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Everything posted by HRAAB

  1. Very likely that's what she meant. She had her husband drinking cherry juice. As far as I know, he didn't get any relief from it. I'm not doubting some of these things can help to some extent. With her, it was always in place of medical advice. I eat ginger and garlic every day. Does it do any good? I don't know. I do like them, though. I just saw something about drinking beet juice for high blood pressure. In fact, I do think there was a study done on it. I've been thinking about giving dh beet juice. He likes it so why not. But there is no way I would ever substitute that for actual medical care.
  2. I'm not sure how I feel about physician assisted suicide, with the emphasis on 'physician assisted'. I have concerns about involving doctors. The animal argument has never had any sway with me on this issue. I mean, personally, I use animals for my benefit. There's a roast in the oven, and someone had to kill the animal and butcher it for me to get my meat. Making it more personal, I've had to have pets put down. It was hard. I remember sitting beside our dog, holding her paw. Still, I just can't connect that to humans. My aunt chose to stop her medication. I understood, and the family supported her in that decision. My dad basically gave up on living and practically quit eating. I understood. Honestly though, I'm not sure how I would have felt if they had chosen to take a more direct route and intentionally end their life. My cousin just passed away from complications from Alzheimer's, and everyone, his wife, children included, were so relieved that his suffering was over. Would it have felt different if he had intentionally ended his life, and in his case, it would had to have been much earlier while he could make that decision. That would have taken away precious time his family had with him. I really don't know. Someone making their own decision, while mentally capable, okay. Involving the medical profession? That I'm not comfortable with. One thing I'm opposed to is prolonging life when there is no hope. My family knows how I feel about that. Let me go. If not, I'll come back and haunt you.
  3. My dear mil, bless her, believes so much of this. Carrots will cure cancer, cherries will cure arthritis, ACV will get rid of my severe GERD, fenugreek for diabetes, coconut oil for memory loss, and on and on. Can some of these 'cures' have a positive result? Maybe. I don't know. The ACV did NOTHING for my GERD. Of course, that was my fault. I didn't stick with it long enough. If I'd stuck with it as long as she wanted, my esophagus would be shreds. The fenugreek did not control her diabetes (her dd gets her medication down her somehow). When her cousin died from cancer, it was his fault because he didn't follow the diet properly. She doesn't want to spend one cent on a doctor or medication, but she has spent a small fortune - that they couldn't afford - on supplements. At one point she told me how much she wanted to go on a cruise with some doctor whose newsletter she lived by. $10,000. That was out of the question. But a woman who won't leave her home for anything, even her dd's wedding, would have gone on a cruise. Brainwashing? Oh well. She means well. Truly. I've learned to smile and say 'oh, really, fascinating' and ignore 99% of her advice. Then sometimes I wonder. She'll be 94 in April. Hmmmm......
  4. No rules but a lot of conversation about relationships. We do not encourage dating in high school, and only my oldest had a boyfriend when she was 16. Her younger sisters have not. Their friends don't date so that helps. I don't want young romance and broken hearts interfering with school.
  5. The company my dh worked for always gave the employees Good Friday off. At some point, there must have been some complaints. They changed the name from Good Friday to Spring Holiday. They still got Good Friday off, just under a different name.
  6. As I wrote in another post, my girls never got large enough sums of money that were able to go clothes shopping. I meant by the time my girls are buying most of their own clothes, they're past the age where I'm telling them what they may wear. Even when they started shopping for themselves, I've never seen them wearing anything that I find inappropriate. Honestly, I've never had issues with their dress, and it's not because I don't have standards. I do. That's one limit they've never tested. For instance, my middle dd is working as an office assistant/history discussion leader in the high school she attended. I never had to say a word to her about how to dress. I did go shopping with her, and she asked my opinion on several outfits - not whether they were appropriate or not - just about color and style. I absolutely believe parents have a right to set guidelines about dress for their own children. I don't even know what to say about the intern in your dh's office. Unbelievable.
  7. No, my girls have never gotten large sums, at least not large enough to buy clothes, maybe an item or two. $20 would be about tops. They only have one grandmother living and aunts/uncles have never given birthday/Christmas gifts. The family is too large. They have received graduation gifts from aunts/uncles but I don't recall any of them spending it on clothes. When mine start buying their own clothes, they're earning their own money. I think our family is in the minority since most of their friends seem to get some pretty nice cash gifts.
  8. This is a very good point that I hadn't considered. Since I'm the one buying clothes, I don't buy items that I wouldn't let them wear. By the time they're buying their own clothes, well, they're beyond me telling them what to wear. Although all my three adult dds dress appropriate - according to me anyway.
  9. Every Friday during Lent is a day of abstinence (no meat). Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are also fast days. Good Friday is the only day of the year that there is no Mass celebrated. There is Good Friday liturgy but no consecration; the Eucharist would have been consecrated on Holy Thursday. I find practices and customs seem to differ greatly around the country. I don't live in an area with a large Catholic population, but growing up, and even now, the Catholics I know wouldn't attend a party on Good Friday. It's a very solemn day. In fact, many observe silence between 12:00 and 3:00 pm. Plus, it wouldn't be much fun if you couldn't eat any cake. My aunt was Episcopal, and she observed Good Friday in the same manner.
  10. This has always been my thought, too. I'm all for comfort now, but back in the day when I did the make-up, hair, heels things, I never once had men in mind. And don't take that to mean I was trying to attract women. No. I just wanted to look better. What a waste of time.
  11. If it happened to me, I would say it was a $500M mistake, at least. It all sounds like so much money to me. I have no idea how a dollar amount is awarded for this kind of lawsuit.
  12. I seem to be having issues with actually finishing a book. I re-read/skimmed Of Mice and Men and The Old Man and the Sea with my daughter. Neither are favorites; I had to force myself to look at them. Thankfully, they are both very short. She has now picked up Lord of the Flies. I told her she was on her own with that one. Enough. I'm still working my way through the Dalemark Quartet by Dianna Wynne Jones and am ready to start the last one, The Crown of Dalemark. The Portrait of a Lady is sitting on the floor at my feet reminding me I haven't touched it for over a week. I did pick up All the Light We Cannot See at the library and noticed that I accidentally got the large print edition. Hate to admit it, but it does seem to be easier on my eyes. I usually take my glasses off to read (bought a granny chain so I'm not constantly losing them since I'm too blind to see where I put them). Just this morning my dd asked me to read over her history paper. Her laptop was on the kitchen table, and I couldn't seem to find a good position from where I could read clearly. If I sat up straight, I needed my glasses; if I leaned over the table, I could take my glasses off. Either way, my eyes were hurting. I made it to page 7 and told her she was going to have to print it for me to read. Lack of sleep? Old age? Just need to always get large print editions? It made me grumpy. :lol:
  13. My dh has never been involved in the way the females dress in our home; the odds would have been against him. That is a good thing since he has no fashion sense, and honestly, I think the idea of getting involved in women's clothing would scare the living daylights out of him. He leaves it up to me. I don't remember any struggles with my teen dds over their clothing choices other than suggesting they needed something dressier than jeans/top for a special occasion - what is appropriate for running to Walmart might not be appropriate for a wedding. Or, it's 10 degrees outside, don't you think you need a coat? The other day I did nix something my dd wanted to wear to school. She attends a private, classical school, and I felt her choice would be pushing the limits a little. It's not that I wouldn't let her wear the outfit, just not to the school she attends. She didn't get upset or argue with me. We don't have rules based on a certain interpretation of what modesty looks like. What I endeavor to teach them is common sense and dressing correctly for what the occasion is. My middle dd recently had me go shopping with her to help her choose a couple professional outfits. If my dd were having disagreements with her dad, I would tell him he needs to deal with her and not go through me. I hate being in the middle. Plus, it might be a good opportunity for the two of them to connect. For dd - to learn to see her dad's side of the issue. For dad - to realize that his dd is growing up and will be making her own choices, some of which he might not like. It's not always easy, for either party, but talking and listening is so important.
  14. Does the girlfriend live with the dad? What an awkward situation. I would try to encourage the girl to ask her mom to talk to her dad about it.
  15. I'm over 50. Personally, I wouldn't. I don't like it, and the smell makes me ill. That is totally personal preference. I'll drink my wine, and someone else can smoke marijuana. Only if it's used to excess, either one, would I have an issue. I know recreational users who are over 50. I've never considered it in relation to their age.
  16. Thanks for this recommendation. I enjoyed all M. M. Kaye's Death In .... books. I'll add this one to my list.
  17. Whether joking or flirting, it's very childish behavior. Really, it sounds like an immature attempt at flirting. She ought to be embarrassed.
  18. I used to track my expenses but gave it up. If money is tight, I spend less. Some years I spend more. Probably the most I ever spent was $3,000 for one high school student, and that included some outsourced classes.
  19. Well, I've never been in a situation where I was faced with this, but that is my understanding. Any debt incurred by my spouse during our marriage is also my responsibility. I think I'm in a minority state though; most aren't set up this way. I just looked it up, and there are nine community property states. New York isn't one.
  20. The state I live in - yes. I am responsible for debts my dh incurs. If he buys a car, signs the contract, and doesn't pay, they could come after me. I live in a community property state, though.
  21. No alcohol, no peroxide. Saline solution. I just buy regular contact lens saline solution. We've never had a problem with piercings healing, and between all of us we've had quite a few piercings.
  22. Did you purchase it off the exchange? or through your dh's employer? I think maybe this is the difference. We got our policy through the exchange.
  23. This was insurance we bought through the exchange; we both had the same policy, and our premium notice was billed together, not separately. I had my own online account where I could view my EOB, and he had his (didn't show mine). We each received printed EOBs separately. Our premium was deducted directly from our checking account. This was for 2014 and part of 2015. We've had policies though different companies since May of last year due to a job change for dh so my memory is a little hazy. But no, he would not see my medical procedures unless I showed him or if he opened mail addressed to me. I honestly don't know if there was a primary on the account. I tend to think we each had our own individual policy (same policy/same company), but our premium was deducted in one lump sum from our account. I'm not altogether clear on how it all works when buying insurance off the exchange.
  24. It's not that I care if my dh sees what I'm having done, but I can see where it could be an issue. I've never had this happen with Blue Cross. We each have our own user id/password. He can't see mine, and I can't see his. Curious.
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