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Everything posted by Kile529

  1. My all time favorite girl name is Lillian Jean. Both are family names..... :)
  2. Here's how to tell if eggs are okay. Fill a cup of water and put an egg in. If it sinks and lays on the bottom then its good. If it stands on it's tip, it's still good but you'll want to use it very soon. If it floats, it's bad and needs to be thrown out. The eggs should be fine having been left on the counter overnight. The above is just for future reference. ;)
  3. Id definitely look for a poodle mix of some sort if you're going to go the dog route. If you will travel a bit, a cat is definitely easier to leave for a week.....
  4. Netflix is only painfully slow when I use my iPhone as a wireless hotspot. Other than that, it's super fast for us. Hmmmm......I'm wondering if there's something with your connection?
  5. ROFL totally MY BAD!!!! I really shouldn't be up this late....haha Sorry about that! and...haha about your snobby prejudice. I'm pretty similar in that! ;)
  6. I'm so thankful I don't have any daughters!!!!! This would make me.... :banghead:
  7. A netbook is NOT more versatile. They're two completely different animals. The only real similarity is that they both can go on the internet. The iPad is special because it has the vast array of apps that you can download. It has an on-screen keyboard....or you can get a blutooth one. Netbooks are a waste of money IMHO....if I'm going to get a computer - it better have a CD/DVD drive and have plenty of ports. It's like comparing oranges to apples...actually...no pun was intended! HA! That's my take on the whole netbook vs. ipad. Every user is different and has different requirements/needs. Go with what you think will work best for you and your family. :thumbup:
  8. You want it.....bad! lol My kids are a bit younger than yours (10,9,7) but they're constantly on the ipad playing games that teach math, science, history, english, problem solving, etc. I have an elements app that is beyond fantastic. It was featured on Apple's commercials for a bit. Instead of it being your present....why not make it a collective kids present? Still give something small on Christmas day....or just wait till Christmas to give it to them? It's only 3 months away...... We absolutely love ours. :)
  9. I'm in the same boat with ds (8). I ordered him Boys Life magazine - which is put out by the boy scouts. I'm also planning on ordering Sports Illustrated Kids soon as well. I came across this website not long ago: http://www.gettingboystoread.com It's got some really neat ideas specifically for boys. My oldest ds is a big reader....he likes 39 Clues and is currently on book one of Left Behind series (adult version). I hope this helps some! I'll be reading all the posts too b/c I need help for my other ds! :)
  10. Yeah...wiki is edited by anyone....lots of sickos out there..... :(
  11. I love being able to make my own schedule....to pick what works best for MY kids....and to be able to spend time with my kids. They can make me want to pull my hair out....but I wouldn't change it for the world!
  12. I live about 30-45 minutes from Detroit. This isn't shocking to me at all. Also...if you visit...there are many many areas where you don't stop at a red light. ;)
  13. I have a special needs ds 7 who is also significantly behind. We're still working on preschool...and it's just not sticking. My ds was diagnosed failure to thrive at 13months. He couldnt gain any weight. We went for a few years of testing and then a trip to the Mayo Clinic for 3 weeks of testing. I was yelled at by the genetisist that I was ignoring his developmental (speech at that time) delay...while I was trying to just get him to survive. They sent us home saying something was definitely wrong, but they didn't know what it was. Took some time off and just found out this week that his adrenal & pituitary glands are barely functioning. It took going to a homeopathic chiropractor to run a hormone test. So....we've been in your shoes for the past 6 years. Ive cried...a LOT. He's the size of a 5 year old...acts like one too. I'm hopeful the new supplements will work. I was also given supplements for memory, speech, etc. Maybe it's worth a shot finding a good & reputable homeopathic dr. In your area? DS has been able to do 4-step directions a couple times in the last week....we've been working on 3-step for the past 2 years and he just wasn't remembering 3steps! DS is on Iodine and Nuclezyme for his speech and memory from Biotics Research...(and 5 others). I hope this helps....I'm definitely very very new to the homeopathic side...and still love the modern medicine side too. While I have trusted God it has been such a difficult road. For the first time in 6 years....I have a glimmer of hope. Never knew there were supplements to help with speech and memory.....wow.
  14. I hate beer and most alcohol...but love tequila. lol Go figure, right? I haven't drank it in years...but if you do a shot, it's over with in a matter of seconds. Actually, do the lick/salt/lick/drink/lime.....you should be good to go. My only other suggestion is some Nyquil. Haha
  15. LOL Sorry OP, but the rest of the posts crack me up. ;) Seriously though, it's gotta be something with that age. My oldest ds tries to "fix" his PC laptop all the time....constantly messing it up and my PC expertise has gotten rusty. Loving the Mac. Seriously though, here's a video on how to recover deleted files on a Mac. ;)
  16. Isn't God's Design for 5-8th grade? I had a friend try to use it a couple years ago with her 2nd grader...and it didn't go well. My oldest is 5th grade...I've had the full GD curric. since we started hsing 3 years ago....but have been waiting for it to be age appropriate. IMHO, wait until they're older and try again?.....
  17. I use mine for depositing checks too...usually through my iphone though. You just use the app for the specific bank...for us, Chase is the only one around that allows that. I'm a photographer so I deposit all my checks this way so that I can have a hard copy. You just use the banks app to deposit...until you use it..it's a little hard to explain....very user friendly. I'm sure you'll enjoy the iPad! I saved up for mine in a month with couponing! lol I got the 32gb wifi only...and jail broke my phone so that I could have wifi on the road if I wanted. 32gb is perfect for us...have fun!!!!
  18. My nephew has tics... My bil & sil are against heavy meds, but they allowed the bare minimum and he's doing much better. Still has tics here and there - but for the most part he's doing really well. I hope you find answers and help...I'll be keeping you in my prayers!!
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