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Everything posted by Slipper

  1. I'm not 'abusing' risperdol in any way. :) I am very concerned about reactions, especially since she cannot talk. We see our psychiatrist regularly (even though it's not covered by insurance) and he has steadily upped the dosage over the past few months. He specializes in working with kids with autism who are severely affected and non-verbal. I feel comfortable with his advice. Risperdol is a great drug for my daughter (though I have several friends whose kids could not take it). The last time my daughter had a reaction, they drastically and dramatically cut her dose at the time. My understanding is that this is done, knowing that problems may occur by such a rapid decrease, but they are less harmful than the problems that may be caused if she continues. And no, she's on no other drugs at the moment. She is using two different types of ointment (one for her eyes and one for eczema). She also takes an over the counter multi-vitamin and an over the counter Vitamin D supplement. I make sure that all of our doctors know everything she takes. (And they double-checked yesterday when I called).
  2. Thank you for the link. :) When I asked what specifically we were talking about, they seemed reluctant to tell me. The nurse just said that I should take dd immediately if she became worse and they would know what the problem would be and to contact their office. She developed seratonin syndrome two years ago while taking risperdol and prozac (we stopped the prozac and lowered the risperdol). It was a different psychiatrist but they also didn't want to mention the name until dd was out of danger. She seems to be better today. Her fever is still a bit up (99.1), but that's much better than the 99.8 (they had told me to take her in if it went over 100, so I was chewing my nails). She's not as hot as she was. I can always tell if she has a fever because her back gets hot. It's having periods of being cool and periods of being hot this morning, but again, that's better than the past several days. Emotionally, she is happy and content, just not very active. Thanks again.
  3. My oldest daughter takes risperdol. Over the past few months we have gradually upped the dosage. Our last dosage seemed to bring on some new (bad) behaviors but they settled down. Our psychiatrist upped it again last week and it's brought out more issues. She is currently running a fever and is wetting the bed several times during the night and day. She feels hot and is sweating. Our psychiatrist has cut her doses in half and is concerned she may be having a reaction. We're not giving any more medication today. He said if her fever went higher, the sweating became worse or she started flailing or stiffening, that we needed to take her to the nearest (large) city's psychiatric center/ER. She cannot talk so we are watching her closely. She is doing fine right now. We are giving baths every few hours and the other girls are feeding her ice cream in bed. She's happy and content, but I just worry about her. :) I would appreciate any thoughts and/or prayers for her to continue to do well and NOT get worse.
  4. Yes, she had infertility issues prior to adoption. She tried for over 10 years with her first husband (he cheated on her and ended up getting someone pregnant and left my sister to marry the other person). He was also physically abusive. She tried for over four years with her current husband before deciding to adopt. (Her current husband is NOT abusive, just a bit slow moving and thinking). She wants to be a good mother, but she doesn't know how. There are some things that I cannot post but those incidents prove to me that is struggling. She is highly educated and intelligent, but she seems a bit awkward around her kids. I appreciate everyone's insight. I want to clarify that both my nieces are having the majority of their needs met. I keep hoping that as they get older, things will settle down a bit. She does perceive me as someone who conceives easily (and I did) and has it perfect. I don't want to compound that resentment by acting as if I have all the answers. Things look a lot different from my position of having older kids, even though I am often overwhelmed with their medical issues. Additionally, my housekeeper shared with me this morning that my kids are unusually compliant and easy based on other kids she has seen. (We attributed this more to genetics than parenting). My sister will be here for three days, so I don't have a lot of time.
  5. Thanks for the replies. To answer some questions - they live about four hours away. My mother visits frequently (she has a camper by the water near some friends) and sees her when she goes down. My sister takes medication for anxiety (she has a diagnosis for depression/anxiety) and also takes something (two pills not sure what) for heart related conditions. When she becomes over-stressed, she is usually hospitalized. Her last episode was a few months ago when she fainted. DN3 immediately went to wake up my BIL (who was asleep) although she had to climb over a baby gate and bang on a locked door to do so. My sister works full time as a nurse (she's in charge of other nurses in the ICU) and my BIL is a truck driver. BIL is nice and sweet and loves the kids and plays with them, but he doesn't "get it". I'm not sure he can do much more than what he already does. My niece goes to a Montessori program for 6 hours a day. Frequently, my sister will call and ask them to keep her an additional 4 - 6 hours a day. The Montessori school did criticize my sister for how frequently my niece stayed which has caused more tension. Jujsky, your comments really resonated with me. My sister has always had a very poor self-image. She "came into her own" several years ago and always felt like children would make her life complete. She's been very upset because she felt I had "perfect" children (although my kids have extensive medical issues and honestly, aren't perfect - although I think they are lol). She was upset because DN3 was overweight, she said she didn't want a fat kid. She's asked more than once if she could have my middle daughter to stay with her because she's smart, petite and overall good-natured. My niece doesn't have any type of learning disability or other medical issue that I know of. My sister simply isn't happy. When DN 9 months was a bit younger, she had a hematoma that turned her nose purple. My sister was horrified and said she would not have a child with a purple nose. I feel like my sister expected differently than what she received, which is why DH and I offered to keep DN 3 for an extended amount of time if needed (she refused). I don't think my BIL can help. He says he needs 8 hours of sleep (I think he actually said it must be 8 hours of REM sleep) to function. He says he can't watch the kids while he's sleeping and then he needs some down time before going to work. He does do a lot, but he seems baffled as to why anyone would expect him to do more than he already is doing. (Genuinely baffled, not @sshole baffled. He doesn't give the impression of someone who thinks quickly and efficiently, he moves a bit slower. He's steady, reliable and loves his family, but I think he's at his limit). Thanks for the suggestions so far. I want to help, but sometimes my offer to help pushes away, so I'm trying to move gently.
  6. My sister is an adoptive mom. I've posted about her before. She has anxiety issues and she is surrounded by drama (I don't think she pursues drama, she just can't think rationally at times and drama happens). My sister is coming to visit us (My mother and I live next door to each other and she has a guest house that sis will stay in) tomorrow for a few days. My mother asked me if I could try to talk to sis while she's here. (Sis and I had a blow up earlier this year and I have distanced myself but I still love her, I'm just busy with other things). Mother said that while she was visiting Sis a few weeks back, that Sis broke down and cried. She said that she's a horrible mother and that she's raised a horribly behaved child (dniece 3) and she wishes she hadn't adopted her. (DN3 was adopted at birth). They also recently adopted a newborn about 9 months ago. DN 9 mos is perfect and sleeps through the night, etc. She told Mother that she wished she only had DN 9 mos although she's worried she'll grow up to be rotten as well. I really don't know what to say to my sister. Not only do we have awkwardness at the moment, but she frequently gets annoyed at me because she says that I think that I'm perfect. (I don't think I'm perfect, but that doesn't matter since she thinks that I do). I know that suggestions have mentioned RAD before and I've passed that along. She says that is not the problem. I've suggested she see her doctor since having a 3 yr old and 9 month old would probably drive many people crazy and she may need to adjust her medication. She said she would, but it took a really ugly scene to get her to agree and we're not sure that she actually went. If I tell her that my niece was a sweetheart (I typically look after her while they are here), she gets annoyed. I don't want to say that she was naughty (because that would annoy her as well). I would characterize my niece as a typical 3 yr old. If she's left unattended, she will mark in books and eat candy that is left out. But she minds and loves doing things. She's sweetly high energy. :) Any suggestions on things to do or say to make this situation better? I've offered to keep dniece for an extended amount of time to give sis a break but that suggestion annoyed her as well. Lately, I've completely stayed out of everyone's business but now they all complain that I could have saved them time and money but I didn't speak up. :001_huh: I feel like maybe sis hasn't really bonded with her child (although I'm not going to dare to say that), but I'm not sure how to help? Should I continue to stay out of it, or find some way to say mild comments to make her feel better? (Mild being, "Whew, she's a busy 3 yr old, but I hear that gifted kids are like that when they are young, so she'll probably be very smart when she's older.") Edited - updated on post 29 along with a question.
  7. Oops, wanted to also add that scandishake was a lifesaver for us. It tasted good and we could mix as much as we needed for her/them. We currently use carnation instant breakfast with our oldest since she tends to skip breakfast or eat only popcorn, or rice cakes, etc. Are you trying to improve weight gain or eating variety? (and don't forget that SLP's can cross over and also do feeding things).
  8. I may have missed this part, but why are you asking a pediatrician and not a gastro? Pediatricians are limited as to what they can do (no slam on pediatricians, but they have limits as with any profession). When my oldest daughter was younger, she decided to just quit eating. She would eat for a few weeks and then stop eating and live on rice cakes and pediasure. We saw a gastro who monitored her weight and made sure her nutrition level was adequate. However, even our gastro wasn't overly concerned about her weight, no matter how low it became. He said that he would know when to be concerned (regarding tube feeding, etc). Our pediatrician has been helpful at times when oldest dd didn't want to eat by prescribing medicine that had a side effect of hunger. (It was an antihistamine if I remember correctly). I'm sorry you can't get the pediasure prescription, that sucks. :( On the bright side, I'm guessing your nutritionist will be covered financially? Here, our insurance won't cover it for my celiac kid who isn't even on the growth chart. The nutritionists want $250 up front before scheduling.
  9. :grouphug: Keep in mind that the conversation between the two guys was a conversation between two GUYS. I've discovered that guys can kind of communicate bluntly. It may be that she misunderstood and thought you would be out of town and when she heard her husband's end of the conversation then she was mortified and immediately wanted to invite you. I'd call her and ask for clarification (nicely). I think perhaps you are reading more into the situation based on what happened previously. I hope it all works out. I'm sorry that you feel a bit beaten down tonight. :(
  10. I know that after I drive several hours (with kids) cooking is the last thing on my mind. I'd buy gift cards to kid-friendly places (pizza, burgers, etc). I'd also stock some ice cream in the freezer. If these kids have just lost their father, they want comfort food type things. If possible figure out what type of food they have usually eaten at home. I understand the temptation to fill the fridge, but if your friend is exhausted and they aren't used to it, it will only make things look different than what they are used to having and doing. I'd also put some movies (or movie rental card) in with whatever you are sending. Depending on the ages, toys. If they will be staying for a long time, look into grief counseling for the kids. I think that many people don't recognize it's importance.
  11. I hurt my foot quite some time ago - maybe eight or nine months. I can't remember exactly what I did to it, but I recall dropping something on it, like a chair leg or something of that nature. It hurt for several weeks, but eventually settled down unless I did a lot of walking or (especially) driving. It's still like that except a bulge has formed at the base of the two toes where I hurt it. That bulge hurts. My husband can no longer rub the top part of my foot, it feels like it's badly bruised. (And again, this was about 8 or 9 months ago). It's hurting again because I had to do a lot of driving recently. I realized recently that I've been walking on the side of that foot to avoid pressing the bottom of my foot against the floor. If it's broken so long ago, what could they possibly do to help it? It's concerning me because our family is starting an exercise routine and I can't jump or walk long distances.
  12. Just a small suggestion here - when you call to make an appointment, let the person scheduling know that you need to talk to the doctor longer than a typical appointment. It may not be this way everywhere, but at my pediatrician's office, I can request an extended appointment which will give me extra time and alert my pediatrician that I am coming in with something I consider significant. My other suggestion is to make a list (but it sounds like you already have). My pediatrician knows that when I come in, I have a list (big or small) of what I want to talk about. Usually he scans my list before we discuss any concerns he may have. (These are usually well child visits).
  13. Thanks! I did locate a bed and breakfast close to where I'm going. I'll ask tomorrow when I check out and take DD10 there before we head home. :)
  14. My grandmother was raised in the country. She and her sisters were encouraged to use the garden for a bathroom unless they needed to use the outhouse. The smell of urine kept deer from eating the garden. They figured they washed the food before eating it anyway, so no big deal.
  15. I live in a small area with a wal-mart, discount food store and piggly wiggly. Typically, the produce rots in 3 days, meat in 2 days (regardless of the expiration date). I go each week to a larger city with a few ice chests and buy food for the week. Right now, I go alone and DH watches the kids so I have time to read labels and such. I plan my menu the night before and post it on the refrigerator. When I first started shopping gluten free, it was confusing and I had a sickly middle child (who was very emotional every time I had to put something back on the shelf because it had gluten), a 2 yr old and my oldest daughter with autism. Shopping was as exhausting as cooking. I started writing down brand names so I would remember which taco seasoning was gluten free and which one wasn't. Once you find a brand name that works for you, write it down. Currently, if something works great, my daughter places the packaging of the item on my desk (that prompts me to move it quickly so I write down the information). If it's a dry packaged good, I look online (amazon) to see if I can buy it in bulk. Also, while in the store, if I didn't have a lot of time, I would write down the brand names that I knew the store carried so I can look them up later. Good luck :)
  16. http://ohioline.osu.edu/vme-fact/0022.html There's an article with some hints on what a few different types of predators will do. It may give you an idea about what is going on. I hope you figure it out before losing any more. :(
  17. I need to travel to GA tonight (I live in Alabama) and will be staying overnight somewhere around Warm Springs. Before I start googling for hotels and crossing my fingers they will be okay...is anyone familiar with the area and can make suggestions?
  18. Weasel? Don't they eat chickens? Sorry about your loss. :( Around here (not my place but at my neighbors where I buy eggs) it's the heat that's killing them off.
  19. Thanks - I'm posting so I can come back to the link when I get back in town...
  20. Did they kill and leave the body? Or are they simply gone?
  21. What a beautiful testimony of the love you share. I'm not sure what to say, but like others mentioned, I couldn't read that and NOT comment. :grouphug::grouphug:
  22. That's another thought. While I've never asked to do a swab, doctor have allowed me to be part of the process in different medical procedures, especially with my oldest daughter. I have a rapport with her and if it makes it easier, they have allowed me to do more than most parents (for which I am grateful). If so, you could practice with a q-tip doing a swab on her lip, then inside her lip, then on her tongue, etc. Find out exactly what you need to do and then practice at home.
  23. I know that you can get a nurse's visit without a co-pay. I'm sure they would work something out for you. Also, I have a few friends who receive a prescription of anti-anxiety medication before dentist visits. This is somewhat similar. It's worth asking about. Also, while your child may not have a typical anxiety disorder, I'd bet money that she has a phobia (which qualifies as anxiety). If your insurance would cover it, see if a psychiatrist could help with relaxation techniques, suggestions and possibly medication. I'm also in the "explain" category for my kids. I explain it all and they know that they can do it the easy way or the hard way, but it will get done. They also know that if they act out and the test can't be done, we will come back repeatedly until it is done. With my oldest, we had to show her everything and she was as compliant as it's possible for her to be. My youngest grits her teeth and trembles. My middle is a screamer. I try to be sympathetic but a bit hard at the same time. She is a bit scared, but most of her screaming is for show. She's getting better. I hope you find something that works for your little one. :)
  24. I need suggestions. 7 yr old dd isn't tall enough to sit comfortably while eating dinner. Can anyone recommend a product that might help? Currently, she sits on her legs and I'd like to stop that habit. Thanks :)
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