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Everything posted by mommyoftwinboys

  1. Can you recommend a good curriculum/study that deals specifically with raising boys/character training that we can do as a family?
  2. I can't help personally, but a neat blog I follow called At the Butterfly Ball talks about their reversal(she's had one baby since the reversal and is pregnant now). Also, Above Rubies is a great resource for that kind of thing. I feel your pain, we almost went through with a V and I'm grateful we didn't (I'm 34 and just had a baby 4 weeks ago)...prayers to you and your family..
  3. I'm calling LLL in the morning... I did speak with a lactation consultant and she didn't have much info to give me...:confused:
  4. and i get tons of comments on his pretty color too:tongue_smilie:
  5. his total bilis are 12.7 his direct bilis are 0.3
  6. I believe you I really do but i'm so scared because she called another hospital and talked with the gi specialist and this is the advice they gave so i'm just scared if its not breastmilk jaundice, then why is my 4 week old still jaundice, why are his bili s still elevated, and why did his eyes turn yellow? if its not this, i fear something worse is wrong and i'm scared... sorry for the lower case letters...i'm holding baby
  7. Thank you for all the replies so far. The doctor wanted to do it this way to confirm it was breastmilk jaundice and not something else. She has me coming back on Thur. for another bili check, CBC, and liver function test. I was so scared, I reluctantly agreed and he has been on formula for 24 hrs already and I've been pumping. She said he probably wouldn't get nipple confusion because he's ben breastfed for 4 weeks already...i was in tears last night and all today about this and praying this is all only breastmilk jaundice. I also am praying I'll be able to nurse again. I'm scared because he clearly is yellow in his eyes(although not severe He has gained 1pd 6 oz since birth and has grown 3 inch which the dct felt was a positive sign.
  8. thank you for responding..do u happen to remember her bili levels?
  9. I always love to get info from you ladies, so here it goes... My 4 week old baby has jaundice. He was 3 weeks early. No complications in the hospital, biirubins were 5 lwhen we checked out. I had him checked about 4 days later with a GP. She said he appeared slighly jaundice, no big deal just sit him by a window. Fast foward 3 weeks, and I notice his eyes are kindof yellow. We brought him to the doctor on Monday and she didn't seem overly concerned but decided to run some blood tests. His bilirubins are at 12.7, direct is 0.3, she had me stop breastfeeding for 48 hrs to see if it's breastmilk jaundice. Has anyone had any experience with this? She said his CBC came back normal, but they are going to redo it on Thur. I'm freaking out something is wrong with my baby...
  10. The Star Wars theme...my son played this for a homeschool talent show and it went over very well with all the kids
  11. She said I could have an ultrasound if I wanted but that she didn't feel it was necessary. I will say that know some people complain about not being able to breath and then the baby drops and they can breathe..I've never had that problem. He's never felt like he was in my ribs or anything..could that be contributing to the low number? I'm so not trying to freak out right now so thank you for the positive stories so far.
  12. I have no idea if the baby is posterior. She just said he seemed a bit balled up and laying sideways with his head down.
  13. It seems I can never go to a doctor's appt. and just hear everything is fine. I went in today for my 36 week appt. and the midwife said I was measuring 32-33 weeks. She didn't seem concerned as she said it seems the baby was laying a bit sideways, not up and down. Should I be concerned? She felt he was head down so that was good, but now I'm sitting here googling and getting more and more worried. She didn't mention anything two weeks ago other than I had lost a couple of pounds(I attribute that to healthier eating and the fact that I had less clothes on since it was warmer). He's active and kicking and his heartbeat was 147..any advice?
  14. Thanks for all the responses..I guess it must be normal to eat the much(all your responses). They do play sports and are very, very active so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and know that boys eat A TON!
  15. My boys are very active and not overweight but they eat massive amounts of food and it worries me. For example, last night my husband and I went out on a date. I served the boys dinner before they went to the sitters house. They had venison stew with egg noodles and green beens. Then, at the sitters house she ordered 2 pizzas. 1 large everything pizza and 1 medium cheese. The boys ate the entire large everything pizza(except the one piece she ate)! This is typical of them! I feel like I'm constantly saying no to eating more food. Lunch today was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chips, cucumbers and strawberries. My one son came in and informed me he was still hungry-how is that possible? I said he had had enough and to drink a glass of water. He then asked if he drank a glass of water, could he have more food-I said no and he threw a fit. I certainly don't want to deprive my kids of food and I don't like the idea of restricting, but feel like if I didn't they would eat everything. Is this normal? (they are 9 by the way). It just seems they have no self control for good tasting food(vegetables they seem to restrain themselves somehow.)
  16. Thanks Wendy B for posting that even though I wasn't the orginal poster, I'm looking at it for my twin boys(both reluctant writers)for next fall because it's recommended by MFW and we are switching over from Sonlight.
  17. The only thing I can add that helped us decide on more was I met several people(older folks) that have told us that their one regret was not having more children. I seem to run across people constantly that say they regret not having more children. It took us 8 years to decide to allow our family to grow(I'm pregnant now and we are open to more children after this one is born) Good luck on your decision, I know it's a very hard, personal decision.
  18. Jessica- What did you use to attach the cattle fencing to the green posts?
  19. This happened to me as well...and I'm 34 weeks pregnant tomorrow..so keep the faith and my prayers go out to you...
  20. Please share with the group as we are thinking of making the switch too!
  21. I'm used to scripts like in Saxon Math. We are going to make the switch but math is not my strong suit. Which is more teacher friendly?
  22. Thanks Ray for those links. I did see a few things that were covered in Singapore but weren't covered yet in Saxon, however, what I really saw was that they just didn't get somethings we had covered(well one got it right and the other one got it wrong)..like fractions-we have covered and covered fractions in Saxon but it's not sticking-they just don't get the concept..ywim? And the word problems..well they got most of them wrong too. I certainly don't want to curriculum hop but when my son made the comment the other day about just memorizing how to do it and not getting how to actually do it, it made me what to re-evaluate our math(this is the same son that got a perfect score on his end of year state testing-so I know he's getting some things but I'm scared he's just good at memorizing)
  23. So, both my boys are in Saxon 5/4 math and doing great..they may get one problem wrong here or there. Well, I've posted several times about them having issues with word problems and *memorizing* how to do something vs. understanding it so I started researching Singapore and MM. Today, they took the Singapore Math 2B placement test. One got a 73 and one got a 64!!!! Oh! I'm freaking out now. The really don't understand. What do I do? I'm not a strong math person(I'm more artsy and love reading) They have always done well in the Saxon math tests, scored high in the state testing(we have to test yearly here) but apparantly are behind!! Should I order Singapore 2B? I also downloaded the MM end of yr 2nd and 3rd grade. Should I give them the 2nd grade MM? I need something that's easy for me to use as well as gives them a solid UNDERSTANDING of math concepts...Please help!!
  24. We are stuggling here with math word problems. My son even made a comment the other day that he doesn't understand he just memorizes the pattern and copies it into his assignment. So, if the assigment has a *pattern* from a previous assignment he can't do it. I need them to understand the concept, not just memorize a pattern. (We are using Saxon 5/4) Would MM or Singapore fit the bill better?
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