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Everything posted by jenn-

  1. The only hits that actually come up that are my kids have to do with the library. DD's was for winning a weekly drawing during last summers reading program, and the three boys were at story time when the reporter was taking pics for the expansion of our library. Thanks for getting me to do this, I had never seen when they had printed the article. It looks like it may have been a "made for web" article.
  2. I normally get hormonal migraines (gotta love a trigger you can't control). Most of the time they are only a day or two right before my period. Every once in a while I get one when I ovulate (like this month). I take one Excedrin Migraine and one Aleve at the same time. That combination seems to work for both myself and DH who also suffers them every couple of months. Most times I will get a rebound headache from the Excedrin, but just a couple of Aleves will take care of it. The worst for me is when they don't hit until the evening and I won't take the Excedrin if it will keep me up. I hate that I have started to get the nausea with them that bothers my MIL and SIL so bad.
  3. If it makes you feel any better I got to clean vomit up off our freshly cleaned carpets last night. Then I spent the night tossing and turning waiting for the next kid to get sick. Luckily that hasn't happened so far, but it did completely ruin our Tday plans as we were supposed to be traveling around to the grandparents today. We were just lucky dh had me buy a turkey to fry this weekend, so it was thawed and waiting.
  4. DD just started gymnastics at the beginning of September. She is very tall for her age. Her coach just told us they are eyeing her for a team invitation in March and she wanted to know if we were interested. I told her to push her to the point she thinks she needs to be and in March we could decide. She would be going onto the team as a beginning level. She will never be Olympic material (started to late, gonna be to tall), but she should be able to compete through high school and maybe into college at various levels. Don't let your daughter be passed by just because the owner does not think she will be a top competitor. You need to either approach the owner and demand a better reason than her size, or find another gym.
  5. First off :grouphug:. Secondly, have you ever actually asked your DH about taking the oldest 2 to the bookstore? Yes he has just come from the same part of town, but if you are so tired that you are having a problem waking up some days (like the weekends), then something has to give. Were you on iron pills during pregnancy? If so, have you continued with them? Are YOU eating enough? You might want to be doing some healthy snacking throughout the day. I feel you on the driving bit. We are about 20 minutes from town and we are in town 4 out of 5 days. DD does her science and history reading during those travel times. I also agree with the picnic lunch on Wednesday (hey that's today, let us know if you did it), and if your twins are not runners, take them to the park. You have 2 older DC that can help you watch them there. I am totally impressed your twins will still get in the stroller. Mine gave that up at 23mos when their baby brother was born. Oh, and this may not be a popular idea here, but get the baby out of the bed. Keep him in a bassinet right next to the bed if you must, but you will sleep better if you are not worried about rolling on him.
  6. I would take them. The doctor can not be certain that the primary infection that caused the bronchitis was not baterial, and if you have a bacterial form of bronchitis, it can go from bad to really bad super fast. You have a 3mo to think about, take the meds.
  7. I would go as far as my airmiles would let me, and my pocket book could afford. I would love to spend time in Ireland or Germany though, but the middle of winter might not be the best time to see either of those. As for a Southern Hemisphere destination, New Zealand or Australia.
  8. If you are a beginner, there are about a million freebies out there. As you get further into your scrapping habit you get a little pickier and buy what you want. There are digital stores all over the place now, you just have to figure out where your favorite designers sell. All that said, I buy most of my stuff now, but have the ability to make what I need as well.
  9. I love acdsee, but I do not have even a third of my supply tagged. I think my organizational style would drive most people batty, probably because I try one way then give up and try something different. The majority of the stuff I use right now comes from my CT work and all of that goes into the designers folder. I have a few designers that I have a lot of stuff from so they also have their own folder. My designer folder is usually my "go to" file when I am looking for something, if I do not find what I am looking for there, I go into my "general population" area where all the other kits live.
  10. We brine our turkey in our cooler all the time. The trick is to use a lot of ice in the cooler. I usually use Alton Brown's brining method. Even if you have your own recipe you could get an idea how much ice is needed to liquid.
  11. I agree with everyone that says stick to the diet even through the holidays. If you know you will be craving certain "must have" holiday foods, see if you cannot find a subsitute recipe. Splenda is my best friend.
  12. Sounds like the little guy just has some social issues. Don't take it personally if he won't communicate with you. As long as he talks relatively normal when he is with your DD in non stressful situations, they can be great buddies. If he was only ever answering her in monkey voice or actively trying to recruit her to do the monkey voice, then you might have a bigger issue. I have a non verbal 2.5yo so I have had a lot of practice interpreting his grunts and points, and sometimes it is just easier to let it be than to try and make him say something.
  13. That's kinda where I think I am going to end up going with it. Honestly by the time I get to the end, it could have gone in a totally different direction. I can feel this novel taking a life of its own and I haven't even started it yet.
  14. That would be a great career move for either of them. I mean don't they say more people vote on reality tv stuff than the general elections?
  15. I am 29 and I just registered to vote for the first time 2 weeks ago. This election has moved me way more than any other one has in the past and although my presidential vote isn't going to be doing much this time, it will be heard.
  16. Thank you so very much for answers so far. Everyone is really helping me flesh out her character. The family she is going to be dropped into is going to be a closet atheist family that everyone just knows as that family that doesn't go to church. Although the kids are being raised to be tolerant of everyone's beliefs, the 13 or 14 yo daughter does not like her cousin and really doesn't like that her life has been invaded by her (she's gonna be stereotypical self centered/dreary teen). I am not going to try and strip the little girl's religious background from her, but she is going to be questioning some of the music choices of the 14yo. The 14yo will probably be giving the little girl some grief over her beliefs, and I just needed to know how strong of a response to expect from that age. There will be lessons for both of them to learn as the book progresses. The little has been taught that if you did not live her family's way of life then you are sinners and will go to hell (so fairly intolerant, but not going with an extremist attitude). She is going to have to learn that not everyone believes that, and having tolerance for others is a good thing. The older girl will be learning how to deal with this new girl and how to help her through the grief process. This will end happily ever after with the two girls loving and respecting each other as "sisters" should, but there will be some hard parts before that point.
  17. I have tackled the schooling part I think. Her parents will have a trust fund set up in their Will with money that is only to be used for continuing private religious schooling (she will not be a homeschool transitioning, but will be changing schools). I had to figure out how she could still have a church relationship without having to justify to the other 6 kids why they were spending money on her private school (as we all know it isn't cheap). Thank you everyone for the responses so far. You are helping me develop her so much. Please keep the responses coming.
  18. I am tackling a novel next month, but I need help understanding one of my characters better. I am going to have an 8yo girl raised by extremely religious parents. Her parents are going to die in an auto accident pretty early on and she is going to be placed with a nonreligious family member. Things I need to know.... How strong would the 8yo religious beliefs be at this point? Do your kids that age (or close to) express/stand up for their beliefs to others already? What type of music do you allow? Are there any contemporary Christain music groups that she would probably listen to? Any music that you do not allow them to listen to? How do your girls dress, and if mommy wasn't making them, would do you think they still would choose it? Anything else you think I should know about before I make bad generalizations and stereotypes? Thanks for anyone that takes the time to help me out.
  19. I downloaded the high school one too. I am waiting for someone to notice it laying around.
  20. That's exactly what I was thinking about doing.
  21. I really just discovered this yesterday, but I think I am going to jump in on the band wagon. I am going to twist an arm or two of DD and insist she tries, but I will probably set her word count pretty low. She won't be home the first week of November, and she really doesn't type much. I think she will enjoy seeing how many words she has typed, and with built in spell checker she won't get to frustrated with no knowing how to spell something. As for myself, I have no idea what I am getting myself into as I am not really an aspiring writer, but thought I would give my creative juices a new outlet for the month.
  22. I have been getting the Helen Hunt comments for about 10 yrs now. I am kinda glad she hasn't been putting much out recently, the comments seem to dwindle.
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