent. The good news is that they aren't going to force these children to integrate with other children at the facility, and they are going to continue with homeschooling so that the children don't have to adapt to p.s. culture shock. They even preempted part of Wheel of Fortune just to show us a picture of a group of little girls in long braids and typical amish-style dress trying to get off the bus and walk the "raised sheet" line. Sheesh. Like they haven't been through enough. Oh, and they're reporting that the children on the bus were showing signs of sexual abuse. Really? I'd like to know how you show signs of sexual abuse while on a bus ride. How does a group of 400 plus kids show signs of sexual abuse in a short couple of days? In a way, I hope the authorities are not right about this, and in another I hope they are because it sure will make me mad at the state if they jumped the gun on this one.
  9. Oh, Abbey, if you're old I'm a dinosaur! LOL Happy, happy day!! Hope you have a great birthday! Robin
  10. Oh, Abbey... congratulations!! That's wonderful! I just put the book on hold at the library. It's basically a whole, natural foods approach, right? Not vegetarian? you know, when you posted your picture of the fried chicken bouquet, what really caught my eye was the plate of green beans. I wanted to ask you if those were fresh or what... and how you prepared them... they were GORGEOUS!! THat's the first time I can say that green beans looked better to me than fried chicken! LOL Robin
  11. This would be for a 13yo. Pudewa will be keynote at our convention in a few weeks, and I'm kicking around the idea of considering his products. I'd like to be more familiar with all the components and how they ft together, and what the best of his offerings are. So where do you start an older student, what is absolutely necessary, what is "skippable", and are there any "don't miss" products? Also, I've heard that he overemphasizes "dress ups" and the students all end up writing with the exact same style. But then I've heard that this corrects itself when the student gets older and into the upper levels of the program. That's why I never considered it for dd when she was younger. Is what I've heard accurate? I've ignored IEW threads before (shame on me!)... is it one of those programs that you either love or hate? I really like simplicity and don't want to juggle a lot of components. We will stick with R&S English, and Vocabulary for Achievement. Looking at Lightning Literature. Is there room for IEW in all this or would it be redundant/overkill? Thanks!! Robin
  12. Do you know that I actually went out and bought a can of sardines just because of that post? Yes. I did!! And I served them on a "tasty triscuit", too! LOL DD loves them, and I think of that thread every time she opens a can! :)
  13. I'm not a member of either organization... I might do SETHSA just to hear Pudewa. I've never heard him before. Otherwise, I don't need to do a convention, and you're right... it's gotten costly with parking and everything. THSC is just too late in the summer for me to be making curriculum decisions. Tobe honest, I haven't been in the mood for a convention since the last time SWB was here. If you're ever in the mood to meet up, pm me!
  14. If I'm ever in Katy, or if you ever come up to Cypress/Tomball area, we should hook up! Are you going to SETHSA? I think I'll be skipping THSC this year.
  15. I'm in shock. Someone said in antoher thread that we should give the general public a litle more credit... well, based on the voting last night, I'm not so sure about that! What were they thinking?!? Two of the best performances of the night in the bottom. Gads.
  16. Linda, I am so sorry. Coyotes got two of our cats, and I'm telling you... I thought about sitting outside with a shotgun and baiting them. Instead, we moved. I HATE Coyotes, too. I'm so sorry about your poor, precious pet. Much love to you and your family... Robin
  17. I agree. Joanne, you and I live about 20miles apart, and even though homeschoolers enjoy a large presence here I still have encountered plenty of people who assume we're very strange, even freaks, and that we must be trying to hide abuse, etc. I think that the people who have made up their mind that they are against homeschooling are going to latch on to everything they can as support for their views. Some are pretty hostile about it, to be honest. The TV show clearly exploits extremes, and makes people out to be fringe oddities... and almost every single episode features a homeschooling family. The vast majority of people who watched that show tonight shook their head and said tsk tsk to the family who allows their children to have live in lovers and no responsibilities or contribution requirements. They likely also shooked their head and said tsk tsk, with the same amount of disdain, to the over protective family who doesn't let their kids watch tv or date. That's exactly what the show is trying to do... take two unacceptable extremes and force them together. Which is fine, but look at the message... homeschoolers provide a seemingly unlimited pool of unaccepetable extremes. Over and over and over again, homeschoolers are allowing themselves to be portrayed like this. I wish they'd pride up and refuse to participate.
  18. Maybe so... Maybe I'm the one who is wrong... But I've always heard it pronounced with the broad a (ah). As amatter of fact, I don't think there is a long a in the Spanish language. Maybe they're trying to make it sound more "American." :)
  19. I know y'all are right... I hear ya.... but still, they are potentially selling a perception to the general population that is very, very distorted. And people, I'm afraid, are buying it.
  20. No, I didn't see that... did he REALLY mispronounce it like that? I thought he was from Texas! LOL
  21. Well, God bless all the ultra conservative homeschoolers. I have no problem with them at all. I'm pretty conservative, but not as conservative as what's portrayed on these shows. What really bothers me is that the show tries to portray them as freaks, when they are simply trying to live their lives the way they see best. And their lifestyle choices are NOT what defines homeschooling...' I guess I'm just ultra-sensitive right now because of the hundreds of children removed from the mormon sect here in texas. It's getting lots of press, and some are really trying to make this about the need to regulate homeschooling. ARGH!!
  22. Yeah! Congratulations!! And thanks for sharing, Jean. Robin
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