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Everything posted by PinkyandtheBrains.

  1. Your best bet is to get your own private server, there are several services you can use to rent a private server. The cost is low if you limit the number of persons who have access...also you can use clanpay to allow friends to help pay for the server. This way you can monitor what is going on. Public servers are notoriously not kid friendly.
  2. My son's school wouldn't let him check out Hunger Games, this was while he was still in ps. I called to find out why since the librarian had recommended it to him in the first place. Apparently the principal thought it had too mature of themes. I bought the book, pre-read it just in case, then handed it over to my son.
  3. We did Tamiflu, no side effects. Our flu was much shorter than everyone around us who had it as well, by several days.
  4. Yep Gamestop has a 30 day return policy, and the warranty for a year is really cheap.
  5. I like the likes, especially on curriculum reviews. Instead of 20 people stating they liked something, they can just like a comment they agree with. So I know x number of people like (or dislike) something.
  6. When I was on Amazon yesterday to link it for a friend there were 22 left.
  7. We use an old iPod. Old. I upload whatever audiobook onto my computer to download onto their iPod. They have head phones for it, also their alarm clock has an iPod dock so they can listen to them in their room through the speakers on it. You can find used old iPod's at places that buy/sell used electronics and video games.
  8. You can download and print all forms yourself. Just photocopy them before you send them in. You can order the paper copies from the IRS if you want and they will be mailed to you.
  9. I can't help but wonder what they think of the sudden increase in purchases. :coolgleamA:
  10. We have several of the courses, my kids like them (age 10 and 13 now). We always buy them when they are discounted. The Secrets of Mental Math or Our Night Sky are good first ones to look at. But really we've found all of the ones we've bought interesting so far.
  11. I found it not very user friendly, and I won't be purchasing anymore modules. The online navigation is overly complicated and such a hassle.
  12. I'm sorry everyone backed out. That is disappointing. I'd contact those who are normally involved and see if they are done for good. If so, I'd try and find new people to participate. If your child likes it, then keep it going with new kids. I'd also consider setting up some kind of small fee, and maybe purchased mythology related materials for the kids with the money. Families tend to stick with what they've already paid for...though not always.
  13. I ordered it, it arrived today. It has backdrops/stage, 30 double sided finger puppet cards, and a book of plays. It's pretty neat!
  14. I second the Hoagies Gifted link that one*mom posted. It is a very useful place to start. Duke TIP, NUMATS, Johns Hopkins all have gifted and talented programs you can look at as well. Hoagies will have some information about them and others.
  15. We usually open a can of tuna, or canned chicken to lure a cat out. Honestly if it's been down there a while and hasn't been lured by the tuna, it is likely stuck. Are there any gaps where a cat or other creature could get into the walls?
  16. Mysterious Messages: A History of Codes and Ciphers by Gary Blackwood is the one I can find.
  17. Math Mammoth is flexible too, you can print the pages you want, you can skip problems, and it is affordable.
  18. Eventually he will need to learn print since many forms and such are print only....though with the computer age who knows....as for handwriting curriculum I'd pick something that looks similar to what he has already learned.
  19. It was a self paced course. So we worked though it faster than 10 weeks. I also purchased a couple cryptology books off Amazong for him to read while he did it.
  20. My son did the cryptology course and really enjoyed it. It was very interesting. We are looking at the King Arthur one next though he is older than the age range. He thinks it looks interesting as well.
  21. The Just Dance games are fun and active. I think there is a kids version.
  22. I would test, my son just took the ACT this morning via NUMATS. We chose to do it to see where he is, and where he isn't. We also chose to test to qualify for various extra programs/classes.
  23. We are already discussing it in 7th grade, it makes a difference on which direction we take with courses throughout high school. I don't expect him to know exactly what he wants to do or where he wants to go. But we need a direction.
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