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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I did my son’s hair for years. I was sort of a free style hairdresser and scissored it all. Using my left hand to hold and measure. It’s been a relief to send him to someone who is actually trained because it is really stressful for me to do it. But yes I am going to have to. Really sharp scissors is the key, I have professional ones sitting in England ....unfortunately I am not there. I should probably see what I can find online. I still do dh’s, no big deal, he is a 2 all over with clippers.
  2. I looked at something earlier today regarding the passengers on one of those the cruise ships and don’t feel like googling to find but slightly less than 25% (400Ish) are US. Slightly more are Canadian who the cruise line promises to bus home. So let’s bus potentially sick people home to Canada.......up through NewYork, or maybe Detroit. The drive to Detroit without stops is at least 22 hours. I know that drive well. The remaining 50% plus mainly European......UK and Germany were the largest proportion. Everyone needs to remember the Westerdam (where no one was ever positive......ever) was a disaster in disembarkation. Holland America/Carnavel have a really bad track record with this. Remember the Westerdam escapee to Oregon? The publicized plan was supposed to be to load the passengers in very staggered shifts over a couple of days and take them directly to prepaid flights. My understanding......remember I have a friend who was one of the passengers getting on a bus. The tickets they were given didn’t work per media in some cases......others were stopped because a passenger had an unrelated fever. My friends got home on their own....ended up buying their own flights. They Were able to secure somewhat direct tickets. The cruise lines need to bus directly to chartered flights to each country and very possibly state over days. Total lock down on the boat is required. They have a mess that they should have known better than create..... The next few days are really critical for Florida in terms of being overwhelmed.........the elderly make up one quarter of the residents. Total of 6000 people sitting off the coast.......many not US residents. It is a rather unfair burden to place a one state or even country when none of those boats are US flag carriers.
  3. Holland America/Carnaval has certainly known taking passengers on cruises every since the beginning of February when they stranded my friend on the Westerdam..........I blame the corporate entity more than the passengers. Btw so has the other main cruise group......Diamond Princess anyone?
  4. @Junie, just saw you added the base pattern picture to the post. She made a lot of changes and did a lovely job. One of my sil’s friends made bridesmaid’s and prom dresses for years.....she did my wedding. It was really easy.....I picked a basic pattern and gave her everyone’s measurements. We had one fitting. I bought the fabric because I wanted a specific shade and paid a per dress fee of like $50 each over thirty years ago. It was the easiest wedding I was involved in in terms of bridesmaids dresses. I always thought that would be a great side job....I just don’t enjoy dress making but your Dd obviously does and is good at it.
  5. Since she can alter a pattern sewing for bridesmaids would be an idea.
  6. It’s beautiful! She did a terrific job!
  7. Up until this point no but haven’t needed to go for over a week. At that point I felt fine. I spent some time today adjusting my sewing supplies on hand to online mask patterns and prewashing the fabric. Tomorrow I sew...........Starting to see people on trails by our house with masks.
  8. I have now read The Chocolate Cream Pie Murder which once again ends with a cliff hanger. So now I am just waiting for the last in the series that has been published.......no matter what the cliff hanger is I will be done for a few months🤣
  9. I have 350 little Coffee Mate creamers for my tea in order to extend the fresh milk supply for cereal which we also have a great deal of! I have a new washing machine sitting in the garage for when my elderly machine dies.......naturally it’s working really well now.
  10. I bought the Yoyi kind off of Amazon for Dd about a year ago. They have held up well and she likes them.
  11. I’m not sure how many of you have tried the Hannah Swenson Culinary Mystery’s but they have been around for years, possibly a couple were made for TV movies while I was in England, and they are popular even in England. American cozy mystery books were not a typical thing in British libraries which is probably why I am able to find so many to read in order to catch up now! Btw, these are the ones with cookies..... So the last couple I read were lacking in quality but with cliff hangers that made me start the next..........just speed read the Raspberry Danish Murder https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35277384-raspberry-danish-murder and have to say the series is back on track. I had to check out the next one because of the cliff hanger......😂
  12. The Last Passenger by Charles Finch was very good. It dealt with the dirty side of England’s anti slavery stance in the 1800’s.......they may have been publicly against but profited greatly. So the subject matter and how the story was told was interesting. On the ongoing story of Charles Lennox side of the book it was obvious to me that a favorite character who was deceased in the official first book was going to die at some point in this book. Sniff, sniff..........https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45046759-the-last-passenger I may pick The Beautiful Blue Death to check out how these prequels did in joining with the series.......I still have the final book or two to read. I finished one of my freebies The Kissing Contract which I enjoyed greatly. Honestly I gave it a five star rating for the bunnies alone......an island filled with lop ear rabbits......someone set three loose and they multiplied! Adult content. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44308779-the-kissing-contract No idea what I am going to read next........I have finished last month’s Deborah Crombie spelling challenge and will post it later.
  13. Prayers for you and your family.
  14. Went ahead and ordered shelf stable milk that had a delivery date at the end of April. After checkout got a message with a mid April date. Many things that have had a longer than 2 day date seem to show up before expected.
  15. One of the books that I am part way through is The Austin Playbook by Lucy Parker and part of the same series. The names of the characters in your book sound familiar and I think they make appearances in my book which is 4th in the series, yours is fifth. 😁Yeah, I know, nothing like being an obsessed series order person! Also part way through The Last Passenger by Charles Finch. It’s the last of the prequels and I am enjoying it. I stopped last night because I know what must be going to happen thanks to having read the rest of the series and didn’t want to have problems sleeping. I started one of the freebies off the mega 12 page list and am hooked. I definitely plan to finish The Kissing Contract by Amy Andrews. I am totally charmed by an island filled with bunnies!
  16. Penguin sending hugs.......just reread and think I got the question wrong but ........ Does he have any American Plastic? Perhaps a card not tied to your main bank account. Hubby and I are thinking the easiest would be to send him to an ATM (which should be comparatively uncrowded) and have him do a withdrawal with the American card. You pay the bill here. You probably should let you bank know where he is as I think he is now in a different country than normal. If not just do the transfer online. It really should be fine. My husband has done it recently.......keep it under €5000 for a huge list of reasons.......hubby is not charged but does believe some accounts are charged.
  17. It might be Stephen Booth https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/96265.Black_Dog?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=PMssv6VMEk&rank=1 . The bonus is I can see on Goodreads that you read it! I did read the second one which was OK. When I start again I will skip ahead a couple as I heard from someone they get much better a bit later into the series. These were really popular at the village library with little old ladies which was interesting.......
  18. You didn’t ask me😉 but I think less political or at least the same basic politics. The second and third books were far quicker reads for me. @Kareni Thanks for the link to the 12 pages of free books. I picked out quite a few and had a great time doing it! Sort of a everything in the romance category from typical historical s to contemporary with an occasional paranormal thrown in!
  19. I am simply thrilled to read your update! You made my day.....
  20. When I was watching the movie as a child I don’t think I had a clue that the story was a book. I was embarrassingly excited to discover it was a book when I started home education.....Yes, I bought a copy very early on. I am glad she enjoyed it and has now learned the book is almost always better!😉
  21. I saw it this morning. A bit of a stir that he tested on the NHS in one of the papers but who knows. He is isolating which is what is important......believe Camilla had pneumonia not that long ago so I hope she doesn’t catch it from him.
  22. @Dicentra Thank you for finding the link! Maybe I will entertain myself with Canadian film tonight........Dh just gave Dd an early birthday present, can’t remember the exact title but it’s basically the Best of Red Green, so Canadian TV is happening in my house currently.🙂 We lived near Detroit for years and watched a great deal of Canadian television including Red Green which is hilarious. Just found the first episode on YouTube if anyone wants to watch it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUXPuYZ4DEQ. I just sent the link to a friend in who is very bored.
  23. Thank you! I am going to go hunting later today for light paranormal. Those look great!
  24. If you feel like sharing a favorite series or two ........always looking for good new series in that genre. I finished listening to an audiobook that has been in progress for weeks and cut out pieces for a quilt top in my hour.😁
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