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Everything posted by astrid

  1. Well, because for starters, with the volume of dog hair around my house and the frequency with which I wage the battle, I daresay I've spent more money killing and then replacing "basic vacuums" than I care to recall. I finally broke down and bought one of those "several hundred dollar" vacuums and have been exceedingly happy with its performance. Sucker? Maybe, maybe not. But I haven't contributed one "basic vacuum" to the local landfill in the five years since I've had the expensive model. And for me, that's a cost savings, and environmental savings, a gas savings, and peace of mind. astrid (who agrees with you about the swiffer, by the way)
  2. Not to mention your very own screen name, OP! I'm not sure where you live, but around here, "Ballzy" is a term for someone who has a whole lot of nerve. I'm just sayin'. Astrid (whose daughter has grown up in the world of showing/training dogs and didn't know any other meaning of the word b**** until a couple of years ago. Common parlance around our house/circles.)
  3. No, couldn't find that! Thanks for the link! Now if I may ask--- could you tell me how this video series works? Are their supplemental materials? How do you access them? How long are the videos? Is there an answer key provided? Sorry for the barrage of questions! astrid
  4. Okay, I've gotten some fabulous reviews from ladies here about Discovery Streaming for Spanish instruction. They all say to be sure and use your Homeschool Buyers Co-Op for a discount. So I found the Co-op. I signed up and apparently now have 100 points or whatever they start you with. But when I click on "foreign language" Discovery Streaming is not listed. Conversely, when I google "Discovery Streaming" I can find the site, but I can't find anything about Spanish instruction. This is frustrating, and i"m not finding it very user-friendly. There must be something I"m missing--- could someone simplify it for me? Sort of "Discovery STreaming and Homeschool Co-op for Dummies? I'd be forever grateful! Thanks, astrid
  5. We had a big poster done at Staples. Have you tried there? astrid
  6. Addicted to chickenkeeping here! We live in a residential neighborhood of old homes and just adore our little flock of 8! Eggs only-- we've got the best retirement plan on earth! For their generous contributions to our diets over the years, our ladies live out their days happily eating and dust bathing and having a grand old time. astrid
  7. Any suggestions? Dd (13) has had 2 years of Latin and would like to move into a living language now. She's considering French and Spanish, but leaning toward Spanish. I'd like a video-based program such as Rosetta Stone, but wow! $500? Do you all really pay that? What can I do to lessen the sticker shock? Those of you who use Rosetta Stone, have you bought it new? And have you purchased all 5 levels at once? Thanks for any information-- these are uncharted waters. I took Latin and French in public school! astrid
  8. Sending :grouphug::grouphug: Be sure to update us! astrid
  9. I'm so sorry---- sending thoughts of sympathy and for safe travel. astrid
  10. Wonderful! Congratulations! And I sure do admire your commitment to biking to work---- crossing fingers for sunny skies all summer in your area! astrid
  11. I didn't vote because I need a "BOTH" option. Sometimes (like last weekend) I find a yarn I love, buy a few skeins, and then comb through Ravelry looking for the perfect pattern. Other times I fall in love with a pattern and then go to a huge yarn store near us (Webs, for those of you who know the place) and spend the whole afternoon choosing just the right yarn. I find it very relaxing. And my dh is an amazingly patient and understanding guy, who never flinches as I feed my yarn habit. :-) astrid
  12. How do you know they didn't? How do you know that they've not been trying very hard to "work out stuff" for many years? astrid
  13. Well, I would hazard to guess that "the media" doesn't have the whole story. No one does, except the Gores. I don't think it's right to hear about anyone's divorce and immediately conclude that they "don't have the strength of character" or however Carol in CA characterized them. I think any breakup of any family is sad. astrid
  14. :iagree: Whatever you decide, have fun with her/him! astrid
  15. And as the mother of an only child, I would ask: Is it possible to keep a clean home with multiple children? :D astrid
  16. He's adorable! So what kind of mix is he? I'm assuming it's Yorkshire terrier and something else, but where does the "D" come from? Best of luck with him! astrid
  17. I COULDN'T AGREE MORE. This kid is screaming out for help, IMHO. Not Christian Counseling, or talking with a pastor, or hard physical labor. Psychiatric help, and from someone who specializes in teens/teen boys. Peace and best wishes, astrid
  18. Aww...it's nice to know I"ve been missed! :-) I"ve been crazy-busy with my three jobs (teaching adult ed, adult ed. consultant for the state dept. of education, and registrar of voters!) dog showing, Molly's softball practice/game schedule, etc. Took the morning off today so I"m catching up! Missed you too--- love your avatar picture with good old Albert. I use a quote of his with my Adult Basic Education students- "Whatever your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are still greater." Hugs, astrid
  19. ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!! :D:D .....off to go look for episodes on Hulu.......
  20. OMG we never miss it in this house!!!!! AND have all the music on our iPods! Seriously--- it's made '80's music cool again! Mr. Schuester is so cute, and Jane Lynch makes me laugh till it hurts. The kids are talented, and the parody is so funny. Brittany the blond cheerleader cracks me up too. Tuesday night is DVR night--- Deadliest Catch and Glee! astrid
  21. Molly started mowing with our gasoline powered mower when she was 8. All our neighbors, I'm sure, thought I was a) crazy b) the world's worst mother and c) abusive for making Molly work outside in the sun, doing manual labor. Shrug. No such thing as a free lunch in this house-- even the dogs work. The truth is, Molly really likes to mow the lawn. This year dh got a reel mower, the old fashioned kind. He's reducing his carbon footprint. :-) She likes that too, although it's harder work because she has to push it harder than she does the gasoline mower. Astrid
  22. LOL!! I guess I should have provided more info! We are not HSLDA members, so that's out. We'd like to have two-three days in DC proper, with a day to drive out to Mt. Vernon. We're driving from home in CT, and the metro is no problem--- we're seasoned travelers and don't mind hoofing it or taking the metro. We'd like to do a few Smithsonians, the monuments (I think we'll take the night tour-- I've always loved that!) and the capitol building. There's only the three of us: me, dh and Molly. Every time dh and I have gone together we've stayed in a Holiday Inn near the capitol, which has now changed hands and is now over $300/night which is not in our budget. We were hoping to find something similar. Would be a big pain to stay outside the city, say in VA or MD? Thanks for any recommendations! astrid
  23. Hi there, We're planning a trip to Washington, DC and are looking for recommendations for budget (yet clean, etc.) hotels in/around the metro DC area. We're not looking for Ritz Carlton, but something more affordable. I know a lot of you have been there recently-- could you share your hotel info? Thanks so much! Astrid
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