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Everything posted by Tress

  1. If you can only buy one book, choose TWTM. No doubt about it. However, if you like to read something to give you a fresh perspective, if you are thinking about how much and what or even *if* you want your children to do memory work...then The Core is a nice book. I do not regret buying it, but it is not at all in the same league as TWTM. ETA: I had to buy it because I'm not in America. If money it tight, you are probably better off by getting it from the library.
  2. I voted 'yes' and I would tell my doctor for the reasons other posters gave above. But I have to say, reading your background and hearing you are in so much pain, I would probably try ANYTHING even illegal medication/drugs, *unless* it could harm others.
  3. I will be praying for you and your baby :grouphug:.
  4. Exactly! And I would not be surprised at all if -one by one- a lot of European countries will prohibit or severely restrict homeschooling. I'm in the Netherlands and it is something that is always in the back of my mind when I'm making plans for the future. Oh well, we can always hope that the politicians will be too busy with bigger problems to bother with us homeschoolers :glare:.
  5. I have had it a couple of times, a few years back. It could be BP, could be blood sugar. It could also be a 'silent migraine', at least that's what I was told it was. If it doesn't happen again, I would not worry. However, I would mention it to your doctor at your next appointment, I think it is important that he/she has all the info, better a bit too much info (that he/she than can ignore) than not enough.
  6. My 6yo dd wants to name the baby the same name as the 3yo's. 'Wouldn't it be cute, mum, to have TWO .....(insert name)?' My 3yo wants to *ask* the baby his/her name. :lol: So I think it will be best if dh and I decide on the name :D.
  7. Amy, I have been looking at Crossfitkids for a while. I started weightlifting (New Rules of Lifting for Women) in December and it made such a difference in my life, I wish someone had told me that years ago that I could *love* sports even though I can not catch a ball if my life depended on it :D. Anyway, I had to stop recently because of my pregnancy. I plan on starting again in the spring and I would like to include my dds. If you do start Crossfit, would you please post about it on the boards, pretty please :tongue_smilie:.
  8. Thanks, Danielle. It is good to hear from someone with experience in ESL (although English will not be a second language for me or my children, it's more realistic to talk about EFL). I will keep it in mind, I can always buy level 1-2-3 and see where she fits. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for letting me know there is a new Classical Teacher out! I requested it immediately. And yes, I do get the warm fuzzy from Memoria Press :D, especially their history program as laid out in their winter catalogue, so I can't wait to see more details. However I do think their Latin sequence is way, way too slow...but that probably proves that I'm *completely* nuts :lol:. ETA: Robin's Song, please let me know if you decide to go the MP route, it looks like we have similar age kids! Would love to mail.
  10. Thanks! Then I will stick with my original plan to start adding CWP in third grade. Good to know that many people use it one level below, I will make that decision when I get there :001_smile:.
  11. Do I need to use CWP 2 (or whatever the new books are called)? I had planned to start using them in third grade, when my dd's English skills (English is a foreign language for her) are better and she will be able to do them herself. If we start using them now, in 2nd grade, I will have to translate. Now I'm starting to worry, do the levels build on each other? Is CWP2 necessary for CWP3? If we use IP now, can I just add CWP 3 when we start 3 grade?
  12. Congratulations! Beautiful baby and what an adorable family.
  13. I have only young children, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I would think about how important Latin is for you and *why* it is taking so long. How much time does your son spend studying Latin? 20min a week? 5 hours a week? If you do not have enough time, any subject can take too long, and only you and your son can decide how important Latin is and how much time you want to spend on it. If he spends a reasonable amount of time studying Latin every week, does he have problems understanding the grammar? How is his English grammar? Does he need more help? (Tutor? DVD? Online program?) It might not be that Latina Christiana is too difficult, for a 7th grader it might be too easy, he might be ready for more and deeper explanations. In that case, you could take a look at First Form Latin (Memoria Press), which has DVD's. Or one of the another Latin programs geared for older students, for example Latin Prep. There are numerous threads about different methods, some might be a better fit than Latina Christiana. Of course, if Latin is just not that important for your family, you could just quit and spend time on other subjects :001_smile:. HTH,
  14. There was a recent thread on the K-8 board: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20667&highlight=thomas+jefferson HTH
  15. He could certainly use Henle, the layout might be a bit daunting, but there are study guides available and LC1 and LC2 prepare very well for it. But if you really want something with DVD's, First Form Latin (also from Memoria Press) might be a good idea. However...I personally would speed things up for a 9th grader. At Highlands Latin School (school associated with Memoria Press) they do First Form and Second Form in one year for older students. But then you might run into trouble with their publishing schedule, First Form and Second Form are out, Third and Fourth Form might take a while. Of course, it depends on your goals with Latin. If you only want two years of Latin, First and Second Form might be all you want. HTH
  16. Bumping this, because I'm also interested in hearing about the Miller/Guerber books. I'm assuming because Memoria Press recommends them, they are okay. But...Memoria Press also uses The Courage of Sarah Noble for 2nd grade...and apparently that's an evil book :confused:.
  17. Thanks, Amber. What was I thinking?! Well, I was actually thinking :D....I was looking for something for my 3-almost-4yo. Not to workbooky, but something special for her 'school'. Miquon looked like a nice idea. Then I decided to include my 6yo...and that was probably not such a good idea. Kathleen/Spock, thanks. That probably explains it. My dd is a delight to teach, except when she thinks it is too easy....then her whole behaviour changes for the worst. Jesi, nice to see that you are also introducing Miquon to your children, they are very close in age to my kids! I knew that my 6yo dd would not be interested in the rods, so I immediately introduced the pages. I'll have to think about what to do now, let her play and start again with Singapore, or try Miquon Blue. I'm so nauseated that even making small decisions like these are making my head spin. Everything has the potential to drive me insane at the moment :lol:. Thanks, Paula. I just wish this morning sickness would go away, but if it as anything like my last two pregnancies, it will last until birth.
  18. After all the threads about Miquon, I really wanted to like it. But.....it is not working. Not working at all!! (BTW, I bought all the teachers books, read them and liked what I saw. I am mathy myself.) Situation: my 6yo dd has finished Singapore 1A and 1B. We had just started 2A, but I thought that Miquon would make a nice summer break. Ummm, no. She is not really interested in the rods (although she likes to build houses with it) and we have not been able to find the right place for her to start. I have printed the Orange and Red book, presented the pages as puzzles, told her we might have to search a bit to find the right level....but no, everything is either to easy and thus booooring or it is stuff she hasn't yet encountered (fractions), but then she refuses to use the rods or to figure it out herself. What am I missing?? :banghead: My 3-almost-4yo dd loves playing with the rods, but does not want to do the early pages. She insists -as the typical 3yo she is-, that she wants to do the stuff with numbers and sums (later in the book), but she is totally not ready for that, doesn't yet have the fine motor skills to write, doesn't yet recognize the numbers. Oh, and I have a 22month old who likes to throw the rods everywhere. And I'm pregnant and constantly vomiting (I'm writing this with a bucket beside me :blink:). Can I now go back my regularly scheduled Singapore? :001_huh: At least then I feel like I'm doing something, now all I have is chaos. Help.
  19. Even non-US residents can request the DVD! Isn't that awesome!!!
  20. Sagira, congratulations! To the OP, if you lost so much weight due to stress, you do not need additional stress by wondering of you are pregnant or not. Go test!
  21. :lol: It's not English.... I always like to learn new words and this one is a keeper. Can't wait to try it with my Texas American friend. What??? You do not know what Uffda means??? :lol: I found the emphasis on self education for the parents inspiring. Other than that.... the name Thomas Jefferson Education is completely bogus, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the education Thomas Jefferson received. It should be called Oliver-De-Mill-education. Like Bill wrote, there is a lot of controversy about Oliver de Mill and his 'university'. Oh, and I have never encountered so much pressure to get certified as I have encountered on TJe-mailinglists. I have spend a lot of time looking at different homeschool methods and the people behind TJe are the only one who push and push and push for you to spend money on becoming certified, a process that you have to repeat every year to stay certified. Blech. That said, get the books from your library and read them yourself. Oliver de Mill writes nice and enthusiastic. Do not spend money on them before you are sure that you actually want to own the books. HTH
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