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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I'm not sure if Rose already linked the Canongate Myths website but I finally went looking for it. Some of the individual books are really interesting. I have reserved a few.http://www.themyths.co.uk/?page_id=2
  2. No idea what the norm is but I visited a couple of sitcoms several years ago while they were filming. They had a lovely spread with several types of cold cuts and bread. Bagels with toppings. Nice fresh veg and fruit. Finished with lovely cookies. This show had a huge name as star but failed pretty quickly. We were there for the first episode. Also the filming didn't end until dark. Eta. This was in LA. Culver Studios I think.
  3. Noseinabook :grouphug: Now for some book ideas that I think you might like. Totally agree with Kareni regarding the Alpha and Omega series. Really good. I have the latest one in my stack. Lynsay Sands writes a very funny imo vampire series about the Argeneau family of vampireshttps://www.goodreads.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=lynsay+sands. You will be happier starting near the start of the series because all the characters reoccur. Very light quick reads which you probably would want to check out of a library. ;) My overdrive library has them. If you haven't read Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate serieshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6381205-soulless?from_search=trueyou might like that. Steampunk but with vampires, werewolves, and ghosts. If you feel like Flufferton Abbey type books I like the Julia Quinn Smith/Smythes or any of her series. Quick, fluffy, and often funny.
  4. Before I write this I need to say Magician's Nephew may very well be my favorite although I love them all. If you start with Lion,Witch, and Wardrobe when do you read Magician's Nephew? My fourth grade teacher simply skipped it.....shudder/horror. I didn't know it existed until I was reading them to the dc's.
  5. Dd wants me to read Till We Have Faces very badly. She loved it. I will try to read that one too. I won't be home to my copies of the CS Lewis books until the second week in April so I will start then! Eta .....Out of a Silent Planet is the first. I read about half of it several years ago and loved it. Put it down to read aloud with ds and never got back to it.
  6. Angel, Are we still doing The Space Trilogy together in April?
  7. Beckster :grouphug: :grouphug: to all the BaWer's who are feeling ill. MelMichigan .... so glad to see that you enjoyed the Anne Bishop series. I thought you would. ;) I am finished with my Faith Hunter readathon. While it was fun it will be nice to have a bit more variety. But have to say Skinwalker is a great series overall. I didn't care for the few short stories in the Black Water book though. Too short. :lol: Hoping to finish Obsession in Death tonight then start the latest CS Harris, Who buries the Dead, which I just picked up this evening from the library!
  8. Neither dc knew that there was an app so they used the website! :lol: My ds (who is very good at coding) said to tell you it is important for your daughter to figure it out on her own. He said the secret to learning to code well is self reliance. He spent some time as a moderator on code academy and I know they can ask questions in the forums and the moderators or others answer. It really is self study. I know absolutely nothing about coding and my kids know a lot.......remember it is self checking. You code works or it doesn't. If it doesn't you fix it.
  9. Look at the college board website. I think there is one sample test per subject for free there. We have a stack of library prep books that we are using and plan to take the college board ones a couple of days before the tests.
  10. Both of my dc's started with Code Academy http://www.codecademy.com/. Great program with really nice people and FREE. My son loves to code and the moderators were great to him as he learned. We had problems with the teen coder books. Have them both and never really were able to get them to work.... the free software was the problem on our laptop as I remember. Gave up whe we found code academy. Coursera also has a free python class from Rice University that was helpful.
  11. I'm going to post just to hopefully get us started today! It makes me nervous to see no new posts now. :lol: Anyone know when Shukriyya will be back? Pam? Others are missing for Lent but I think those two are on holiday but I could be wrong. Anyway I miss everyone who hasn't been posting lately. Eta. Kareni posted at the same time! :lol: Thread is definitely working. :)
  12. Never a pause in math. I always found something new and interesting for them to do. Duel enrolment doesn't really exist for us because of where we live in the conventional 2hours on campus sense. So they have been working on interesting Coursera classes and going through some older university textbooks. My kids didn't enjoy aops as a first introduction to a topic. They do use it for testing prep. We normally introduced a subject with Lof then did a conventional textbook. Also did Singapore all the way through NEM. Lots of different approaches which greatly aided their abilities to solve problems. We had time because they didn't stop.
  13. Frequently, since I can walk and am a volunteer. I put more than once a week but daily would probably be better because many days I am there twice!
  14. Teacherzee :grouphug: I started Obsession in Death this morning because I have really been looking forward to it! :) I still have a stack of books that I need to read quickly or not read for another year. Big sigh......
  15. I just finished another Josephine Tey. This time without Inspector Grant who I really like. Miss Pym Disposes was not a typical murder mystery at all. A huge amount of the book was read before anyone was injured and quite a bit more before someone dies. The story was based on a psychologist visiting an all girl physical education college in the 40's as a guest of the headmistress. She slowly becomes more uncomfortable with the environment as she becomes more involved with the students. It was an interesting read filled with observations about human nature but not a particularly great mystery because I knew who did it almost before it happened. ;) I suspect that this is a book that I will contemplate for a while.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/529894.Miss_Pym_Disposes
  16. Thanks for the review. That is pretty much what I was expecting to hear. I noticed the book on a prime display location after having looked at it in the library over a month ago and rejecting it. When I looked it up to read the description on an overdrive library I use, I discovered a wait list of almost 1000 and that they had 110 kindle copies. I have never seen that volume before so became curious and put myself on the wait list. In an informal research exercise BaWer's have discovered that an incredible number of Girl on the Train copies have been stocked in libraries. :lol: Can't figure it out but I will read it. ;( I am pretty involved in my small local library (not the 100 copy one) and have probably had more conversation out of Gone Girl than anything else I have read recently in person. The popularity of Gone Girl is mystifying to me but an amazing variety of people read it just because it is popular!
  17. Welcome to the thread MIch elle! You appear to be the first among us to habe read The Girl on the Train. Sorry I can't link you to last week but we talked about it there. I read that itwas the new Gone Girl so the question is "how did it compare?" If it makes the answer easier I don't like Gone Girl. ;) FYI to everyone ...... I am 900 on the hold list! :lol:
  18. I really want to try one of the Mondiano books. Hopefully one will show up in one of my libraries soon. I have to say I used to love Indiana Jones but ds was somewhat obsessed...... Great score! Mom ninja I hope everyone feels better soon!
  19. Really glad to have our thread back. I felt very lost with no posts to read yesterday. I already feel out of sync with the thread because of being in a different time zone than I normally am. I really love waking up to a whole bunch of new posts! I am almost done with the Jessica Dotta Born of Privilege series that I was so enthusiastic about last week. I loved the first book but am no where near as thrilled about the rest of the trilogy. The main character really bugs me now......will be happy to be done. I am also reading Faith Hunter on the side. Has anyone read the mage??? series. I may try those when I finish the skinwalker series.
  20. Thanks Laura, so West Yorkshire is different? :lol:
  21. I want it back too! I also can't believe Amy hasn't read Rebecca! ;) I love that book. I tried to read five Du Maurier's last year because I love it so much. I managed four which isn't bad.....
  22. Both my dc's refused to continue with 100EZ at roughly lesson 10. They did the first blending lesson very successfully and refused to go on. Over the years I have met a few other mom's whose dc's quit in the same place so if you can borrow a copy I would until you are into it a bit further. My dd quickly went on to reading using BOB books and other phonics resources but my ds refused to continue for over a year. I accumulated tons of phonics curriculum out of desperation while trying to get him to read. At that point the Ordinary Parent's Guide had been published and I bought a copy. DS already knew more than I realized so we moved through very quickly but I loved the book. I think it takes the best of all the curriculums I tried to use and puts them in one book.
  23. Your list looks great! I decided to post mainly just to mark the thread. ;) For Christie I would probably read one of the popular ones.....Orient Express is my favourite of those.
  24. Robin, Just saw this and went to see if I could post and ended up in a closed social group without access. I wondered why no activity today but I have been busy and checking occasionally. I think the thread appeared to be fine around 11 eastern standard time.
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