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Everything posted by MedicMom

  1. If they are anything like mine, they can't be in outside classes due to their behaviors. Anything I put DS6 in, I have to stay right with him. Since I also work full time and have two other kids, I just really don't have time for that. So DS6 doesn't do much except school.
  2. I have three--6, 4 and 18 months. DS6 is much like you described--high functioning ASD, fights tooth and nail every step of the way, is often violent towards me and other kids. I can't leave him with babysitters. We qualified for some respite care through the state,but the group our county uses is terribly disorganized, and the three times I had respite scheduled they never showed up. We now don't qualify for any services at all. What did I wind up doing? I sent him to school. Best decision I ever made. I was homeschooled, I wanted to homeschool, but in the end I have to raise the children I have, not the children I had thought I would have. ::hugs:: I get it.
  3. In all honesty if you do wind up going to the ER, they see this all. The. Time.
  4. Well, if we are coming up with better candidates than the two who are running: Condi Rice Michelle Obama Stephen King Mickey Mouse My 18-month-old
  5. All three of my kids have top 10 names for the years they were born. They are in school and church and all sorts of things---and no one else in their class shares a name. This is totally opposite of my experience, with a #2 name for the year I was born, and every other girl seemed to share my name. I've heard that there are so many names being used now that the name charts represent a different percentage. So if in 1981 22% of girls had a name in the top two, now only maybe 5% of girls will have the top one or two name. Also we hadn't ever even heard my youngest's name before when we chose it. And then it turned out to be in the top 10 for boys in 2015. Go figure.
  6. Yeah it's a zombie thread but I totally just bought my first leggings and dress. I don't like the printed leggings but I got a pair of solids that matched the dress. I don't have them yet but I paid a decent amount of money so here's hoping they are great....
  7. As the parent of an immunocompromised child, I wish you'd rethink this policy.
  8. I don't have sick leave; it all gets wrapped up in PTO. I used it all at the beginning of the year when my son was hospitalized for over a week with RSV, and then had multiple doctors appointments. It sucks; my husband is having more surgery on Monday and I have no time left to be off with him, and I've been dragging myself to work sick. But as a culture we don't seem to be interested in leave.
  9. I had a no-kid wedding. It wasn't price or not wanting kids there, but the venue was an upscale restaurant on a cliff. It was not child friendly. It also would have had no options for babysitting even if I had considered that. Most of DH's extended family refused to come, though part of that was that we had eloped months earlier and were not being married again in a church. The venue meant something very special and sentimental to me, and that's where we had the event, but it was not a place for children. One of my sisters considered the pizza party for kids thing. Not one of the ten hotels she called would allow it.
  10. Have experience with the HIV prophylactic regimine? I had a serious exposure last week and have been on the drugs since then. Today I wound up in the emergency room with a heart rate of 160. It comes down at rest and they discharged me after some fluids, but I'm wondering if that might be a side effect of the drugs. I can't find anything online, and the doctor didn't really know anything. My blood work didn't really show dehydration, but I've been having significant GI upset.
  11. This is perfect timing. I just drained the last of my savings and my 401K to pay the rest of the NICU bills, and DH now has to have more surgery on the 19th and will be off work for a while. So I don't have any cash left in the bank to lose! So if it's all going to collapse, this month is okay.
  12. Just briefly I looked over this and a lot of things she says and does make a lot more sense in this context. I totally feel a rabbit hole coming that I don't have time for, because now I'm curious. For the record my husband keeps the heat in our house low. I turn it up when he's gone but I wear sweaters when it's 80 degrees outside. My kids are fine. In fact the house I lived in as a teenager had no heat upstairs, and this was upstate NY where it gets cold. It was fine, though eventually may parents ran heat up there. It was mostly the running outside to keep warm that felt odd to me.
  13. She spends a lot of time trying to convert the local homeschool community to her flat earth views and pulling up obscure Hebrew words that she claims are proof. She's pretty serious about that. I honestly didn't look at the website; she's linked to it on her Facebook and even if it's satire, she may not realize it or understand satire. I called this morning. I work fairly closely through my job with CPS in the county she lives in, and they are not anti-homeschooling at all and pretty reasonable. I hope they can help the family. I usually would be open to trying to work with her through a relationship, but this mom doesn't listen at all.
  14. http://www.theflatearthsociety.org/ Oh it's very real and, yes, she is teaching her kids this.
  15. In NYS mandated reporters are only required to report abuse suspected while in their professional role. Regardless the right thing to do I believe is to call. I don't know her personally, but I find the things she puts on Facebook disturbing. I do have screenshots. I know she has severe learning disabilities, because she's posted on homeschool FB sites locally how horrible public school was due to that. I don't know about mental illness, but I see enough red flags here. New York is a highly regulated homeschool state, but no one checks to make sure you're actually doing what your quarterly reports say you are, and her kids aren't old enough yet for the mandatory standardized testing.
  16. I think this is what I keep coming back too. I just have the gut feeling that there is something seriously wrong. By the way, I've been investigated(and cleared) by CPS. I don't do this lightly.
  17. I am pretty sure that this is the first time the Hive has been unanimous lol. For clarification, someone on Facebook asked her if she REALLY meant 3 am. She said yes; he finally relented and did his school work at 2 am and she let him up from the table when it was done. I think it's just a bit of hot sauce, not ghost peppers or anything, but courts have considered that abuse in other places. I'm not sure about the heat thing. I would think she meant 50 degrees inside, because this is upstate NY and 50 degrees outside isn't heating weather yet. If you're making your kids run up and down the street to get warm I don't think 50 degrees in the house would make sense. I will likely call. My husband is the one who thinks I shouldn't, but he also thinks nothing is ever his business. My supervisor said that I don't technically have to call because I didn't witness it at work, but that I should.
  18. For starters I am a mandated reporter, but I didn't come across this information on the job. Secondly, I find physical punishment of children abhorrent and I think that sometimes clouds my reasonableness. There is a local homeschool mom who lives a few houses from my in laws. She is also Facebook friends with my sister, and is very vocal on local homeschool groups. On cold days, she and her young children are often seen running up and down the street to keep warm. She is adamant about not turning the heat on in the house until the outside temperature is below 50 degrees. A few neighbors have voiced concerns, but the husband and wife are preppers, very paranoid and generally refuse to talk to Anyone they deem "secular." I believe they practice some unusual mixture of Judiasm/Christianity---she calls it Torah Christianity. She's also very vocal about teaching her children that the earth is flat and that we never landed on the moon. Whatever. Eccentric is fine. I consider it neglectful but not necessarily to the level of abusive. Yesterday she answered a Facebook question of my sisters on child discipline with twisted bible verses on why it's important to beat children. She also stated that she forces her children to eat hot sauce and hot peppers as punishment, and when they refuse to do schoolwork she makes them sit at the table all day---once making her six year old sit there from 8 am to 3 am. (She does claim she allowed him to eat and use the restroom). A few people called her out on all this and basically she said they are raising their children without government involvement and CPS would be sorry if they showed up. I really am questioning whether or not I need to hotline them at this point. I personally think this is beyond neglect and she is an abusive parent. CPS in the county she lives isn't going to jump to take kids away, but will likely force them into parenting classes and counseling. What does the hive think??? (Ps this woman will not allow people, like fellow homeschool moms, into her home to help her, as they might teach her children mainstream science and history) UPDATE: I was notified today that my complaint was "founded", which means CPS investigated and found substantial evidence of abuse or neglect. I do know the kids are staying with their (sane and very nice) grandparents, but I only know that through Facebook as mom is ranting against the government persecuting Torah-believing Christians who just want to live off the grid. I know CPS well in that county through my job, and they almost never remove kids, so whatever they found in that house had to be bad. (Also, the investigating CPS worker is a homeschool graduate herself, so I am highly doubting the persecution claims) so I am going to believe calling was the right thing.
  19. I asked him. He just laughed at me and toddled off. We even gave him a set of daddy's keys and followed him to see where he put them. Didn't work. DS6 says he saw the keys were I thought I put them. We've searched the garbage, rhe yard(just in case I was mistaken and dropped them out there), my car, the fridge, everything. My sister in law is lending me her car to get to work in the morning. DH will probably get home from work and find the darn keys in five minutes.
  20. I have. We've all been looking. The baby has hidden them well. At least my house is getting clean today.
  21. I can pretty much narrow it down to the living room because I don't THINK he escaped the baby gate in the time frame between when I know I had my keys and when they went missing. DH came home from work and took the dog to the vet, so at least that's taken care of. But I work in the morning so I need to find them. It's too far to walk(35 minute drive) and we have no public transportation. No Uber, not even taxis. Aaaaggghhhh
  22. Where would you have put your mom's keys that you snagged off the end table next to the recliner? Because the dog has hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and needs to go the emergency vet clinic, and he is throwing up and having diarrhea all over your house. And the kitchen sink and dishwasher drain are clogged and backfilled all over your kitchen. Then your older siblings were trying to be helpful and sucked up a sock while vacuuming, and now the vacuum cleaner is smoking and the sock is no where to be found. Oh, and your daddy is on a 39 hour shift at work and Mommy has a 10-page final paper due tomorrow. Oh, and all your grandparents are unavailable this weekend. So....if you were my toddler where would they be?
  23. This actually happened to me one year, my roommate never showed up. They re-assigned me with another girl who's roommate didn't show up as well, without taking into any consideration our preferences(sleep habits, friends over, etc) that they would have in the initial roommate matching. It wasn't a great match, but we got along reasonably well. My only complaint was that she had a brother who came down and hung out a lot, and I found him incredibly annoying and rude. I transferred and we lost touch for several years. I happened to be coworkers with the Rude and Annoying Brother about nine years ago and we put two and two together, and he put us back in touch. She and I are now good friends and see each other often. Rude and Annoying Brother and I have been happily married for seven and a half years now. So sometimes roommate problems have a way of working out...
  24. Public school. The private school doesn't sound like a good fit for a lot of reasons. Plus with 2000 students, not all of them are doing drugs and other questionable activities. She will learn to plug in with those who aren't. Frankly, my SIL is a music teacher at a private Christian school much like you describe. It is also in an area with a bad drug problem. She says that there are drugs there as well, because parents pull their problem children out of the public school and send them there hoping it will help.
  25. Not really saving, I guess, but I'm working 25 hours of overtime this week plus started selling Posh to try to pay off the NICU bills. My husband needs another surgery since the first one failed, so any little bit I can do helps.
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