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Everything posted by Mom2legomaniacs

  1. We all go to the same person and have for years. She is very sweet and tries to do what you want. She gives a pretty good cut too. The prices were just raised in the salon so I may not be remembering correctly. I think for a wash/cut/style it is around $23ish plus tip of course. For a wash/highlight/cut/style around $60ish plus tip ( I think it has gone up a bit but I can't remember exactly) They are very reasonable at this salon. I think we have a good deal going for quality of service for the price.
  2. Hey, that's not a bribe, that's an incentive program. And they can be very useful too. I don't think it's a bad thing to use incentives on occasion. No bad vibes from me on that one!;)
  3. I am a big sleeper -- I need a lot. So, I usually wake naturally by 8. Sometimes it will be 9 if things like (pms) are making me more tired. I usually get in around 9 hours a night. I love to sleep. It just feels great to be all cozy in bed.
  4. Thanks for all the encouragement and help you have all given me. I have officially started a sock! I am excited about it. I also have a question about circulars. I got some circulars this weekend -- size 4 and size 6. They are both 29" I think -- really long. I didn't realize about the length and such until I started trying to do a hat. Ummm, kind of long. So, are these going to be useful for me at all? Any suggestions for a project with these? I also have a LOT of Lion Brand Homespun to use. I got a bunch for a project, started it, and it didn't make me love it:( SO now I need to find other things to do with all this Homespun I have. Thanks!:D
  5. I do have a few words, but mostly pics. I am excited -- I began a pair of socks with knitting!!!! I so hope the come out well.
  6. Hey Angela I hope you all have a fabulous time! We'll have to get together when you all get back and tell us all about it. Tell the boys to say hi to Mickey for us!
  7. I believe so. THANKS! On the phone with DH == he suggested Mexican. I'll do this one tomorrow night. Thanks so much!
  8. That's what I was afraid of. On to plan 2 (well, not really -- don't have a plan 2 yet :confused:). We'll do the pizza tomorrow when I am home to make the dough. thanks!
  9. I want a tried and true, quick and easy dough recipe. There was one posted on the old boards but I cannot find it! (Mrs. H posted it!) Anyone got something I can use please? It is almost 5 pm here. Is it too late to do a quick one?
  10. I just had my guys work together on an assignment in their Christian Studies book. It is really cute. They are 9 and 6. The 6 yr old is doing the looking up to read and the 9 yr old is doing the writing. They are discussing what should be written and trying to be creative with the wording. It's so funny! Don't know why I haven't tried this before!
  11. Dark chocolate and raspberry squares from Ghirardelli. Pity the fool who takes those without my handing them out. My treat -- unfortunately, the others in this house love them too :(
  12. I am similar in winter. My legs itch HORRIBLY! You know what has helped me tremendously? I started using Amy's (Foil Hat) soap, scrubs (using them more often now that it is winter), and her shea butter. Mine are so much better if I keep up with those things -- even with shaving. Hope you find something that works for you. It is a miserable deep itch, isn't it!
  13. Ours is really cheap (I think 35 per year for the family). And it is part of a network that gets us in to a lot of places (ones that are a lot more expensive -- like Huntsville Space and Rocket Center for one example). It's a great deal. I think ours is part of the same network as yours ASCT passport program.
  14. Thanks for the ideas all. I went out and got some Almond Milk today. We'll give that a try. A lot of what you all said seems to be happening here. I hope this is an "easy fix". It is miserable to feel grumpy and have no idea why! Thanks so much! I have more questions, but don't have it together tonight. I'll gather my thoughts and post at another time.
  15. My 6 yr ds has dairy intolerance issues. As an infant, he screamed for about a 6 week period until I got it figured out. Now, he gets a stomach ache if too much builds up in his system. He has been more temper-mental off and on. He is very sensitive. He is very hard on himself and holds on to things a long time. Part of this is just from family -- lots in our families have areas of issue with one or more of these things. I am wondering, if this latest never-ending phase might be intensified by possible food issues as well. One thing I am suspecting is soy. He drinks a lot of soy milk. I didn't buy any for a while. What I cannot recall is the timing of the worse anger with the soy at that point. This week I had a jug of soy milk. His behavior has worsened over the week. He is more tantrum-prone. He realizes it and it bothers him so much because he doesn't know why he feels so grumpy and angry. He emptied the jug a couple of days ago and I am going to experiment with not buying any more to see if this week, he starts to improve. There's the scoop and my suspicions. I realize that each person probably has a different reaction to offenders. However, can you share your experiences with suspected food issues and negative behavior. Did anyone have an experience similar to this with soy? We also would like to see what possible substitutions there might be for that bowl of cereal instead of using the soy milk. Not too fond of rice, but would give it try it someone has one that is really good and not "ricey". Thanks! I am so frustrated and sad with this situation. We aren't in dire straits or anything. But there are moments that my heart is breaking with sadness and feelings of helplessness when he gets in these cycles. Thanks the help!
  16. Unless he is really headed for disaster, do not constantly grab the wheel. My dad did this and it freaked me out. He was king of impatience. Most new drivers can't keep a totally steady wheel. They do the back and forth thing like they did when pretending as a tot. My dad would grab the wheel and hold it when I would even slightly deviate! It was awful!!!! Take him to an empty parking lot for practice too. I learned on a stick this way. Another thing that really helped me with this one skill that I had a lot of trouble with was backing up in a straight line. My driver's ed teacher took us to an empty side street and very nicely had me just go forwards and backwards repeatedly. I got a perfect score on my test after that too! Do you have cones or something of the like you can set up in a deserted area for finer skills when you get to that? That might be helpful. I have little ones, so feel free to pay me no mind. ANd you'll surely hear from me in about 5 years when my oldest gets to that point. Good luck! I don't envy that job!
  17. I'll just have to say that I am jealous. I want some snow. So do me a favor and enjoy yours a little extra for me. Ok? thanks!
  18. That stinks! I don't understand that kind of thing. When I was in college and dh and I had already met and were dating, he was taking a class in which there were only about 5 students. He had left his book in the classroom prior to class so that he didn't have to carry them with him to some other lecture or something. It was stolen. Fast forward a couple of days to a used college bookstore off-campus. There was this woman in his class. She was about 6 ft tall and model gorgeous. She was also very direct and could be intimidating. She walked into the bookstore and saw this guy holding this text for resale. She asks him about it. He says something about taking the class and dropping it. She said, Hmm, interesting. I am in that class. There are 5 of us in the class one of whom had his book stolen this week. You will give me that book right now and I'll let you walk out of here! So, dh got his book back! She was a hoot telling that story!
  19. Oh I am on! You and I are friends on there too! I just haven't gotten really active with it. I do have a bunch of yarn that I am hoping to solicit advice for what to do with it.
  20. ROFL! I have to hold my breath! I am in the room with the kids while they are taking their piano lesson and must be quiet. THis is hard to do! That is hilarious! I can totally envision it happening around here.:D
  21. I just saw it! It must have come on in between refreshers for me! Thanks
  22. Yippee! I posted above about your plight. So glad you made it!:D
  23. She is not purposely MIA. She is having trouble getting on as well! Just wanted to share because she has been inquired about by quite a few. Hopefully we'll have her back with us very soon!
  24. I chose based on personality, goals, and convenience. Ours is very laid back, and comes to our house. He also does not enforce strict code on practicing. My kids are not going to be professional musicians. I do have them practice, but not insanely so. He is great with them and they enjoy it for the most part. He has a great attitude with them. But money did not factor into the choice. He is fair with cost. Good luck! I hope you find a situation that works for you.
  25. More questions about this here. I am leaning towards these for next year with ds going in to 5th. Do you follow a certain order at all? (Do you stick with WTM's biology for next year and select those from that area?) How many of these are needed for a year's worth of material? And, what things should be ordered for each one? (TM, etc.) Anything else that might be helpful, feel free to speak up! thanks!
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