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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My DD is 5 and in Kindergarten. She will easily tell you that science is her favorite subject that we do. She'll beg to do more science for the day. We are using science books from Evan Moor. She LOVES them, as do I. They are very hands on, lots of experiements, things to color, cut-outs, books to color and read together, etc. Since September we've been working through the one about animals. We've learned about habitats, how different animals find their food, herbivores vs carnivores, the protection that different animals have, why animals may be a certain color, etc. We took a "field trip" over to my sisters house, who has lots of pets, to measure animals. We're going to the pet store soon on a field trip. Next month we'll be going to the zoo and doing some of our work. I also have the one about weather and the one about the human body. I'll let her choose which one we do next. They are not Christian based, but I continually add in things about God's creations and stuff into it. I can't recommend them enough. We're having a blast with them. http://www.evan-moor.com/Series.aspx?CurriculumID=6&ClassID=163&SeriesID=117
  2. Thanks for the advice! I do not think we will subscribe to it. It does not sound like it is worth it. Thank you jplain for the Reading Eggs suggestion. My DD tried it out this morning. She enjoyed it. I think it will be a good supplement for the Explode the Code series!
  3. I *just* watched this on YouTube about five minutes ago - I have absolutely no idea why it glows.....but maybe you could use that as part of your class....to find out why. I definitely dont think it would take the whole 2 hours, but maybe you could put another small experiment in there with it. Maybe the ol' pop rocks and soda experiment. Make it a soda day. Edited to Add: Okay, I had to research it myself.....that video is false!!! UGH!!! I found it on snopes right here: http://www.snopes.com/photos/food/mountaindew.asp . Sorry!
  4. I'm teaching my kindergartener to read. We're on Book C of the Get Ready, Get Set, Go for the Code series (they are prequels to the Explode the Code book series). I was looking online to order Book 1 and ran across this: http://www.explodethecode.com/ . It looks interesting. It's like $55 for a year. I was just wondering if this works, if kids like it, and if it is worth that price.
  5. You guys totally described just how I am. I'm all good and fine till a "scare" comes along and then I'll be freaked for weeks/months. The worst I ever have been was about 2 years ago. I never want to go through that again. And the thing is, I'm so good about hiding how freaked I am. No one knows but me, and it runs through my head constantly. I'm going to look this book up on Amazon right now. I'm going through a "good" period right now, so this would be a great time to read through the book.
  6. Your local school should accept homeschoolers....ours does. DD is 5 and takes speech therapy at the local elementary school. It was a long process to get in though. You have to have him evaluated, get an IEP meeting, etc. He might not would begin until next year.
  7. I'd like to stay out of public places more.....but honestly, we are busier now than ever. DD5 has speech therapy at the public school every Tues and Thurs afternoon. We have homeschool group every Wednesday for four hours. We have church on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. DD5 has science class on Thursday afternoons while DD2 has toddler art class. The only thing I could really cut out would be the art and science class. Everything else we need to do. So I guess we will not be cutting back....we just use LOTS of hand sanitizer and I stress to them not to touch their face (which is virtually impossible with a 5 and 2 year old).
  8. I forgot to add, I have health anxiety too....big time. So I know what you are going through! :grouphug:
  9. I'd give it another week. Cycles change. My cycle has been crazy lately. I never used to spot....now I start spotting before I get my period. My period usually lasts about 4-5 days. Last month it lasted two days! Sometimes I'm late (used to be pretty regular)....sometimes it is weeks late. I used to never have any kind of period related feeling bad. Now my stomach hurts leading up to my period, I get headaches sometimes. I've asked my doctor many times and she says that a women's cycle changes sometimes. If a week goes by and still no period, I'd call back and ask about it.
  10. My 2 year old is completely obsessed with Little People. That's all she will play with. But she does not like the newer type of Little People that bend in the middle. She likes the stubby round ones.
  11. I just dont understand what 6 year old could possibly hide for 5 hours? Sure, they say he fell asleep. I know my kid would never do that. She's five years old. Five hours of hiding would be an eternity to a child that young. And my kid certainly would not fall asleep while hiding....she's past the age of falling asleep anywhere other than the bed unless it is late at night and we are out for some reason. Hiding for five hours just seems far fetched to me.
  12. I'd love to get my kids vitamin D levels tested.....but I'm not sure I want to step foot into the doctor's office right now unless I really have to. I'm scared of catching the flu! But I have an appt for myself in a little over a week to get the test results back from my bloodwork. I'm already dreading stepping into that office.
  13. Can you get too much Vitamin D? If so, what are the symptoms of that?
  14. Thanks for all the suggestions for a vitamin for me. I'll definitely be checking them out. As far as the glycerin goes, my DD doesnt usually have a sensitive tummy. But maybe this just effects her that way. I had wanted her to take vitamins to help her through the flu season....but I guess I'll have to stop the vitamins and see if the pooping goes away (well, not completely LOL).
  15. As for deviating from the book, I was just going by what the article said since I have not seen it yet. But I did read that he yelled at his step-parent and that's what gets him into trouble. That part just seemed strange to me because in the book, he just yelled "I'll eat you up" to his mother. I dunno, maybe the had to add more to it, but it seems odd to add a step-parent in there.
  16. I was all excited about seeing this one.....but after reading a review in the paper last week about how Spike Jonze made it, I'm not sure that I want to. He said that he wanted to make a kids movie that was not for kids. :confused: From what I read, he deviated from the book quite a bit.
  17. It's just called children's MultiVitamin with bioflavonoids by NaturaBio. Here's the break down on the back: Vitamin A 1250 IU Vitamin C 40mg Vitamin D3 400 IU Vitamin E 10 IU Thiamine 0.7 mg Riboflavin 0.8 mg Niacin 9 mg Biotin 30 mcg Vitamin B6 0.7 mg Panthotenic Acid 3 mg Bioflavonoid Complex (Queretin, Rutin, Hesperidin 1 mg Other ingredients: Purified water, Brown rice syrup, glycerin, natural orange, lime, and vanilla flavors, citric acid, stevia extract, natual lemon flavor, sodium benzoate, chamomile, horsetail, kelp, licorice, peppermint, plantain, spinach, and nettles.
  18. First I have a question about kids vitamins. I recently started my kids on vitamins that I got at Whole Foods. DD2 takes the liquid kind. I noticed that for the past 4 days, she's been pooping alot. Like twice a day (which is a lot for her, she usually goes about every other day). And it sounds explosive coming out, and it is very soft and watery (sorry TMI). I asked her if her tummy hurts, she says no. I just recently realized that these poops began a few days after she began her vitamins (they've been taking them for about a week). Do you think they could have a correlation? If so, is this normal or should I stop the vitamins for DD2? Also, I'm looking for a vitamin for myself. Just a regular, multi vitamin I guess. I prefer to get it at Whole Foods, so if anyone takes something from there, I would love some suggestions. Thanks!!!
  19. My daughter wanted some of these for her 4th birthday. She played with them for a short while but now they are all naked and all the smalle pieces are lost. So for us, they were not worth it (those things are expensive!). She wanted the house as well, but my girls already had a 3 story Fisher Price dollhouse, so I didn't want to get them another one.
  20. I think my DD5 would like a marble run type thing....but I think she would have difficulty putting it together herself (as would her 2 year old sister). Then I saw this: http://www.amazon.com/Think-of-It-6222-Frigits/dp/B00004TXLR I just put two large dry erase boards on the wall, "stacked" two high, so it is a pretty good magnetic area to play on. Right now the kids draw there, as well as play with magnetic animals. I thought this might be good to put on there as well. Anyone have it? Is it made well? Work well?
  21. We are in north Florida.....and I am sooooo happy that it is finally getting chilly! I actually had to look in my kids closet this morning and make sure that they have jackets that still fit that they can wear in the morning LOL.
  22. I'm so sorry. :grouphug: Someone on my friends list posted that exact same image.....it was very startling to be scrolling down my news feed and come across that.
  23. Ya know, I was really worried and on the edge of my seat about this kid.....but something seemed fishy in the back of my mind about the whole thing. They should get in HUGE trouble for this.
  24. Honestly, if you are that fed up, I'd just quit for the day. That's one of the perks of homeschooling. Now if it became a weekly thing, then you'd firmly have to have some consequences in place if it happens too often. But everyone gets fed up with school and work at times.....it's nice to just take a break if it is getting to be too much.
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