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Everything posted by astrid

  1. I took a bit of an alternative approach. Dd was public-schooled through April of her 2nd grade year. In my hysteria over trying to fit everything in, I completely ignored cursive in third grade. We had so much else to work on, we just never really got to it. Molly really wanted to learn it, so we decided together that instead of incorporating it into our school year routine, we'd do a "Cursive Workshop" in the summer. Rainy days, lunch time, whenever we had spare time that summer we worked on it a bit, writing letters to grandparents, copywork, etc. I think I used a basic book from a teacher store-- nothing fancy, and a poster on the wall. She got it, and though she CAN write in cursive, most of the time she does not. I really have to bug her to get her to write in cursive. And that's okay with me. I'm really a stickler for most everything else, but I'm pretty lax about cursive. astrid
  2. It's all in the marketing--- Drinking Gatorade will not a Michael Jordan make. Frustrating! astrid
  3. Yes, the soda bothers me, and the sports drinks!! They are the most appalling colors! LAVENDER? BLUE? GREEN??? And kids who have no intention of breaking a sweat carry around giant vats of this garbage, thinking they need it to stay hydrated! Well, of course they're thirsty--- it's noon, and they've already consumed five times their daily requirement of carbs and sodium!! UGH. astrid
  4. For the record, I want to say how INSANELY JEALOUS I am of your ability to shop at TJ's!!! We don't have one within an hour, and I LOVE everything they sell, practically. That is all. But as you eat your TJ's Vodka Sauce, know that I am green with envy!!! ;-) astrid
  5. Two words: The first one begins with "F" and rhymes with "ear." The second one begins with "M" and, well, I can't think of anything with which it rhymes! :lol::lol: astrid
  6. :iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: A thousand times, :iagree:!!!!! THANK YOU for saying this!!!! astrid
  7. That sounds JUST like shingles! my mom is just recovering from a really severe case on her face/scalp/ear. Internist! QUICK!!!!! :grouphug: astrid
  8. Ahhh....yes! Thanks for the correction, Sis. Death panels. Sorry....I'm posting at work while one of my clients tries to pass a math test with one crying newborn on her lap and her toddler running in circles around the room! :willy_nilly: But I'm thrilled she showed up; I haven't seen her in a few weeks and was beginning to worry about her. astrid
  9. I cannot imagine going to sleep each night and living day to day, KNOWING that the cancer cells in my tumor are multiplying like wildfire and there is NOTHING I can do about it because I cannot afford to save my own life, or that of my child. And you know what? A few weeks of that and cancer would be the least of my problems because I'd be stark raving mad at that point. The very thought of that kind of helplessness makes me weep. Talk about playing God. There is something very messed up there. astrid
  10. mommyrooch, just wanted to send you one of these :grouphug: and say that I share your outrage. astrid
  11. But, this bill includes no federal funding for abortion. That was removed. Furthermore, for every person who thinks abortion is baby killing, I can show you another one who doesn't. That's your opinion, and certainly another can of worms entirely. Where are the citations for the "mostly facts" that the Republicans used in their rebuttals? Could you provide links to support your claim? Because those "Death Squad" comments they were flinging about certainly were good examples of fear mongering, by nearly anyone's definition. Which just proves my, ahem, point. That the same tactics have been used by both sides; regardless of which side you align yourself, it hasn't been a pretty thing to watch. astrid
  12. They might give you a name. But it doesn't mean that when you call that doctor's office, the dr. will actually see you, or agree to treat you. Additionally, if you are poor, living in an area with no public transportation (as I and many others do,) unable to speak English or Spanish, and unless the Dr. is in the immediate vicinity, they might as well be on the moon. In those cases, follow-up health care is not available. astrid
  13. Soo.... you are saying that I don't have a point? Or is it that you just don't agree with my point? Because I do, in fact, have a point. If it was too subtle, let me reiterate: There is fear mongering on both sides of the debate. Those in favor of the bill are capitalizing on the fears of the public, and those against it are doing the very same thing. Example from an elected official? Ummm....who was that senator (from Oklahoma, maybe? I can't recall his name/state--- heard it too quickly last night) who screamed "BABY KILLER!!!!" on the Senate floor the other day? I'd say that was one example. There are others. astrid
  14. Thanks, Mommaduck. I have yet to hear mental illness discussed in this health care debate, from either side. Unfortunately, it's much more widespread than any of us realize. :crying: astrid
  15. Much like "They're going to round up the elderly and KILL THEM!" and "We're all going to be forced to have abortions!" I heard those comments just this morning on the radio during my morning commute. I"m just sayin'. astrid
  16. .....as one who works extensively, four days per week, with the urban poor, teenaged mothers and homeless populations, YES. The world I walk into four days out of five IS a third world country. And YES. People ARE dying for lack of care. And I'm not just talking physical health care. Some of the most urgent health care needs I see are psychological and psychiatric. THAT is the health care that is often so TRAGICALLY lacking. "Jane" is a student of mine. She cannot work because of her debilitating depression/bipolar disorder. She cannot get mental health treatment because she has no insurance. She doesn't have insurance because she can't work. She can't work because she's depressed/bipolar. And she can't go to an ER and get a prescription to magically cure her depression/bipolar disorder in 5-7 days. Health care is needed. This bill doesn't do enough, IMHO. astrid
  17. You know, we were having this very same conversation while watching it last night. My mom (76) lives with us, so we've got three generations in our home. My mom always cooked from scratch and did NOT buy processed crap. We ate three nutritious meals a day. I"m not saying we didn't have ice cream now and then, but it was definitely "roast chicken and green beans" as opposed to Hamburger Helper and Hot Pockets. (though I don't think the latter existed then!) And that's exactly how I feed my dh and dd. Anyway, we were watching those lunch ladies, all of whom were over 40, and couldn't believe that they were raised on crap. They are of the generation where their moms cooked, and they ate actual food. That saying "If you walk into a grocery store and pick something off the shelf, put it back if your grandmother wouldn't recognize it" springs to mind. Somewhere, back in their personal histories and experiences, these lunch women MUST know better. I find their "you're not gonna tell ME I can't kill myself and my kids!" attitude is appalling. Yes, I know they're "just following orders." I know they need the jobs in order to feed THEIR families. I just can't find the logic in their stubborn belief that what they're feeding the kids is good for them. I"m sure these very same women wouldn't contribute to Planned Parenthood. Yet they're positively, gleefully righteous feeding what literally amounts to poison to 450 children every day.
  18. Well now, it's my impression that the cost of living in NJ can vary widely from one part of the state to another. I would say that CT is one of the most expensive states in the nation, though Rocky Hill is not part of Fairfield County, which is THE most expensive area in the nation--- very old money--- Greenwich, Old Greenwich, etc. Rocky Hill isn't like that, but it has its share of McMansion developments, I believe. Property costs are pretty high in CT, as are taxes. Our state is in a horrible deficit right now, so I expect those to only increase. Astrid (headed to NJ on Friday for a big dog show in Edison!)
  19. I live in CT, about 45 minutes away from Rocky Hill. CT is a very small state, so pretty much everywhere is within 45 minutes of the Greater Hartford area, of which Rocky Hill is a part. There are a lot of great things about CT-- about two hours from NYC and two hours from Boston, lots of great historical sites and museums, and literally NO homeschooling requirements in CT. NONE, save for a registered letter to the district in the fall stating that you are opting to educate at home. And I"m pretty sure that's just for kids who are not "under the radar." Molly is not, since she attended K-2 in our local district. However, CT is a pretty expensive state in which to live. Property, groceries, gas, property, sales and income taxes are all quite high, compared with other states. Rocky Hill has one of my favorite consignment stores, "Elite Repeats." I"m not sure where you live now, but CT has four distinct seasons. Lots of snow most winters, hot, humid summers, and glorious springs and falls. Hope that helps!! astrid
  20. :iagree::iagree: EDITED TO ADD:: I was agreeing with Sis and Priscilla!! dwkilburn1 and I must have hit "send" at the same time! astrid
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