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Everything posted by alisoncooks

  1. What is or has been your MOST EFFECTIVE parenting tool for managing behavior problems or encouraging positive behavior? Is it a book or a specific author/speaker? A parenting philosophy? A chart or technique? Simply being consistent with whatever you do? Thanks!
  2. I like that first rule. And my girls are like this too....they BLOW THROUGH activities. Maybe reducing screen time will increase attention span... ? (or I hope so).
  3. Thanks for this link! I really like those and it's a great alternative to -- yet another -- sticker chart. :) I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with this. We watch WAY too much t.v. and I find it worse on mornings when we turn it on first thing. Then it tends to stay on alllllllll day (or it feels like it). I will definitely be rereading this thread and checking out the suggestions!
  4. I wanted to do something like this for our school year, and I asked a similar question a week or so ago (but I remember getting more "yes, you can do it" answers, haha). What I decided to do is to start reading those books NOW and just be ahead of the game. Ideally, we'd be reading the selection WHILE we were doing the work...but I figured just reading them ahead of schedule is better than nothing. At least then, the passages are still familiar and not random.
  5. I would say if you're buying the new/revised worksheets, it's not light at all. Not for K. If you wanted, you *could* pick up a lil' K math workbook, but I don't know that you need it with the new edition. (The older edition didn't have many sheets for "officially" doing math; it was mainly done during calendar time, etc.) I think it's solid for phonics, though you could supplement with the BOB books when they get to those sounds.
  6. You know, I remember them too. And apparently there's been a resurgence in their popularity b/c I've seen the WHOLE collection on the shelves at Barnes & Noble and there's even a cartoon that comes on with the characters. I remember liking them as a youngster....however, when I flipped through a few (to get them for my girls) I didn't care for what I saw. I don't remember exactly what it was, but I just remember thinking...."meh." (Probably not helpful, maybe someone else can give more specific thoughts. :))
  7. Glad to hear others include their youngers. I think we will begin this...my girls will love it. BUT we are not tea-drinkers...:o Maybe it'll be hot chocolate in our tea cups (coffee for mommy). :p
  8. Ah, see....I understand this. In fact, we pretty much did NOTHING BUT the fun stuff this year :p which is why I'm all freed up to begin "next year's" school work now. :) I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune next year. :tongue_smilie:
  9. Anyone do a Tuesday Tea with the younger set? I am looking for some fun, lil' traditions to incorporate into our week and my 2 girls would probably enjoy this. We have several great poetry books that are just itching for a special time to be read...(because, otherwise, they seem to be easily forgotten.) I guess I would be doing all the reading, since both DDs are nonreaders. What do your non-readers do during tea times/poetry readings? Or do you save this for when your children are older?
  10. Well.... we didn't do much of a K year (even though it was technically that). So we have nothing that needs finishing, except for our final R&S preschool book. I guess we're just eager to begin doing *something* official. I'll probably start now and cycle things in. We do tend to take big breaks as we want, travel to visit family for extra long weekends, stay outside all doors when spring arrives.... so I guess starting now will give us the freedom to do that next year without getting behind.
  11. We've gotten all of our "next year" curriculum in, schedules are set up, work cards laminated, everything filed away nice and tidy. But I want to go ahead and start! (I'm the lady that did Christmas on Dec. 20th because we had a hard time waiting! :D) Anyone else want to go ahead and begin "next year" now?
  12. Well, okay then. Poster ordered. (It's on "sale" anyway, + 15% off with virtue15 code + their shipping is SO reasonable (what a breath of fresh air!)) Anyway, thanks for the rec. I can see where it'll be nice to have the visual of the poster.
  13. Books I love for beginning readers: Frog & Toad books (Lobel) Fox books (Marshall - he also has others: "3 by the sea" "3 up a tree") Little Bear (Sendak) These were immensely popular with my students when I taught 1st. I have quite the collection, but my young one isn't quite ready for them. I can't wait for her to start them! (They are "chapter" books, but of a manageable variety; usually each "chapter" is a stand-alone story.) Other books I've recently found for DD's 1st grade year that I'm looking forward to using: Harriette Treadwell's Primer and 1st reader Usborne's Farmyard Tales collection
  14. Just wanted to update that I received my package from We Choose Virtues a few days ago and I am *very* pleased with them! I purchased the flash cards and the Parent Teaching cards (all faith-based). I had planned on using them next year, but I believe I will go ahead and start now... I plan to focus on 1 virtue a week (cycling through all 12 and then starting back over at the beginning again.
  15. Looking forward to: new Scripture verse memorization method (SCM) We Choose Virtues new meal-planning method with more kid involvement
  16. Whoops, wrong thread. What mistakes I made this year (K)? Looking past where we were and thinking too often about our future plans, instead of enjoying this year and being present in it. Spending too much time researching and planning, too little time reading aloud or coloring or cutting/pasting/playing.
  17. I have a missionary friend who is faced with finding a Bible curriculum to use during their expat/community worship. They have 2 children's classes: ages 0-5 and 6 yrs-5th grade. Cost and space (and technology/shipping) are an issue. I was wondering if BSGFAA would be an option..... Looking at their "All Family" option, that might work... IDK. Or maybe just buying the workbooks for the appropriate ages. The thing I'm curious about is BSGFAA assumes you're using the program daily (or so)....they'd be using it 1-2x a week. Is that enough for retention (with the mem. verses, timelines, etc) or would it be frustrating? Anyone use this program for such a class setting? with similar usage/scheduling? Any other suggestions? THANK YOU!!
  18. Thanks for that list. And I didn't even know this EBM thing existed! And we have a location at our local university...nice to know that's an option!
  19. These higher levels are currently on ebay...but they appear to be older editions. Apparently, the publishing comp. that is re-releasing the lower levels hasn't picked up the higher...
  20. We do NIV (84) simply b/c that is the version the adults in our house prefer to read.
  21. I'm planning on 5 days/week of phonics...but 2 of those days will be phonics games/BOB books/Starfall to practice the OPGTR lesson previously taught.
  22. I think the ABC series would be good in your situation. My 5 yr. old enjoyed most of the things she did in them (though she did get a little tired of some of the repetition.) My favorites are workbooks C (numbers/counting) and I (another one focused on numbers, with a woodland theme).
  23. R&S and CLE's preschool workbook programs are the same. The About 3 series is very, VERY basic, good for a mature 2 year old or a 3 yr. old. I think the ABC series (ABCDEFGHI books) is good for a 4 yr. old. My 5 yr. old did some of them this year as a filler when we curriculum-flopped (books A-D were a bit basic for her, but books E-I were better). I did some pretty detailed breakdowns of the skills in the books here. CLE also has a new Kinder program. I plan on using it for my youngest DD for K'en.
  24. I've been super-happy at a couple of recent thrift store finds...things I was actually wanting/needing for next year: $0.50 - paperback - Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink (used in WWE 1 and I didn't have a copy) $1 - Lauri toys Tall Stacker pegs (I've been wanting some of these since drooling over the MFW preschool pkgs a few years ago! SCORE!) $0.25 - The Read-Aloud Handbook (newest edition in excellent condition, so glad I found this before caving on it from Amazon!) What have you found recently that you were excited about? (for school or otherwise) :)
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