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Deece in MN

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Everything posted by Deece in MN

  1. I think I am the minority here as my dc use LofF as a stand alone program. When I had purchased them I thought we would use them as a supplement, but it just became too much. So I decided to take the plunge and drop everything but the LofF. My dc are doing very well with it. We received testing results a week ago and my ds improved 30% on math computation and he has only been using LofF for the past year. Now, I don't know if all the credit should go to LofF or if he was just more mature and things finally clicked or what, but we are going to continue with it this year and see what happens come testing time. If they do well this next year then I think I will be satisfied that LofF is working just fine. Anyway, in the end I think it is a personal decision and you have to choose what feels right for your dc. HTH
  2. I would start simple. Take some of the basic literary terms and start by using those as a base for asking questions. Characters 1) Who is/are the main character(s)? What are they like? Here is where you can introduce protagonist and antagonist, if you want. 2) Do you identify with the main character? Why or why not? 3) Do you like or dislike the main character? Why or why not? Setting 1) Where does the story take place? 2) What time period is the story set in? 3) Is the setting a real place or imaginary? Plot 1) What are the major events of the story? 2) Can you identify the climax of the story? 3) How is the conflict resolved? Conflict 1) What type(s) of conflict are in the story? This is where you can introduce types of conflict: man v. man, man v. nature, man v. society, etc. 2) What is the main conflict of the story? Theme 1) What is the overall theme of the story? You can introduce basic themes: good v. evil, coming of age, disobedience, overcoming the odds, etc. 2) Is there a moral or message the author is trying to share? These are some basic questions to get started with. There are so many more you can ask. Sometimes just by asking one question the discussion will take on a life of it's own. You don't have to ask all the questions for a story and usually it is better not to. I would start by choosing one aspect to focus on and discuss that. The next time choose a different aspect, etc. The younger you start with introducing and talking about the different elements of a story, the easier it will be later on. Don't feel like you have to do a major analysis of a work at this age. An introduction of the basic elements and talking about them occassionally will be enough to lay a foundation. We are working with TTC now and I am really enjoying it. I decided to work through the stories in the program with my kids. I prewatched all the DVD's and now am going through them with my dc. It is fun to watch the wheels turning in their minds and how they react to the stories. I pause the DVD so we can discuss the questions and then we see what the tv people had to say. It is fun when my dc watch and go "Hey, that is what I said!". :) Anyway, have fun with it. Keep it casual and enjoyable and it will all work out just fine. :)
  3. Oh, you have a nice list of vendors! I can't think of 5, but the 3 I like to go to at our hs conference are: 1)Excellence in Writing 2)Rainbow Resource 3)Lifetime Book & Gifts Have fun!! :)
  4. I have an interview on Wed. at 1:30pm for a part-time job. This is the second place I applied at as the first did not call me back. :( I am really hoping this one works out. Any good thoughts/vibes and prayers sent my way for getting this job would be great! I am feeling the need to do something outside the home and we could use the money for extra stuff for the kids (swim team, guitar lesson, stuff like that) and vacations. Thank you so much! :)
  5. Oh, I forgot to say that I am also a sucker for kids music. :) We have Sirius and there is a kids station and I will turn it on when I need happy music. My kids actually don't mind and we have had some nice reminiscing while listening to these tunes. :)
  6. I really enjoy Celtic music, too! I also love Paul Simon, John Hiatt, Indigo Girls and most anything from the '70s. I like mellow rock. I love Pandora.com because you can put in an artist you like and they will play music that similar in style. I have found some new music this way.
  7. Depends on what you are doing. A yoga mat is used mainly for a non-skid surface. It does also help to cushion the body for some poses, but mainly you want a surface where your feet and hands are stable. Something like this one would be fine. http://www.amazon.com/Drishti-Earth-Friendly-Yoga-Mat-PVC-Free/dp/B000HFQDO0 It is nice to have the choice of thickness (I like the thicker mat on a hard floor and the thinner mat on a carpeted surface). There were some other options on that page that would work just as well. The cotton mats are used in a certain type of yoga (can't remember off the top of my head) and are probably not what you would want. HTH
  8. Well, I do recommend buying the best you can afford. Lipton green tea is nothing like a fresh, loose, quality green tea! I would try all 3 types (actually there is a 4th type that also has great benefits that is very yummy, red tea or rooibos). I also really like flavored tea. Right now I have a ginger green tea, a sweet cranberry black tea, a mixture of a white and red tea with tropical fruits that is sooo yummy, a black tea with candied violets and macadamia nuts, a mango green tea and a few others I can't remember what all is in them. Anyway, there are lots of different combinations and flavors that I would recommend trying different ones to see what you like. Check around your area for a health food store or a place that sells teas. I know there is a store called Teavana, but they are expensive. You could also do a google search for on-line tea sellers as I am sure there are a few out there. :) We have a wonderful, local shop that sells quality loose teas at a reasonable price. I don't buy boxed teas at the grocery store anymore so I can't really recommend one as I haven't had any for a long time. Also, when brewing white tea, you only want to steep it for about a minute. Green tea for a couple minutes. With both white and green tea you don't want to use boiling water. If the water is too hot or you steep too long the tea will be bitter. Black and red tea can steep a little longer (3-4 minutes) and can handle water that is a little hotter. Anyway, hope that helps a little.
  9. Ok, I am going from memory here and it has been a few years since I have seen the books, but I am thinking level D is what you would want. I am thinking level C spends a fair amount of the book reviewing the printing of the letters before the cursive. Now, remember, my memory is starting to go, so take this for whatever it is worth. :D
  10. I am on day 30-something with the Wii Fit that I have a love/hate relationship with. :D I have gained and lost the same 1-2lbs since starting. Today I decided that I would do 30 minutes of aerobics, 3 strength moves, 3 yoga moves and as many balance games as I felt like everyday. Well, holy cow, was I sweating! I mean it was dripping and that doesn't happen often when I work out. I did the basic step, advanced step, 3 min boxing, 6 min boxing, 6 min hula hoop and the short run. Then I did lunges, plank and push-up/side plank. For yoga I did warrior, downward dog (which I don't like on the Wii Fit, I have been doing yoga for years and I don't like how much weight they want you to put on your hands, its not right :)), cobra and a twist. I ended up not doing any balance games. I intend to do this much everyday and I hope my bmi line will start going down and staying down! :D ETA: Oops! That should be butt, not but in my subject line. :)
  11. I'm the middle child. My sister is 14 months older than I am and my brother is 4 years younger. Neither one homeschools as my sister is having her 1st child in a couple months and my brother is not married yet and has no children. I have always been considered the "odd" one in my family (immediate and extended).
  12. Thanks! :) We were pleased with his results. Now, we will see how my dd does next year, also, as she will be starting LofF Fractions in a couple weeks. :)
  13. If you are looking for the whys behind the formulas/rules then I would suggest VideoText or Life of Fred. We are using Life of Fred and it was shown why multiplying 2 neg. # equals a pos. #. I know VideoText talks about the whys behind math, so I assume it explains this though I haven't viewed the section where this is covered. VideoText isn't cheap either, but modules A-F is equal to pre-algebra, algebra and algebra 2. Life of Fred is less expensive. HTH
  14. Ok, I just figured this one out on my own. I couldn't move on to anything else until I had done so. :) Anyway, t=time it took the pellets to reach the saucer. So, you have 21(rate she threw the saucer) times (t+2) which is the time plus the 2 second delay and this equals 1000 (rate the pellets traveled) times t which looks like this: 21(t+2)=1000t. First, distribute the 21 to the t and the 2 so you have 21t+42=1000t. Then, subtract the 21t from both sides so you have 42=979t. Next, divide both sides by 979 and you have t=42/979 seconds. I don't know if this made good sense. I would still have your child email the author for his assistance. HTH :)
  15. I know what you mean. We have had these for years and at first it was a struggle to understand and remember all the rules while trying to play the game. We figured them out and it got better the more we played, but after a while we scrapped the "official" directions and made up our own. We all enjoyed the game much better then and we still got the facts practice in that was part of the reason I purchased them in the first place. :) The novelty of them has worn off though and we haven't played with them for quite a while now. I still think the cards are cool though. :)
  16. Yes, he does. He also tries to give hints or to lead the student towards the answer without necessarily giving it away. I really like that. :)
  17. Actually, they are looking for the time it took to walk to the store not the distance so the equation will be set up different. I posted below the equation for this one. ETA: I guess I should say I posted above as this post shows up below my other one. :)
  18. Ok, the first one I will have to get back to you about. :) My ds emailed the author and he sent an explanation and I don't remember it. The second example follows the formula d=rt easier. The d is 2 miles and the r is the speed of both elephants and t is the variable. So you would set this up as 45t+15t=2. You then add the 45t and the 15t so you have 60t=2. Divide both sides by 60 and you have 2/60 of an hour or 2 minutes. Here is the third one. They gave the hint to let t=the time it takes to walk to the store. His rate while walking to the store is 3 ft/sec. So you start with 3t=. Now the other side of the equation is the time it took him to walk back home. The rate he walked home was 4 ft/sec. and the time is 175-t because we know that 175 secs is the total time it took to walk there and back and t is representing the time to walk there. So, now our equation looks like 3t=4(175-t). You distribute out the 4 to the 175 and the t and you have 3t=700-4t. Now, add 4t to both sides and you have 7t=700. Then, divide both sides by 7 and you have t=100 so it took 100 seconds for him to walk to the store. I hope this helps some. When my ds gets home I will have him look up the first problem. This one stumped both of us. After I read the author's explanation it made sense, but it has been a while now and I don't remember how to do it. Sorry.
  19. :grouphug: Oh, I understand what you are going through. My ds is on lesson 43 or 44 of Beginning Algebra and he tripped a bit on these problems and I had to help him through them. One thing you can do is email the author. He is very good about responding and helping your work through the problems. Also, do you have the Home Companion book? This will give a little extra practice and sometimes a bit more explanation. Also, in the lessons to follow these types of problems will be reviewed through the your turn to play and the city reviews. As the pp suggested, you could post a problem that you are having trouble with and we can try to help you out. But, really, email the author as he is very helpful. :)
  20. I think this is hard to say because this curriculum hasn't been around as long as others. My ds completed LofF Fractions and Decimals & Percents and was about 1/4-1/3 of the way through Beginning Algebra when we tested this year. We use the CAT test from FLO. In math computation he went from 62% last year (7th grade test) to 93% this year (8th grade test) and on the math concepts portion he went from 93% last year to 97% this year. Now, I don't know how much credit to give to LofF as a result of his scores. I am going to be interested to see how he does next year when (I assume) there are more algebra type problems on the test. I am considering having him take the PSAT instead of the CAT test for 9th grade though so I am not sure what kind of difference that will make. Anyway, I thought I would share.
  21. I agree with the past posters that you need to absorb the cost for the larger design yourself. You've learned a lesson and now you know that if you do this again you should put a price limit on the free design offer with the option for them to pay the difference if they would like a larger one. I hope it works out and you get some good business leads from there. It is not always easy learning from experience, but you never forget the lesson. :) :grouphug:
  22. Well, I will go against the classical flow here and say that I would not start a classical rotation until 2nd grade. I would spend K & 1st grade reading picture books about America and stories of people throughout history. You could also read some picture books about other cultures if you want. You don't have to read things in any order, just read and enjoy the books. It is really good to find books about children that lived during the time because that gives your child something to connect with. Also fables and stories from around the world would be fun to read. I really think that young children have a difficult time understanding the order of history. I wouldn't even bring in the chronological order of events until later. I think you will get more out of your studies by waiting to start a classical rotation. I think 2nd grade is a good time to start, but I would still use lots of historical fiction during the first rotation through. Anyway, this is JMHO. Feel free to take it or leave it. :)
  23. Oh, that is a fun game. Brain Age for the Nintendo DS has a game like that. I have a brain that is 22 and I will be 35 in a week. I like these types of games as I feel my brain really could use the workout! :D
  24. The My Lil Picasso kits look fun and seem to be a nice, easy way to bring art into your studies. Your idea for science sounds good, but if you would like to do this without spending money I would suggest Magic School Bus. You could use the videos and books which you most likely would be able to get at your library. You can also go to this site http://www.scholastic.com/magicschoolbus/ for add-ons if you want more than just reading and watching the videos. I really think MSB is a great way to introduce science topics to young kids in an fun, easy way. Anyway, have fun with whatever you choose! :)
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