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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. I posted a book on paperback swap last night and have decided today that I do not want to get rid of it afterall. When I went to delete it from my list, I noticed it is pending on someone's wishlist. Now, the program won't let me delete it. What can I do? I am NOT going to ship this book off to someone when I need it for my own kids! LOL
  2. I just found it myself...but I am totally in love! :) It is a living book history/science curriculum that has a guide to make it more AOI...but you can pick and choose what completes the rest. For istance, they use Singapore math, but you can do whatever you want. They recommend R&S English, but you don't have to do that either. You buy the parts separately, so you can skip some and get others. :) You can also find the books on Amazon, PBS, and other places. It has good extensions so parents can combine kids and still work at each child's level. We will start BHFHG and BLHFHG this fall. :)
  3. It is not bad and definitely not cause for worry or anything, but I actually couldn't read it. The endings for some of the words seem to be stuck to the beginning of the previous words. Does that make sense? For instance, the other day, my ds 5.5 wrote a letter to his dad. It said: Dad, I hope yoo wil bring me sawr skitles wen yoo come home. Obviously, it is phonetic (mostly - he is learning silent e and has that part DOWN...LOL Now...to realize that you is not spelled the same as "too" even though two o's do make the same sound as the ou in the words...) but the words don't run into one another. I am not sure if that is odd or not as this is my first time teaching a child to read. ETA: Curiousity got me and I had ds write this sentence to see what he would do. Here is his: Turtil wif its hed in its shel.
  4. Summers here are light...so really I just figured out what I could finish up and the rest is just rotating around. The kid will do two things each day that are school related (and I picked things that don't have to be done 5 days a week to be successful. Summer only: Monday: Math, Handwriting* Tuesday: Language Arts, Explode the Code* Wednesday: Writing with Ease, Math Thursday: Language Arts, Handwriting* Friday: Writing with Ease, Explode the Code*
  5. I am not sure what it is...but getting the end of the year planned and the summer planned (school wise) has taken a weight off my sholders. :) Today, I sat down and scheduled until the end of the school year (180 days) and then I figured a way to do summer around here with my kids in and out for camps and visits. Overall, I am really pleased with the "plan." It is kind of "pick up and go" for both kids and I feel like the world is lifted off my sholders. "Not knowing" apparently really freaks me out. :tongue_smilie:
  6. Nope...detergents have all been the same. He did take a bath in a different type of bubble bath...but that was LAST SATURDAY....so it had been 6 days before he broke out. Surely that wouldn't do it.
  7. HIVES. Just like many of you thought. :( Oh, how I wish it had just been chicken pox! The doctor said he had no idea what caused them (of course), but it was likely something he ingested (i.e. food). He didn't eat anything new or different in the last few days - so now we are supposed to stop peanut butter and strawberries and re-introduce them slowly. I just pray he doesn't have a peanut allergy. Those are SO hard because so many things have peanuts or peanut products in them...even chocolate chip cookies have the warning for peanuts on them. :( My dh insists that I immediately take him to the allergist and have a skin/blood test done to see what he is allergic to. I prefer the "maybe this was a one time thing...let's see if it happens again" approach. My doctor didn't seem too terribly concerned. He told me to keep benadryl handy and to give him Zyrtec or Claritin daily until the hives are completely gone. After I had my first son, I started getting hives all over. They itched like crazy and, even though I had all the allergy testing done, they still never determined what caused it. I took hydroxyzine and zyrtec in combo for 8 years before I stopped getting hives when I stopped the meds. :(
  8. You need the test key and the anwer key if you are going to give the tests. There are ones where it says, "write what your teacher says" and you have to have the key to know what to say! LOL
  9. No sore throat or fever (although *I* have both right now). He hasn't had one at all recently. The spots do seem to itch. They are red, round and raised up like when a mosquito bites, but they don't have a hole in the middle. They are not pustules or blisters at all. They are just red raised bumps that are the size of a pencil eraser or so.
  10. Okay, my little guy has about 15-20 "bug bite" looking marks on him. He went to bed last night and he was getting more and more. He woke up this morning and half of them were gone! Some are still there, but not as bad as they were yesterday. The doctor said that when a child has been vaccinated, sometimes chicken pox are "hard to call" since the virus comes out in a different way and is usually not severe at all. So, my question now is...Does my kid have CP? And if he does, but the spots aren't "crusty," is he contagious? Blah!
  11. I have to admit that I find sig a bit too heavy, personally. I have to let dh carry him around. ;)
  12. I would say location does have a lot to do with things. I have more friends whose dhs' have taken paycuts. My husband's old employer cut salaried employees by 20%. The other former employer closed its doors completely.
  13. Just curious. This seems to be an everyday things now for us. Each day, I talk to someone else whose dh has lost their job or whose dh is in danger of losing his job. None of us are "safe" anymore, it seems. I was counting tonight and I can name 10 people off the top of my head who have lost jobs in the last 3 months alone. :(
  14. Wow...If you are 27 and it came on when you were 12, then that means it came on when I was 15. Oh h*ll, now I feel OLD.
  15. We each have our own extra blankets. We have a king bed and I use one of the boys' twin comforters my side while dh uses a thin little twin-sized quilt on his side. It works for us. We still share the sheet and original quilt. :)
  16. My older son was 8 by the time he was reliably dry at night. Honestly, I thought he would NEVER get it...then his brother (who was 4 at the time) potty trained reliably at night and after that, my older son worked harder and did the same. His was "competition" with his brother, IMO...and I hate to say it, but before that, I think it was just sheer laziness. He knew it was coming, but waking up wet didn't bother him until his brother stopped doing it...
  17. Oh pooh! :( My little guy never got sick (with the sore throat/virus type thing). Wonder if it is still true for him. Sounds like we need to be out of "group" activities for awhile then...at least until we know ds9 hasn't gotten it to. Hmmm...maybe his hs friends are like ya'll and want it. LOL We used to have "pox parties" when I was a kid. Our mom's would throw us all together and let the germs do the rest. :glare:
  18. LOL - We are in TN....probably would be over the pox by the time ya'll made the haul from TX.
  19. I love their Bible and Language Arts. :) We are already happy with our math (Singapore) or we would have switched that as well. We are using DITHOR for reading or I would be using CLE. I just like the approach of DITHOR better in that it using actual chapter books that you get some choice in rather than a "reader."
  20. Oh my! That is totally bizarre! This doesn't "look" like hives, but it could be, I suppose.
  21. Ohh...and pregnant too. EEK! I had a mild case as a child. I really don't want it again - but surely I won't get it ....AGAIN. So, out of curiousity, how long before we can go back to co-op with my older son. I mean, if the little one has CP, then of course, we will wait until his blisters are healed, etc. But, with the older one, do I need to wait a few weeks since he has been "exposed," or should I just go ahead and take him unless he too breaks out in blister?
  22. My 5 y/o ds looks like he has about 20 bug bites on various parts of his body. He did not have these earlier today and they have not formed blisters yet. He never had a sore throat or fever, though. He had ONE of the two varicella immunizations....
  23. My 5 year old is doing 1st grade stuff right now. He is reading well, but is not yet reading, say, chapter books. Should I wait to start Latin until he is reading fluently (chapter books, IMO) or should I start with something like "Song School Latin" now?
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