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Everything posted by mommyoftwinboys

  1. Faithmanor-thanks so much for sharing. We are just getting started on this journey and have alot to learn. How much did the wood boiler cost..do you mind me asking? Did you have the pipes for the floor installed after your home was built? What is your pig set up like? Pretty basic or do you have them in a barn? How did you learn everything? We feel overwhelmed on where to start. We have 4 acres of woods...it seems hard to figure out the most cost effective way of clearing the land..any suggestions?
  2. To the other poster wondering about Charlotte, we've owned four homes here since 2002. As far as upscale areas, mostly Lake Norman and South Charlotte, Ballantyne, Weddington,etc. Those areas have sprinklings of homes with one or more acres but you'd rarely find a subdivision with that much. We live on 5 acres now but we are out in the country about 30 min from Charlotte. I've never lived in S. Charlotte so I can't comment on that but do know there is lots of upscale shopping,etc. It's just too busy for my taste. We've lived in Huntersville and Mooresville before moving where we are now and those areas I would consider upscale, heavy transplant, not a ton of diversity but very accepting of others as it seems everyone is from somewhere else. Like the others said, Charlotte is a meca for homeschoolers-I live on a country road with a handful of homes and we have two other homeschoolers on the street...it seems it's VERY popular here...my other neighborhood(in a subdivision) had ton of homeschoolers as well...
  3. I struggled with that as well when coming back to the EO church. I struggled with what *others* in the church were doing. The priest reminded me that it's not my job to wonder about what others are doing, it's between me and God...my business is my business and there's is there's... I'll use an example...you may or may not know that EO has many fast days a year. This includes giving up dairy, meat, etc...for Lent it's for the entire time! I really, really, really struggle with this...well, the priest made a comment about me using soy products as a subsititute(ie. soy milk) Well, for one I don't use soy products and two I kindof feel like that's cheating...I mean for me, I feel like it's not really a sacrifice(or a huge one)if you are eating soy ice cream instead of regular ice cream, ywim? Well, he then put me in my place..in a nice way of course:tongue_smilie:..If *I* have issues with that and *I* feel like it's *cheating* than that is *my* issue with it and it's something I need to deal with and not worry about whether others in the faith feel the same way....It makes sense I was so worried about what others were doing I couldn't focus on my own journey...
  4. I've had both so I see pro's/con's to both. With our new home(built in June) our electric bill has been really low due to all the energy efficient things in the house. For example, I just got my electric bill today for the month of December. We have a 3000sq ft home, we are home every day, we did have Christmas lights, the heat was on every day, and we had guests and my electric bill was $200..that was the most expensive one I've had yet..the cheapest being $77. I had a historic home before this house and it was only 2000 sq ft and my electric bill was much, much higher than that. But, I do love the character of the old homes...you can't build a home like that now...I sometimes miss the old home because of all the charm..but it did have it's quirks that irritated me as well...to me location is more important than anything...
  5. I kindof wish I was it seems so many of you EO live on the West coast...I live in the East-near Charlotte,NC...if you ever come this way, let me know I'd love to have your family over for dinner!:001_smile:
  6. I just have to add(although this has nothing to do with this conversation) how happy it makes me that there has been so much discussion on these boards about EO. I'm a cradle Orthodox who left the denomination as an adult and has recently gone back(well-we split our time between RC and EO-my husband was raised RC and we are trying to find the right fit for everyone)...Anyway, I have LEARNED so much about Orthodoxy that I didn't care to learn as a young adult. I think if I got to have these wonderful discussions and book recommendations, I would never have left the faith...thank you!
  7. The supermom vitamin is has the same ingredients as the Now2 Superfoods(and it's cheaper)...I compared both ingredient lists and percentages and they were identical...
  8. Thanks! I make a great potato soup so that's perfect!
  9. I've done this before and it's pretty easy. I did a double sided flannel blanket(can't remember the exact size but if you google free baby blanket patterns, they come up everywhere) it was just a basic rectangle sewn together and top stitched. The flannel does kindof stick together but you can *quilt* it by just sewing straight lines down every inch/2 inches or so.. I also made matching burp clothes by buying cloth diapers from Walmart and sewing a strip of coordinating fabric in the middle.
  10. We are having some new friends come over Saturday night for a casual dinner/game night. I think with all the guests over for Christmas(family) my brain is fried on what to serve. Any ideas?
  11. I got a beautiful gold St. Olga Orthodox cross from my husband. I lost the one I was baptized in when I was 18 and have never bought another one...he surprised me this year knowing how I've always wanted to replace it...
  12. I will second that milovany...I'm Russian Orthodox, however we attend a Catholic Church because it's alot closer and my husband feels more comfortable there...but I love to attend the Pascha service still at an OCA church about 30 min from me...it's wonderful..
  13. I'm making some with matching pillowcases...hope I can get done in time!
  14. Thank you all for being so supportive..I do feel like a bad mom because he keeps asking if something is wrong with him:crying: I just love him so much and he's always been the one I baby a bit...I'll bring him in on Friday with his brother. We are all seeing the same doctor and I have an appt. on Wed. so I think I'll let him know then too so he can be especially attentive on Friday..
  15. OCD...no...Anxiety...yes..and I've been struggling BIG time with it this pregnancy. But, I then worry it's not my anxiety but mother's intuition....and the circle of worry continues...
  16. I just have a Juiceman. I know there are different kinds-centrifugal vs...I don't even know...but we like ours. I usually make carrot/apple juice and sometimes throw a cucumber in there..it's good!
  17. Does your color have alot of red in it? The color molecules in red are larger and therefore leave the cuticle easier. There was a shampoo made by Artec when I was a stylist that helped. Your stylist would need to formulate the shampoo with your haircolor and you would use it every couple of days to brighten your color. In general, don't wash your hair for a couple of days after you leave the salon and then don't wash every day.
  18. He hasn't lost weight, he's just smaller than his brother. They both eat the exact same amount and are in the same activities..
  19. Oh gosh..we couldn't afford that... Has anyone expressed these concerns to your childs doctor and been dismissed? I've read there is a blood test that will test for that.. I think it's called CBC or something like that..I wonder if I could get that without a doctor's orders?
  20. Also(Lara inCO) did you have a child that didn't have symptoms but you felt something was wrong?
  21. Please answer gently if you are feeling led to answer... I'm pregnant right now so my emotions are on a crazy rollercoaster... For the last week or so, I've *felt* like my son has cancer...I don't know why but it is literally gripping me with fear. I'm constantly checking his temperature, his weight, his stomach, checking for rashes..everything.. He is a bit smaller than his twin and while he is generally a strong, active kid I just worry about him more... I feel like I can't stop worrying about this...I've scheduled well checks for both of them on Friday because my fear is such that I can't even cope right now. I'm constantly crying about it and googling symptoms on the computer. My husband agreed to let them go to the well check(even though he feels like nothings wrong-just to appease me and my feelings) I was constantly feeling his stomach last night for swelling and then checking his brother..I could have sworn it felt swollen on one side but my husband said otherwise... I worry because he is smaller and weighs less(like 8 pounds) than his twin... Please help me sort through this...could this be mother's intuition or am I just crazy?
  22. Thank you so much for all the wonderful replies so far..please keep it coming..it really helps my emotional rollercoaster (-:
  23. I read that thread and mostly noted age differences. I'm pregnant now and have twins that will be 9 when the baby is born. I noticed several posters say it felt like two separate families...I'll be honest..that scares me tremendously!! I want us all to feel like one close family not separate...I'm really scared now... How can I make it so we are all super close not separate? Please help!!
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