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MIch elle

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Everything posted by MIch elle

  1. Sonlight, Hewitt, Veritas Press Omnibus, Kolbe Academy, Ambleside Online, and Seton.
  2. along with Ancient Writing Lessons & others. Try this:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IEWfamilies/files/Product%20Samples/
  3. my ds is successfully using Saxon Alg.I w/DIVE cd for 8th grade.
  4. we're reading Abraham Lincoln's World aloud together (end of SOTW 3 & beg. of SOTW 4). 14yob is listening to A History of US, Hakim series and doing IEW U.S. History Based Writing Lessons. 11yob is reading The Story of the U.S.A. series. We also watch corr. videos on history from United Str.
  5. We watched a good video on United Str. called "Slave Ship" that fit nicely with Abraham Lincoln's World which we read today about the Amistad. I think you could use it as a full course by getting a table of contents of a history, science, etc. book and finding videos to go along with it without actually reading a book. Many of the videos have quizzes, tests and worksheets you can print & use.
  6. on what type of books they are (length & difficulty) and what other books are being read for history and other subjects.
  7. Christian Light Math is 10 workbooks/grade. Join the CLE yahoo group to see samples.
  8. is what we use with great success. If you continue on your journey in formal English I highly recommend R&S. Samples:http://www.rodandstaff.info/samples/english/
  9. and I own many of them, lol. Calvert's painting, sculpture & architecture are used over 3 years.
  10. There are hundreds on Penguin's site. If you join for free you can get the answers.
  11. so we review VP cards(I chose some, not all)every other day or so.
  12. Ancients based lessons. If you below to IEW families yahoo group & signed into yahoo this link should work.
  13. put in "videotext" and I'm sure you'll see lots written about it.
  14. economics program. Watch for it in their new catalog April 1.
  15. The new IEW Ancient Writing lessons have 2 books the SM & TM; the old one has only one combined. Look at the new samples in the IEW yahoo group files. Yes, you would need both the SM & TM if you buy the new one. The new one has vocabulary cards & tests and other improvements.
  16. in Amercian History by Logos School? If you continue with Calvert 5 this would fit. If not try IEW Ancient History Based Writing Lessons or SWB new Writing with Ease.
  17. are the Penguin guides to Tales from Shakespeare and More Tales from Shakespeare. If you join Penguin(free), you can get the answer keys.
  18. which equals to usually one book/download per month. There's virtually no difference in a cd vs audible download it's just the format (cd vs. ipod/computer mp3) that's different. The Audible sound is the same, but it's not in easily seen chapters like cd's are formatted. I download A History of US, Hakim; Hurlburt's Bible, etc. for my dc to listen for school and pleasure. I love Audible!
  19. I was wrong Tales from Shakespeare, Lamb is available from Audible.com! How did I miss this before?
  20. saw they were E. Nesbit's retelling which I have in book form, and it's just too simple for my dc's ages. If I had younger dc, I might have considered it. Lamb's version of Shakespeare is more sophisticated and more suited to older elementary dc imho. Lamb's version is available on tape but unfortunately not on cd or from audible(my preferred form). I highly recommend Animated Tales on tape/dvd if you can get them at your library for a first exposure to Shakespeare.
  21. CLE yahoo group to see samples in the photos section. Look for my post at the group on R&S vs. CLE math.
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