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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. At that age I was always using a SL core to match ds in age with VP workbook and history cards for dd. I bought a few of VP's books which just added to the SL core. Followed the SL reading order loosely just to fit it all in. I went on to do my own when SL American History started.....live in the UK. The must have is a good spine book. We loved SotW which can be used to fit what you have already bought in to read aloud wise. Bible, switched to MP. We liked it and the Golden Children's Bible.
  2. Fun list, I plan to spend some more time with it. So far We have always lived in a Castle has been requested. :)
  3. Last year I reread Dracula before rereading The Historian. Highly recommend that combination. The Historian is a great book, one of my all time favorites. Dracula before the reading of it made it even better.
  4. Even though I live in GMT Duolingo accepts the EST that my computer's clock is set for. My dc's clocks are set GMT and their duolingo operates on GMT. No technical problems here. Do you have the app if you are on an android, works much better.
  5. My dd is loving this coursera classhttps://www.coursera.org/course/ntufsc forensic science from a university in Singapore. It may be too far along to get a certificate but you could still access videos which she has loved. I read a lot of forensic books. One of my favourite series is very light and fluffy by Sharyn McCrumb, the Elizabeth MacPhearson series, these are probably too girly but you might enjoy them! Kathy Reich's of Bones fame writes a good series. Very little except the main character name in comman with tv show. The Scarpatta series is excellent until roughly the Bone farm. Can't think of more now......
  6. Thank you for the link, I spent way too much time looking at her blog. One thing I discovered was she has a link there for chronological order also. After spending some time there it does not appear to correspond very well to the one I already own but there is a link to the recommended. I want to do one of these programs but not sure which. There was also a link to the ESV (my favourite, but not what I own ;) ). I am going to talk to dh and see which one he recommends. I think the Greek book will arrive tomorrow! Looking forward to taking a look at it. I may end up saving it for a future dd present because she would probably enjoy it the most in our family. The version I have is The Narrated Bible in Chronological Order by F.Lagard Smith. It was an impulse buy when placing a CBD order a few years ago. I wasn't even thinking about versions just what it could do for my homeschool program, obviously I hadn't known a chronological format existed. I just pulled it off the shelf this afternoon and discovered that I could just do a section a day with this bible. It has marks to divide a years reading and commentary within. It is very readable just not portable. I did enjoy it but too heavy for reading in bed. I looked on amazon and they do have a King James version but I would recommend a trip to a Christian Bookstore to physically see you choices. After buying mine I have seen several others that I might have preferred but most are chunky. Just :grouphug: and sending positive thoughts and prayers.
  7. I love the look of the Greek book. I couldn't resist ordering one for us. The dc's did the Elementary Greek books a couple of years ago but never went to the next step. It has probably been discussed but which One Year Bible? I showed dh your post while looking at the Greek book, he thought I wanted the Bible too. ;) I started looking and discovered several different versions. Maybe I do want a One Year Bible but not sure which one. I keep meaning to start my Chronological Bible project again (just reading one that is already printed chronologically, very interesting format. I never finished mainly because my Chronological Bible it is huge. I noticed several of the One Year Bibles are advertised as small sized...
  8. Ladydusk -- Your new avatar is beautiful! Love the big picture! This one has been on my list as a Booker Prize long list book. To be fair pretty sure it has popped up on several lists. I was planning a 5/5 Booker category. So far I have read two...not loved them but interesting. I have also been extremely relieved to drop two others back with the librarians. :lol: This one sounds great.....96 pages. Can't imagine it being that short!
  9. I couldn't resist checking and my library does have The Instructions, currently checked out. I think I will let you go first with that one. It does sound interesting but the page count is huge.... Somehow we have great wifi and dreadful mobile service at our hotel. Dh and I just got back from driving around until I had enough bars to call my mom. She came home today so send good thoughts her way that everything will work and she can stay at home permanently.
  10. Stacia, I am on my way out the door not sure if I will have much wifi for a couple of days, going to the beach for a last bit of summer. I did finish String Diaries. Did enjoy it overall, certainly made me keep reading. High body count but not that hugely horrifying. Basically a serious thriller action type with a supernatural unstoppable bad guy.
  11. Stacia, pretty sure it won't scare you. The evil shapeshifter thus far is pretty well defined. No doubt who he is and who he is looking for. You and the good side know it is coming. Lots of flashbacks to Hungary. Really think you would enjoy what I have read so far. Remember I read tons of relatively light paranormals and I enjoy thrillers but very rarely read anything that could be classed as horror. Can't even think of a horror book I have knowingly read since my teens. Goodreads calls this one horror but so far it reminds me of more of a Bram Stoker Dracula level, one r#pe( not overly descriptive)so far which was the worst part. Sort of a stalking creepy if that makes sense. Now watch, I am going to return to reading and the book is going to scare me massively.
  12. Kareni, these are good with fresh raspberries instead of jam.http://www.maryberry.co.uk/recipes/great-british-bake-off-recipes/victoria-sandwich. Eggs at room temperature, actually does make a difference imo
  13. I am roughly halfway through The String Diaries from Stacia's library list. I don't think she has tried it yet but it is pretty good. Shape shifters, it is definitely a bit creepy. Yes, if it looks interesting I am (gasp) reading the books I pick up from the library as opposed to piling them!
  14. I fell in love with this series a few years ago and read the whole thing in a huge out of order mish mash on a trip to the States. I think Dead Witch Walking was actually one of the last books I read. In case you haven't figured out that I generally find it very hard to read series out of order my being willing to was a huge compliment to the author. I like the Stephanie Plum comparison and think it is pretty accurate. I haven't read the latest two books in the series, I have been planning to read them after a complete in order reread.....maybe in October. Robin, We are doing Spooky Books for October again, aren't we? I have been creating a pile of rereads with their new releases for the month. Anne Rice has a new vampire book due out soon.... Beautiful Jane.
  15. Jenn and other Isle of Sky dreamers, this is one of my favourite Skye dreams. Violins and seals, just lovely......http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qS5vyUBjAYU Robin, I enjoyed reading your story and instantly remembered the picture of James and your hummingbird friend. Thank you. Pam have a safe trip home.
  16. Thanks Robin, I always have wondered about the third 5. I did find some time to read today. I finished The Art of Baking Blind by Sarah Vaughn. I think I mentioned requesting it a couple of weeks ago. Nothing spectacular and not as much baking competition parts as I had hoped for. I liked one of the five contestants and wanted to follow her to the end so I finished it. Could have easily discarded. Also finished the Booker long list book that I have been working on for awhile. To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris was as the NPR review said twice as weird as you think. This probably contains what could be considered spoilers but in reality might make things clearer as you read....http://www.npr.org/2014/06/26/325529167/a-dentist-confronts-the-gaping-maw-of-life-in-to-rise-again. It was one of those books that made me finish it but I don't know why other than I couldn't quit. A mismash of so many ideas that it made my head spin. I went back and reread several times trying to find what I had missed, generally nothing the story jumped. Themes and topics were really far ranging, everything from gum disease to multiple religions. The main character is not overly likable with bad language(hate what he calls his girlfriends) and stalking tendencies, who had no cyber presence until a stalker(for lack of any idea what to call it) gave him one. The book is the man dealing with his websites and twitter when he isn't generating them. It is very different and I gave it a 3.
  17. Very not British of them! We see maybe three signs in a run up to an election down here. Makes me want to go just to see the signs! We almost went last week for a couple of days so maybe I can convince dh he needs to see the signs, he is Scottish after all. I am going to a Scottish party celebrating the vote in a week or so. All I know is I was told to make sure I eat first that I may not like the menu! Party is simply in honour of Scotland and celebrating Scottish things not some sweeping political statement. Just ladies from the village.....
  18. Rosie it is actually a law that regulates hours here. Some are exempt. Smaller shops in non tourist areas just don't bother. From practical experience I wouldn't have expected a privately owned bookstore to be open. But it is, just checked. Then I googled the law....... I don't think I have ever been in Scotland on a Sunday. Sorry Pam, I gave poor advice. Just learned something new, England and Wales have the law but not Scotland. https://www.gov.uk/trading-hours-for-retailers-the-law the practical effect of this law is many smaller shops don't bother to open unless there is a special event. A special law was passed so shops could stay open during the Olympics which proved to be a huge flop. Not enough people bothered to go during the extented hours to make them profitable according to the major retailers, even in London etc.... Really small shops are exempt. We do have one that sells milk which gets used pretty often on Sunday evening! Since I have have diverged really badly away from books I feel the need to say I have several books started, all pretty fluffy. If I get a few hours to read today it might be possible to finish several books. Stacia, I recently discovered that Supernatural Enhancements has been accidentally requested by me at more than one library. It must have popped up in new purchases all over. I love it when both the hardcover and ebook arrive at the same time so maybe my subconscious did this intentionally......being able to switch between the copies is lovely, I can take my book everywhere. I generally can't read hardcopies in the car because of nausea. This post is edited. I had some technical difficulties and had to post and come back rather than lose it all.
  19. Amy, I hope you all feel better soon!
  20. Really glad Costco was helpful. I will admit I almost didn't put that in because knowing where Costco is 200 plus miles from where I live is a bit sad, even worse I have shopped there. Can't remember what we needed but I have the Costco app on the sat nav and use it more often than I should. Glad it worked well. I love the fact that my card works worldwide really easily. I hate to say this but Sunday trading hours do exist here. If possible make sure the bookstore is open if you need to travel far for it. Most stores that are open on Sunday will close at 4. I am sure your dd knows but it is something that I forget every single time I go back to the US so mentioning.... What is worse I spend my time in the US relearning how to shop on Sunday nights. :lol:
  21. Pam--This has to be quick because we are on our way out the door in a few minutes so I can't check my names. The Bruce battle sites by Sterling are Dh's favorite, Bannickburn(I know I am spelling it wrong). Love St. Andrews in general. Coffee Shop where Harry Potter was written thrills the dc's everytime, it is very near the museum. We did not think Roslyn Chapel of Dan Brown and Templar fame worth it but we tend to visit many churches so the crowds got us. Window was really good ....... We haven't been but there is supposed to be a park near Edinburgh where you can watch seals in the ocean....they should be there,saw some a couple weeks ago near Hull. An, odd FYI. If you have a Costco card it does work at Costco here. There is one by the IKEA in Edinburgh. Thought that might be handy for apartment shopping.
  22. Stacia, Visits to your sister's always increase my pile! :lol: I didn't do very well in my main library with that list. There are at least 4 that I really want to read but can't find so will search other libraries later. I did discover String Theory at the village library. Dh just left to pick it up for me, very sweet. FYI. Tigerman flows nicely so is a relatively quick read if you end up needing to round out your marathon under a time constrait. Have a great weekend!
  23. All three of us read it together at 13 and 11. I read the questions and explained the Americanisms. Everyone answered, then checked. We did it on the kindle. If you have more than one kindle registered to an account you can have it on all your kindles.
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