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Everything posted by MedicMom

  1. He keeps ripping off his cannula too. Fortunately right now he only needs it during sleep. He is on liquid albuterol, inhaled albuterol, prednisone, amoxicillin and ear drops. Plus oxygen. I will be overjoyed once we are out of cold and flu season.
  2. We are home. We wound up just paying out of pocket for the home health stuff. He seems happy to be home. Thank you for the cards and pictures! I am going to hang them up by his crib at home.
  3. So...there is a new pediatrician this morning who is willing to send us home with oxygen and monitors, if our insurance will go for it. So now we are just waiting.
  4. No, he just likes to look at things, and the hospital walls are bare.
  5. You should be able to just put in Caden or Caden G.
  6. Still here. The baby is struggling overnights with needing oxygen. He is doing well during the day but nights seem to be tough. Caden loves looking at pictures and I want to hang them around his crib. If you want, you can send him a free ecard at https://www.arnothealth.org/arnot-ogden-medical-center/aomc-visitor. His room is 4C-14. They print them off and I can hang them around his room. Thank you for the prayers!!!
  7. Caden is acting like his normal, happy, bouncy self. He is off oxygen except when he sleeps. The issue is that when he sleeps, within seconds, his oxygen saturation drops very quickly and rapidly. So right now he is back on the cannula for bedtime and we won't be going home until he's off it. Nobody can tell me if this is normal or not after a bout with RSV, and how long it might last. I am really ready to be home.
  8. Yes, the melatonin was suggested by the doctor for my DS. There is an increasing body of evidence that people on the spectrum have a melatonin deficiency. We do allow screens a little more than many people. They do seem to help him shut his mind down, and that is what he needs right now.
  9. Is there a way to compromise? My ASD child complains often that his "brain won't shut off" especially at night. He is only 5 but very verbal, and we've found that screens help him shut his brain off. Also he has been taking melatonin which has helped greatly.
  10. Caden will not be discharged today. they tried him without oxygen last night and it didn't work, so he is back on oxygen and we will be at the hospital at least another day. My daughter seems to be doing better. I am sure she had RSV too, but she is older and was not a preemie. She's rebounding pretty well.
  11. I am 5'4" and I wear a 30 inseam in men's pants. I actually prefer 32 because I like them a little longer.
  12. Caden was up and playing in the crib for a while this morning which is a HUGE improvement. He tired quickly and desatted, so now he is sleeping on Mommy. He continues to drink clear liquids well. The doctors have not been in today yet, so I don't really know anything more.
  13. So. I came back today(my husband was here all day) to find a flurry of activity in his room. Respiratory therapy had come in to do a breathing treatment and never turned his oxygen back on, leading to an Spo2 of 70. I'm not even sure why they turned it off. I was, um, not happy or political. He just spiked a fever for the first time since yesterday morning. In good news, he is satting ok right now on the nasal cannula and the nurse just said his lungs are sounding better. My husband is taking the night shift so I can sleep tonight.
  14. They are not being aggressive enough. It's on my list of things to discuss today. He is on high flow but not intubated. He is maintaining 89-92% today on 6 lpm but that still seems low to me for a ten month old. Overnight was really rough and he was consistently between 76-85% on the nasal cannula. I do think a lot of that was their inability to determine when he needed to be suctioned. The transfer facility(where he would go if they determine they can't manage him here) is Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester. They have full capabilities for anything we need but I am still hoping we don't get to that point. They did tell me this is likely to get worse before it gets better. Caden was a little less wheezy this morning. I am taking care of my daughter right now and then DH and I are going to switch.
  15. We had a miserable night. I think I got twenty minutes of sleep. He coughed and choked and gagged and vomited all night. We struggled to keep his oxygen saturation above 80. They started antibiotics for a double ear infection that popped up this morning, and my three year old at home spiked a fever and had a febrile seizure. Right now I am home with her while DH is at the hospital. We are exhausted. They said we will likely be at the hospital at least through the weekend.
  16. If this relationship started before they agreed to dissolve the marriage, that's different. But the way it is presented is that it began after the marriage was agreed to be over and while they are just waiting on paperwork.
  17. I don't consider it an affair either. It would be respectful to wait until the marriage is legally dissolved, but the marriage in question is over, agreed on by both parties. Just because they are housemates does not mean they are still "married." I wouldn't find it strange or wrong for either party to seek a new relationship and they don't need to tell their ex-spouse about. It may be disrespectful and unkind not to wait for legalities, but I don't think this is an affair. So no, I don't even think there is blame to assign anywhere.
  18. We are at the specialty hospital now. I am exhausted. We've been sick for a week with a GI bug and now this. He's having a hard time keeping his oxygen levels up and he's pretty dehydrated. Poor baby. We are cuddling a lot.
  19. https://www.facebook.com/prayersforbabyG/ They can't get his oxygen saturation up even with oxygen. Fortunately his daddy is the paramedic coming to transfer him. :)
  20. Caden is having a very very hard time breathing. He is positive for RSV and pneumonia, and we are waiting for an ambulance to come take us from this ER to a pediatric specialty hospital. I will continue to update his Facebook page. I finally broke down and added a go fund me site. Our insurance is super high deductible, I am taking another week off work and we are still paying off Nicu bills. Please pray for Caden and for all of us right now.
  21. So what you're all saying is this doesn't get better when they get older...
  22. Northeast. My kids have been sick with a GI bug for days. I was in bed all Thursday with it, tried to go to work yesterday and got sent home. They are better and I still feel like crap.
  23. I think I've been potty training my 3 1/2 year old forever. She still won't go #2 in the potty. She goes and puts a pull up on and does it there. Driving me crazy.
  24. My kids are young, but...when they are ready to be a parent. Emotionally, financially, etc. and when they are in a relationship with someone they are willing to tie themselves to for many years through a shared child. Their dad is firmly in the wait till marriage camp. He didn't date until he was 25, and then we married just a few months later, so I'm not sure how viable his advice on the whole thing is going to be.
  25. My kids adore them. We are working through the dinosaur kit right now and my five year old has actually learned a lot. I don't find I have to do a whole lot of oversight, but my older two are very independent and don't want any help. We haven't tried the chemistry kit yet, but we loved some of the others. The germ one is still talked about. I would just go through and do whichever experiments you wanted. You don't have to do all of them.
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