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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I guess I have to finally read Good Omens before this airs! It's been in the stack but has never made it to the top. I think both dc's have read it so it will definitely be watched here, at least the first episode. I tried so hard to watch Jonathan Strange but I always found myself doing something else. After lots of attempts I finally deleted it from the recorder. I love the book and loved the filming locations but it just was not right. Thanks to Kareni's links my wish list has expanded. I actually found one series on audio that I think I will like!
  2. Julia Spencer Fleming writes an interesting series about a female Episcopal Priest, similar to Inspector Gamache.
  3. We have an older friend with disabilities similar to your dads. She can walk but any distance she will probably use her motorized. They travel a lot....but plan with one travel agent who seems to really do a great job. The husband has a serious heart condition so things have to be well in place for both of them. They have taken several cruises. I think normally on Cunard. I know their big need is a bathroom with a real bathtub so she can soak so they book a fairly nice cabin. I would call the main Disney help line and find out exactly how they can make this work. I suspect it can. These friends do lots of tours while on their cruises and really enjoy themselves. So it must be possible. They find the days at sea boring! :lol:
  4. I finished listening to my latest Inspector Gamache mystery last night, The Long Way Home. Loved it!!! I was so enthusiastic that I immediately checked the next audiobook out on overdrive and was shocked when Louise Penny personally introduced The Nature of the Beast with the sad news that Ralph Cosham, Gamache's voice in the audiobooks had died. :( New narrator. Actually new narrator from Downton Abbey. I just turned it off because I was so sad but will start listening today. I hope I like them still. I have discovered Ralph Cosham/Geoffrey Howard recorded many audiobooks. I suspect those will now be my go to audio books when I need one immediately, many classics. I am close to the end of my Gamache listening binge. I did this last year with Julia Spencer Fleming also...I need a new series! Suggestions?
  5. I totally agree no transcript or diploma needed for UK schools. For instance I "think" that an umbrella school accredited diploma is needed or at least useful for Swiss and perhaps German applications per a former boardie who still pops up here occasionally. Her students also had several very good SAT subjects and AP exams.
  6. There is an REA book for the Latin Subject Exam also. Dd used it and thought it was very good.
  7. I loved Daughter of Time which is the first Tey I read. Not sure how I ended up out of order because that is not my usual. But I loved DoT, it might even go on my top ten mysteries list. The Man in the Queue sort of ended my enthusiasm for Josephine Tey. It wasn't great so I totally get your lack of enthusiasm. Simply an OK cozy mystery that was nowhere close to Daughter of Time imo. Perhaps if I had reversed the order I might have liked Man in the Queue better. My expectations were high! :lol: I haven't continued the series beyond those two but someday plan to. I did read Brat Farrar on someone's recommendation (Jane or Eliana I think) and enjoyed it. It's a stand alone I believe. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/243397.Brat_Farrar
  8. Maybe this will help..... In the UK in order to apply for a master's program a student must have a second class degree or higher. It can be either a 2/2 or a 2/1. In US terms a 3.0 (B) or higher. We do have a family friend from NL who is a University professor here and has also worked in the US. I can ask him the next time we see them. He should know the answer because he has children in Uni both here and in NL. ;)
  9. In the UK my dc's successfully applied to Russell Group Uni'shttp://russellgroup.ac.uk/about/our-universities/ using a combination of the ACT and a variety of AP exams and SAT 2's using the UCAS https://www.ucas.com/ucas/undergraduate/apply-and-track/filling-your-ucas-undergraduate-application form. It went really well but they are British and resident in the UK and that may have made a difference. Their scores were all at or above the requirements for the individual universities they applied to. They also had a significant number of credits from US Universities that were disclosed. You must look at the international admissions section on the website for each University you are interested in. Some UK Universities require 4 AP exams with a 5 and no ACT/SAT scores while one Uk(not Russell Group) will admit with 2 AP exams with a score of 3. A majority that we looked at required an ACT/SAT and a combination of 3 AP and/or SAT 2 exams. The scores vary. High School Transcripts are irrelevant. In theory the transcript is worth 5 UK GCSE exams but GCSE have no bearing on University admissions. Do not confuse UK College with UK University. College is roughly equivalent to grades 11 and 12 in the US. For student's who really want to come to the UK but do not meet the criteria for their program a foundation year for their program could be a possibility. This turns a 3 year BA into a 4 year like in the US. These are widely offered for people who do not have the right combination of A level exams or who do not have the scores needed or have no A level exams. Look at the A level requirements for the programs you are interested in before applying. Most of the ones we applied to were AAA but many are ABB. These grades indicate how competitive the program is. A UK student taking A level examinations receives a conditional acceptance because of their predicted scores on their A level exams and the rest of their package. These do seem to vary slightly by student. Because my dc's were submitting only completed exams they were accepted without conditions.
  10. I am almost done with Kathy Reich's new thriller Two Nights https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29915404-two-nights?ac=1&from_search=true and want to get my first post in so I can find our thread easily. Notice Two Nights happens to be a prime which I am pointing out because I doubt I will manage another Prime Number book since thereare none in the virtual stack. ;) My Kindle is a mess. I start losing more books in a couple of hours that I really want to read. Two Nights is pretty good. I like who new main character and am hoping for more in the series. Temperance Brennan has become tired and I read them to keep up with beloved characters not for the story. This character is a young woman, a traumatised former cop who also served in the military. She functions as a PI and is called in to solve a case which is apparently to close to her real life searching for a young missing girl who may have been kidnapped during an explosion at a Jewish school a year previously. To find the girl she needs to find those responsible. It's a page turner. :)
  11. :lol: That's the book (Library at Mount Char) that I liked best from Kareni's list too. Glad to hear it's good. I found it in Overdrive but am still in kindle reader shut down. I'm starting to wonder if I will ever be able to turn it on again! I thought of you when reading DODO. I actually think all of our kids might like it. As a note to others, Stacia and I have older teens and I know what her kids read to some extent. There was one s#x scene in particular that would make me hesitate before handing it to someone like Amy's dd for instance, a young teen who loves books but prefers them non blush worthy. ;) It wasn't really that explicit but it did change my opinion of the adult book that is OK for most teens opinion I think I hinted at while reading earlier in the week. The second half of the book had less swearing.
  12. Fyi, The drive from Daytona area to Disney on I4 was pretty long last spring because of construction. I believe it completes in 2021, groan. You have other options out of Titusville but I think most are toll roads. We have been to the Treasure Museum in Vero many years ago. My kids liked it but were rather obsessed with Pirate treasure before we went. We spent several hours with a metal detector on that beach. We had fun but for kids that are not extremely interested I am not sure that it is worth the drive. I think it would take 2 hours or so. We really enjoyed St. Augustine and went many times. My kids liked the fort and the walk along the water. We usually got lucky and saw dolphins by the fort.
  13. I finally finished The Rise and Fall of DODO by Neil Stephenson https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33392521-the-rise-and-fall-of-d-o-d-o. I ended up giving it five stars because I suspect it dragged for me more because I had no time to read than because it was boring. It was clever. This book reminded me of the series Time Tunnel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel if anyone else watched it. I probably would say Time Tunnel with witches. The concept behind the book is basically a worldwide race to be able to travel back to a time before magic disappeared from the world. Lots of entertaining trips back and forth. Someone does get stuck in the past..... overall goodstuff if you like time travel. The ending was a bit disappointing because this must be the first in a series.....prettysure I read it was.
  14. Take a look at the Syllabus examples on this page there are 4. I think they will be helpful. This is an AP we started but gave up on because no test location.https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-latin/course
  15. Happy Anniversary Robin! What a beautiful ring. Yum, to Ruth Chris.
  16. Take a look at the AP Latin section at College Board. Along with a sample syllabus there should be a recommended textbook section. Sorry I can't link right now.
  17. I finished How the Light Gets In the 9th Inspector Gamache mystery and have to say it was awesome. Loved the ending!!! I ended up downloading the book because while sitting quietly reading is acceptable behaviour in my family listening to a book really isn't when with others! ;) I am very grateful to Overdrive because I needed to know how it ended, tonight not tomorrow or next week. I will be in a car for most of tomorrow so will hopefully finish The Rise and Fall of the DODO.
  18. Fyi, dd my duolingo groupie ;) tells me that she thinks Korean will be released relatively soon on duolingo. It's in progress and fairly close to completion. She believes it will only be available on the app.
  19. Nan, I just wanted to wave and say thank you while you hopefully still have a signal!
  20. I can try and find out because I think it was different than his main job. It was definitely a Christian camp with several families from Brussels in attendance, many American. I think it was near Ghent if that is helpful. He is French speaking and I think he speaks German but not as well. Rose :grouphug: OUAT Next time!!!!! Fastweedpuller :grouphug: It's such a hard decision. Mom Ninja :grouphug: on the food and jet lag. We were going to attempt to view our teeny tiny eclipse which is happening now but due to cloud cover and rain and think it's useless! Stacia, several friend's from here happen to be in Atlanta today with another arriving shortly. How odd to fly in from England during an eclipse. Anyway I am so glad that it's great where you are..... Eta...I forgot, I finished War and Peace!!!!
  21. Loesje, I hope your dd has a great time! A family friend has been working at summer camps in Belgium this year and commented last week end that he has gotten to know several home school students. He is not there this week so I know he isn't at your dd's French camp. Stacia, grrr You know how I feel about the closing of libraries. :grouphug: I hope your community protests if needed. On a side note, Dh was at a community meeting the other day where he learned that the equivalent budget to our professional librarians district wide is now being spent on dog wardens with amazingly little authority. Dogs really honestly are not a big problem and these people have little authority to do anything concerning the few real problems. Essentially pointless but politically looks good apparently. Dh asked a huge number of questions to clarify the real situation. I do not get the logic at all. Access to books can change lives..... and yes I know volunteers are seemingly filling the library gap. But some of the volunteer libraries are starting to discuss closing the doors because the burden has fallen upon too few hands in some villages and the volunteers are understandably tired. I am very concerned about where this will lead to in the future. Eliana, I hope your court case goes well but feel bad you won't be able to see the eclipse. I am so proud of your dedication! Kareni, Thank you for today's links, it's wonderful to have you back. Several have been downloaded! :) I'm am so glad your mother is able to return to her original assisted living location.
  22. I am still working on my August birthstones because I picked Peridot but quickly realized my book choices were crossing over so might as well officially do Spinel also using many of the same books. I need an E and a N. Both letters are in the stack so hopefully by next Sunday I will have finished at least one of the letters. War and Peace is close to done. I am someplace in the Epilogue with 4 hours to go. Hopefully tomorrow....... My Kindle reader goes off tomorrow because two of the books I am in the middle of will return to Overdrive in the afternoon. A Climate of Fear seems to be a good police procedural, translated from French, which I think I will finish quickly when I just have that to read. The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. is wonderful so far but huge at 756 pages. The only criticism is too much use of the word f#ck but otherwise a clean read thus far. It reminds me of a combination of Jonathan Strange meets the Time Travellers Wife so I think many here would enjoy it. At this point I am only 36% through so I am hoping to continue to enjoy it. I keep thinking that I hated TTW at the end and really hope this book doesn't disappoint me. I am still busy quilting for the show. I promised 4 quilts and have 2 totally complete with a couple of crib quilts to finish. I think I might actually manage to do this. Part of my desire to show all of these has to do with the fact my favourite quilt teacher is the judge this year. I don't expect to win but am looking forward to hearing her ideas for improvement. Because her classes are quite a distance from where we live I don't indulge very often. Working with her is a treat and both dd and I are excited that she is coming to our village show. :) I have been reading a stack of quilting books because I am planning what to do next. ;)
  23. I will be back later with current books but I don't want to lose my quotes from last week. :lol: I have been listening to this series the past couple of weeks. They are very addictive! Thank you! I set it up to record after seeing your post.
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