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Everything posted by mommyoftwinboys

  1. I'm on blogger..is that what you mean?:tongue_smilie: My blog address is: www.tanyasdays.blogspot.com Thanks for your help by the way:001_smile:
  2. I'm not super technically savvy but I do have a blog. What is the easiest way to save it? Should I buy cds and save it weekly on a cd? What kind do I buy? Also, it's saying on my blog I've used up say 8gb of 1000gb of storage..what does this mean and how do Imake sure I don't run out?
  3. O.k. I read the article and while I see he said he can't hear our thoughts, then how are we influenced by him? I guess I'm just really confused. What part does he play in our sin? How does he *convince* us to follow his path rather than Gods? How does he *speak* to us..is what I mean..
  4. I find this all very helpful and a bit confusing. I think it did confuse me when she stated that the devil is not in our thoughts because I remembered demonic possession and exorcisms...isn't that within us? Or do only Catholics and Orthdox Christians believe in exorcisms? (btw..I grew up Orthodox)
  5. Makes sense what you said but what about when you hear about someone that is demon possessed?
  6. The other thread I started got me thinking about Satan. One of the posters said that Satan can not hear your thoughts and plant thoughts in your head. I guess I'm confused about this. How does Satan influence you then? I guess if I simplfy it I picture the angel and devil on each shoulder whispering in your ear and you have to choose one-is that an inaccurate assumption?
  7. Now I'm really confused as this thread has taken on a life of it's own. One of the commentors(I don't know how to put quotes) said that the devil can't read your thoughts or make you think things...I didn't realize that. I thought the devil was always trying to pull you away from God with different ideas and such. That's why I thought it was Satan trying to lure me away from this by placing this huge fear in me... Please help me sort this out. I know you say to pray..I've been praying 2 years about this and my mind changes every day and now someone is saying that these are only my thoughts or God's and not the devils makes me think I really shouldn't try to have a baby because it's either me or God...make sense?
  8. Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though.. Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children? My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it? And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...
  9. O.k. this may seem like an ingnorant question to some of you but I really have been thinking about this for some time. Would God tell you not to have a baby if you are considering it? We have thought about it for some time and each time we are at that *point* I start freaking out-I mean really freaking out like super scared. I wondering if it was Satan trying to convince me this wrong to do and in doing so bring me farther away from the will of God, but I wonder? Is it God trying to tell me something? I've prayed about it and even this morning I prayed and felt like God placed on my heart that he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle...but is that the same thing as his blessing to do this? Is there anywhere in the Bible that God has told people not to have children? And where is it in the Bible where it says he doesn't give us more than we can handle? Is that really in scripture or just what people say? What do you think?
  10. Is this series appropriate to read to a 7 year old boy? Would they understand it?
  11. Sweetpeach..if I could find what you described...I'd never leave (-:
  12. Thank you all for the responses. I really appreciate it! I actually have visited the local Episcopal church as well as the UCC. The Episcopal was just too conservative for me, it could have been that specific church but it wasn't a good fit. Although they did place an emphasis on protecting the environment on their website which I really like. The local UCC...nice people, very small and aging congregation...but..it just didn't fit..does that make sense? Their is no reason why it shouldn't but it just doesn't.... I feel like we've visited every church under the sun in our little town(except Lutheran..we haven't tried that for some reason..maybe that's next) I guessing because I live in a historic district that doesn't have much turnover, the local churches are...dying...
  13. I feel like that with regards to different denominations, would you mind helping me if you have any insight on the subject? I have done some really, really bad things in the past. Things that are unmentionable here. I've asked for forgiveness and truely feel that God has forgiven me. One of these things happened last year. I felt like God left me, but really I think it was me leaving him because I was so shameful. Well, after a major period, God came and rescued me. He forgave me...I do know that. In that now, I want to do so much for him for giving me this wonderful gift of grace and mercy. I want to be what he wants me to be. I want to change. I pray daily, I read the Bible(for the first time in my life). I want to go to church and change FOR HIM. But, I don't know where to go. I've visited serveral churches and just don't feel at home. I visited a church recently and went to their joining class and they had a whole class on *social issues* ie. homesexuality,sexual issues, etc. Right away I was turned off and left..I mean I understand if you don't agree with it or understand it, but shouldn't the church be a safe place for everyone? I just kind of feel like church should be for the sinner, not the self-righteous, ywim? I think everyone should be accepted in church..otherwise what is church for? I believe church is a place to worship our Lord, no matter what you've done in the past, your in church...if you've chosen to go that says something right? Where do I belong? I was raised (until my parents got a divorce) in the Russian Orthodox church. I'm not sure I'm willing to go back because I have a really hard time confessing my sins to another human being. God is one thing, but a flawed human who may judge me, I don't think I could take it. I just feel lost denomination wise and want a church were I can learn and grow, hopefully have a mentor to teach me how to live for Christ. Thank you so much if you have read this
  14. Thanks! I'll check out the exploring education...any others you can think of?
  15. O.k. can I be honest? I really, really dislike doing science. I don't have a passion for it and it shows. It usually ends up on the back burner and then usually doesn't happen. The thing is...my twin boys LOVE science! The love experiments and learning about everything that has to do with science. Is there some sort of DVD or online program that can teach them and then we do the experiments together but one that is teaching them whereas I can just supplement if need be? They are first grade this year. TIA!
  16. Any suggestions? I have twin 1st grade boys. Also, any links to some great projects and crafts my boys love them!
  17. The thing is I'm not sure the desire is there...I don't know if I'm just sad my boys are growing up or that I want another child. I wish i could go back and do it over again with them it's been so wonderful:001_smile:
  18. Jessica I appreciate your honest response. My husband is very hands-on and for that I'm totally gratefull but like you, our extended family has limited to no-contact with our family and that is hard when you feel alone.
  19. having children? For me I have twin 6 year old boys and I have VERY mixed feelings about having another baby. I love these boys so much my heart hurts. Would they be jealous? What is a good reason to have another baby? I'm already worried about the boys getting older and have been severly depressed about it to the point of crying all the time. I'm just confused and don't know if it's because of depression or because I have those desires to have another child(although when I talk about it I start to sweat:001_huh:) Thoughts?
  20. I really can't decide( I have a very indecisive personality anywaY) I have twin boys that will be 7 in December. I *kindof* have the itch... I just don't know if I want to start over, ywim? Plus, the boys are at the age where we can do so much with them. We love to go camping and rafting, tubing etc. I just don't know. I know it's a personal decision, but do you have any personal insight?
  21. I hope you don't mind me hijacking this thread:001_unsure: I'm a new homeschooler this year(twin 1st grade boys) and I'm following WTM suggestions this year. I don't remember in the book that they recommended a phonics program and FLL...am I wrong? I haven't recieved my order yet so I haven't had a chance to look over FLL but is it not a grammer and phonics program? Thanks so much for any help you can give me!
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