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Everything posted by astrid

  1. What's that thing NancyPants used to use?? I think she did her lesson plans on it, and her kids logged in and viewed their assignments? It was web-based, I think....I cannot for the LIFE of me remember what it was, though. I'm thinking it might be just the thing for your dd, and I'd like to revisit for myself, but I'm drawing a blank. Anyone know? astrid
  2. I"m so sorry....I know how hard it is. Sending good thoughts your way, and sharing in your sorrow. Hugs, astrid
  3. Big Redskins fans here! We are EXHAUSTED from watching that game!! Nail-biter! astrid (whose dh is a lone Redskins fan amid six states's worth of Patriots fans!)
  4. OMG I had NO IDEA! Thanks SO much for the links! We're a bit over an hour from New Haven, so I think that's where we'll go. Can't thank you enough, Scotia! astrid
  5. Congratulations on your two new additions, but I've just got to do this :party::party::party: because you used the phrase "....a puppy mill was shutting down....." Thank you for taking two poor mill dogs! astrid
  6. :grouphug::grouphug: I'd say being tenderhearted is one of the most precious of all qualities. Hugs, astrid
  7. Thanks for the replies. I was thinking I'd wait until after the weather cooled off a bit! astrid
  8. Dd is studying the earth's water, and is interested in the purification of waste water. We'd like to take a tour of a local waste water treatment facility. Has anyone here ever done this? Do these sorts of places GIVE tours? Or will I be met with blank stares when I call and ask? Just wondering.... astrid
  9. :iagree::iagree: well, except for the "high/stoned" part, because we've never been into that. But dh, dd and I are all big Floyd fans nonetheless. astrid
  10. I know a woman who homeschools. She and her boys spend half the year in France, her country of birth. She's an architect who specializes in designing huge, walk-in closets and closet makeovers for those big McMansions and the big old homes around this area which many people buy and renovate. I'm talking 7-figure homes. ;-) Anyway, she loves her career and it's very flexible. She's hired, meets with the clients a couple of times, draws up the plans, meets with the builder a couple of times and she's paid. She takes on as few or as many clients as she wants, and works on plans after her kids go to bed at night or while they're napping. I always think she's got a very cool job! Best of luck to you in your search! astrid
  11. Thanks for the update; I've been wondering all day how things went for you, TTT. As for the new info--- something's not right here, IMHO. The house sitter's story just doesn't jive; makes me think she had "friends" over or something, and now that items are missing she had to come up with some kind of a CYA story. UGH. SEnding good thoughts your way. Chin up! astrid
  12. No worries, Audrey-- I''ve got your back. HEY!! NO PICKING ON CANADA AND CURLING!!! IT'S A GREAT SPORT!! WE EVEN DO IT HERE IN THE STATES, ALL THE WHILE WISHING FERVENTLY THAT WE WERE LIVING IN CANADA (and not just because of the curling!:tongue_smilie:) Astrid (who is about to become a curling widow again as the seasons starts back up! :D)
  13. I've got an entire set of first edition Little House books--- Helen Sewell/Mildred Boyle illustrations. I've been trying to find out what they're worth, if anything, for a long time and can't find it out. Sorry, I"m no help at all! astrid
  14. I agree; and I'm concerned about the condition of the placenta. Hugs, astrid
  15. Is she still feeling the baby move? (I worry about the answer to that question.) astrid
  16. Mom is just LOVELY! Wheatens are such great dogs! My daughter shows one for a client and has SO much fun in the ring with him! Do you plan to show? astrid
  17. OH how fun! What breed? We're waiting for our next show puppy to be born; we've struck out on three litters so far-- litters that we've carefully researched bloodlines back to 1922!!! Looking at importing from Switzerland after the New Year. So for now, we'll have to live vicariously through you! Congratulations! astrid
  18. That's my thought too---- placentas have an expiration date! Keeping good thoughts for your niece! astrid
  19. Can't let this go without mentioning OUR favorite sport--- CURLING!!! We don't live in Canada, but my dh LIVES for curling season! He plays on a men's touring team here in the states so we go to bonspiels in Canada throughout the winter. Dh wants to move to Canada so he can curl year-round! (Then I'd REALLY be a curling widow!) Oh....and dd loves Roots! astrid
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